Roots: Growing Deeper

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Lets just say last week I pretty much did one of the coolest things I've ever done in my life. Here's the story of how it all happened...
About a month and a half ago I was talking to the mom of one of my best friends, Jack. Jarren, Coco and Jack had just got back from their visit here to Aultan a few weeks before. We were all still really sad that we weren't together, and Mrs. Cornish could tell. Her and I were chatting online one night and that subject was brought up. All of a sudden Mrs. C got really excited and was like "what if you came to Salem and surprised them?! We could keep it a big secret and then you could just show up one day!" At first I was like "haha, yeah, sure" thinking, 'yeah, that would be fun but there's no way it would actually happen'. Well, God put everything into place and was like "jess, I'm putting it all here for you, if you want it, take it." I took it in a heart beat. Two days later my plane tickets were bought, and I now knew a huge secret. My trip was four weeks away.....

Mr. and Mrs. Cornish were the only people in the whole country that knew what was going on. We worked really hard at keeping it a secret.
Before I knew it the day was finally here. I got on a plane headed to see my friends that had no clue that they would see me in just a few hours. I felt invisible.
The plane ride seemed to take way longer than usual, even though we arrived at our gate 3 minutes early. Mrs. Cornish was at the airport waiting for me as I walked out of the terminal. I was so excited! I had no idea what to feel or think; It was the craziest thing ever.
The drive from the Portland airport to Salem seemed to take forever, but I was distracted for the most part by planning how we were going to surprise everyone.
When we got into Salem Mrs. Cornish called Jack and found out he was out picking black berries with Jarren, Hannah, and Coco. She told him that she needed the car he had to pick up something and asked him if he could drive home to trade her cars quickly. He said he would be there in about fifteen minutes.
We went back to their house and waited for him to come. I went back into her bedroom and hid in the bathroom. A few minutes later he pulled into the driveway and Mrs. Cornish came running into her room letting Emily (Jack's sister) and I know that he was here. When he got in the house she told him that there was something wrong with the TV in her bedroom and asked if he could try to fix it before he left. He walked back into the bedroom and I could see him through the open crack of the bathroom. When he was leaning over the back of the TV I walked out of the bathroom and said "hey you!" He jumped two feet into the air and spun around quicker than I could see. He just looked at me for a second, pure shock all over his face. After a second he started yelling "what?! SERIOUSLY? but.....WHAT? HOW? are you serious?!" It took him a while for him to take it all in, but when he finally realized that I was really there, and that I came all this way to surprise him, he was super excited. For the next hour Jack couldn't calm down! He was so excited and hyper! It was awesome. After we left Jack's house we went to Corban where Jarren, CoCo and Hannah were waiting for Jack. They were waiting on a bench and I just rode up casually in the passenger seat of Jack's suburban. They all attacked me. Jarren was really mad that he wasn't 'in' on the secret, but I thought that it was super awesome that I actually got to keep something totally awesome from him and then surprise him with it! For the rest of the night I went to my close friends houses one by one and surprised them. It was so much fun!
The next ten days were then followed by more surprises, going to Silver falls, eating sausages, swimming, hanging out at the park, white water rafting, etc. etc. It was such a fun trip!
None of this would have been possible with out Mr. and Mrs. Cornish- THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!! Thank you for opening up your home to me and for everything you have done for me! You guys are amazing.