Roots: Growing Deeper

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My trip to Tecate

I had the awesome opportunity the last two weeks to go to The United States. I flew into Portland, Oregon on Monday, March 17th. I arrived with the warm welcome of my youth Pastor, Pastor Joe, and some of my good friends from Salem. I stayed at my grandparents house and my aunts and uncles as well. I was only in Salem for a short time; about four days. I then left early Friday morning with my Church, Bethany Baptist and we began our drive through California to Tecate, Mexico for a week of ministry. It was my second year going on the trip to Tecate; I had such a blast! It was fun to be able to hang out and have fun with my friends from Oregon. I have missed everyone in Salem like crazy, it was so fun to be able to be myself and have fun with my great friends that speak the same language that I do, as well as being able to see God work in our lives and the lives of others on the trip. I became more close than I ever have been with almost everyone on the trip, and I left with friends that I didn't have before I came. I am so thankful for the awesome opportunity that God gave me to go and serve him, as well as to see my amazing friends for 12 days. I finished my time with my friends at Disneyland on Friday. It was extremely hard to say goodbye, the days we had together went by all too fast. I look forward to getting to see some of them in August when the group from Bethany comes here to where we are in Mexico. I have been pretty down the past two days, I miss my friends and family in Oregon a lot. I begin school again tomorrow and I will get back into the swing of life soon. I was very happy to be home and see my family. I was very tired (still am) and it was nice to be able to catch up on some sleep. I had such a great time with all of my friends in Oregon. I have so many memories that I will keep forever from the past two weeks. Thank you all for praying for me as I went on the trip. It was an awesome trip and I saw God work in MANY ways. It was so cool to be challenged in my faith and want to do better at living for God. It was also really cool to look around as we were doing vbs or devotions and see all of my Christian friends and know that we have the same goal, the same purpose, the same passion in life, to serve our wonderful Creator. I found out that six or seven kids came to know God at vbs when we were in Tecate!I know that just by us being there, and shwoing the kids of Tecate, Mexico that somebody cared about and loved them that we made a difference in their lives. Even if only one child came to Christ when we were in Tecate, all of us would have came home with happy hearts because we boldly went and shared our faith with others. We have furthered God's kingdom by seven more people and we did it one heart at a time. That is the way it is done and how God wants us to do it, one heart at a time.