Roots: Growing Deeper

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Sandlot

I hope that you all have seen the movie "The Sandlot". It is one of my favorite movies of all time. If you haven't seen it, you need to. You might have heard, there is quite a few kids on our street that my brothers and sister and I hang out with everyday. We have noticed that they don't have many other friends other than the ones that live on this street. We are just our own little group. If you live on our street you are in the group no matter if you are a boy or girl, how old you are or what school you go to. We are all friends and when you play, you get as many kids together as you can, the more kids, the more games you can play, the more games you can play, the more fun. It is kind of like the Sandlot where you all hang out together and you are all buddies, you don't have many other friends just the kids that live on your street. I like all the kids that live on our street, we have fun hanging out together. There is a park just around the corner of our house and we love to go and hang out there, if we don't go to the park we hang out in the street or at one of our houses. We love to play hide and go seek, basketball, monkey in the middle, volleyball, cops and robbers, board games, ride bikes, futbol, futbol Americano and just hang out.

There is a picture of our "Sandlot" group above. Not all of the kids that live on our street are in the picture but this is a good portion of the kids that come out every day.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mackenzie and Ellie

Yesterday was a very exciting day in the Bruggeman house. A while back my dad promised us that once we got on the mission field we would get a dog. Yesterday we finally got our puppy! She is two months old and as cute as can be, her name is Mackenzie and she is a Golder Retreiver. Yesterday, I also got a pet turtle; I know it is kind of random, but we were in the pet store and when Dane and I saw them we fell in love with them. My turtles name is Ellie, she is really small right now but she will grow and get to be quite a bit bigger! I haven't had a dog since I was like three years old and I have never owned a turtle so I am very excited to have these two new pets. They are so stinkin' cute!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome To Mexico

There has been a lot to adjust here in Mexico as we are living in a new culture. We cannot flush toilet paper,we have to brush our teeth with purified water, (Those of you that went to Philly, note we use PURIFIED water.) There isn't many people around that speak English, and we don't speak Spanish yet. My dad and I begin language school on Monday!!! We live in a HUGE city instead of a small town, Taco stands are within walking distance of our house and you can buy Manzana Lift at the end of our street. (That though, hasn't been hard at all to adjust to) That is just naming a few. Right after we moved here, we went to Costco to get some grocery's; we decided to just grab something frozen to heat up for dinner when we got home. We were walking down the frozen food isle and my dad found these breaded chicken patties. We decided that would be good and we got some cheese sticks to go along with them. We got home and my mom put our lovely gourmet dinner in the oven. We were all really hungry and we were really excited when our food came out of the oven. We all got some chicken on our plate and my dad took a bite, he got a weird look on his face and figured out that what he was eating was not a regular chicken patty, It was Chicken Fried Steak. We all thought that it was kind of funny and were excited for the cheese sticks to get done. When they came out my mom said "watch, these will be fish sticks." She was totally joking, but when we took a bite of them, we realized that they actually were fish sticks! So we came to the dinner table expecting to eat chicken and cheeze sticks, we left the table having eaten chicken fried steak and fish sticks. That is just one example of how life can be different in a different country where you don't yet know the language. WELCOME TO MEXICO