Roots: Growing Deeper

Thursday, September 23, 2010

College Continues

As my journey at Corban University continues, I grow to enjoy it more and more. Homework is bearable, and sometimes even a little fun. Sometimes. ;)
Not living on campus, I'm definitely missing "the campus life", but at the same time I'm enjoying living at my Aunt and Uncle's house. I spend time on campus hanging out with friends, going to chapel, sports events, etc. oh yeah, and going to class. haha. But here at the Baker's house I can have quiet time to study, be in my room to relax, hang out with my cousins, and even fall asleep on the couch, like I did last night.
This past weekend, my friend Kelsea and I left right after class on Friday and went up to the Tri-Cities, Washington where my grandparents live. The rest of my family decided to go and spend a week with our relatives, and I wanted to come too! I couldn't spend the whole week up there, so we just made a weekend trip. It was so much fun to see my grandparents again, and hang out with my family for the weekend, as well as forget about homework and just enjoy the weekend away!

One thing that has really helped me in the process of adjusting to life here in Oregon again is memorizing Scripture. Adapting to life here again has been far more difficult than I thought it would be. Life has changed a lot, and I guess I just didn't think it would be so emotionally draining for me. It's a hard change, but I know it's a good change. To be honest, when I think about some stuff that's happening or that I know (or maybe don't know) will happen, scare me. But the adventure, new experiences, friends, and things ahead excite me as well. I'm learning day by day, as each new thing becomes more and more real, to completely trust God. It's really hard sometimes, but like I said, I'm learning. And He's been teaching me soooo much!
In the process of everything, God has been teaching, comforting, and providing for my needs and broken emotions in so many ways. One thing that has helped me incredibly is my friend Chloe and I are memorizing Bible verses together. This week we are memorizing Galatians 1:10. It says:
"Am I now trying to with the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."

I love that when I feel at my weakest, God shows me how strong He is. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my never-failing Savior to depend on, and the peace that with my family and friends that I love and care about, but can't always be with, Christ is my connection to them, and that is one thing in life that will NEVER change. God will always be faithful, and when I'm going through a hard time in Life, I can completely trust in Him, and He will work everything out for HIS glory in HIS timing. And He will give me the strength to endure it.
God is so amazing!

Life here in Salem is fun, and I'm beginning to find my place, and trying to figure out the new ways God desires for me to be used here. The things I can do for His glory.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

College Beginnings

I've been in Salem for almost two weeks now! I've been crazy busy with lots of stuff since I got here, which has left me with little time to write. :/
I've settled into my new home here at the Baker's house, and am enjoying my room. There are currently 16 people living here, which makes things really fun. There's always something going on! :) My family will be going out to stay in Jefferson at our shop there in the next few days, and will stay there until they return to Mexico on October 9th.
I began my college classes at Corban University on Wednesday! So far things have been going great! I'm loving being a college student, with the exception of all the homework that will be taking up a rather large sum of my time. haha. I'm taking Bible Survey and American Thought and Culture this semester. Along with my two high school classes.
It has been so great to reconnect with my friends here in Salem, as well as begin to meet new friends out at Corban.
So, it's mid August, the nicest month of the year here in Oregon, and today was the first day since I've been here that I haven't been cold. What is up with that?! It finally got up to 90 today, it was so nice. It was probably the first time this whole year that I actually was okay with being hot and sweaty.

For those of you that have been concerned about my health issues...
If you read my facebook posts, you will know that I went to the hospital last Tuesday night. I spent most of my evening there, and they did a CT scan. They found out that I had a kidney stone.
Thursday I went to my new general doctor for a follow up. After explaining everything that's been going on since May, she believes that the kidney stone is not the only thing that's been going on. She thinks there's something else too, maybe several other things. She ordered some tests, and we're pretty much starting from the very beginning, even though I had some testing done in Mexico. She wants to start from square one. I have another appointment with her in two weeks, and I should have some test results ready by then, and then I can start with the next ones she wants me to do.
I pray that it won't be another 4+ months before we figure out what's going on. I will update you all again when I get more answers. Thank you all so much for your prayers as I go through all of this.

I would also appreciate your prayers as I am still in the process of adapting to being back in the US, the "newness" of college and everything that brings with it, the sad thought of not being with my family much longer, relationships, my spiritual life, etc. etc. It's a lot to take in and try to process all at once, and can be quite draining and just all around tough at times. So I really thank you for your prayers and support through this!

Psalm 37:4-6
"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your ways to the Lord, trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun."