Roots: Growing Deeper

Thursday, August 18, 2011

So Much Happens in so Little Time

Well blog world, I suppose you would like to know what has been going on in my crazy life the past month or so...
Are you sure you're ready for this? A LOT has happened, and I haven't exactly had time to process and organize it all, since it all came at me, happened, is coming at me still, and will be happening very soon. So bare with me as I categorize my life, share all my dreams, passions and experiences with you about this summer and upcoming fall. 

When I last posted, I shared with you all the incredible blessings,experiences and friendships Jonah had began to bring to my life. Those only continued to accumulate as the summer went on, and when the staff left Trout Lake two weeks ago; it was the ending to one of the best summers yet. I have learned so much this summer, it truly has been incredible. 

I took a trip to Mexico to visit my family in July. I was there for two weeks, the first 10 days on a missions trip with my home church in Salem, and the last five days just spending quality time with my family. Going to Mexico this summer was definitely different from when I lived there, and when I visited in December. I saw it a little differently, it felt a little different to be there, and my family and friends had changed more. I was told that each time I go things will feel a little different. I can't decide how I exactly feel about that, but am trusting that God will reveal both the good and bad in that to me, making me stronger through it. 
It was so encouraging to see how much of a difference my parents and siblings are making through the furthering of their ministry in Autlan. The growth is incredible! God is using them in numerous ways, and I am confident that His kingdom is being glorified as a result of their service and passion. 
 Another super encouraging thing was to be blessed with seeing the growth in the lives of my dear friends Rosa, Chavo and Vicente. Two years ago, these friends of mine and Brent's we lost in a world of pain and poverty. They had no hope or joy. Two years later, they are all completely different people. Chavo and Rosa became Christians before I moved, and Vicente became a Christian earlier this year. Chavo has recently preached his first sermon in La Roca Church, and all three of them have been baptized. I was blessed with the opportunity to be there in July for Chavo and Vicente's baptism. It is so encouraging to see the leadership role Chavo and Rosa have taken in the youth group, as well as other ministries. They are living examples of what missions is all about. The fact that God used me in a few small ways to be a part of their lives and their faith, gives me chills and brings tears to my eyes every day. When my mom was telling me about everything that has been happening in their lives lately, I couldn't help but get choked up. They are now inviting friends to youth group, and sharing the love of God with their unsaved friends and family. That is EXACTLY how the Lord wants missions to work. Chain reaction- we share our love for Christ with someone, they share it with another, and so forth.. God is using people and one by one, the people's lives of Autlan are being impacted. 

I returned to work and my life and friends at Jonah towards the end of July- during the craziest part of summer. In no time, I jumped back in, pushing past the things that I had missed while I was gone, and immersed myself as much as I could in the "here and now". I had missed Trout Lake. Missed Sherri and Thomas, missed my friends at Jonah, and missed seeing Mt. Adams every day. By day three of getting back from Mexico, I was right back to my schedule of working full time, 8 hour days at the cafe, spending every waking moment not at the cafe at Jonah, sleeping there most of the time, and getting maybe 6 hours of sleep a night. Plus trying to stay caught up on things like communicating with friends and family outside of Trout Lake, getting ready for school, etc. etc. It was a CRAZY busy summer, but I wouldn't have changed it for anything. I have made so many new friends. I get along really well with my co-workers, and have become really good friends with some of them. We spend time together outside of work, and float the creek and stuff, which is really cool and fun. I wasn't expecting to become friends with many of my co-workers this summer. I thought that they'd be co-workers and nothing more. I'm very thankful God showed me otherwise, just like He did with what how I'd be involved with Jonah, the relationships I'd develop in both places, the things I'd learn and the experiences I'd walk away with. It's been such an eye-opening, amazing summer. Going into it, I never would have imagined it would have been so amazing. The God I serve and love gives me so much more than I deserve!

Now, my summer is coming to a close, and in just a week I will be with my family again, back in Salem, getting ready to move into the dorms at Corban. My family arrives next Tuesday for their annual furlough, which I am super super excited for, by the way! I move into the dorms at Corban with my three roomies who I have never met, and become a full time student at Corban next week. I'm super excited, but nervous at the same time. It's going to be another big transition, and it's coming up super fast. 
I will miss Trout Lake, and Yaritza, Stephanie, Meghan, Corey, Jana, Jeff and Beki, and all the other friends that I've made here this summer. I'll miss the simple atmosphere of life here, and I'll miss the gorgeous creation that I've been surrounded by up here. However, I won't have to miss Sherri and Thomas, because they're moving to Jefferson for the school year! I guess now that I've lived with them for a summer, they figure they better stay close by! ;)

                                            Precious little girl, Lupita, at the orphanage in Autlan

                                  Group (minus my Dad, Dane, Morgan, & Uncle Tim) in Guadalajara

Siblings....where's Brent?! In front of our house in Autlan

Life at Jonah... =)

End of Summer Cabin trip with Justin, Daniel, Ellie & Alyssa! 

                                  Two of the biggest blessing in my life this summer! Love you guys!!