Roots: Growing Deeper

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Break, but don't worry, it's not a Break from Christmas

Here's one think I've learned since August. College REALLY DOES make you extremely busy! I heard those words said over and over before I began school myself, but I didn't actually believe it, until it hit me that it was too late. It had already happened to me. My life was, and still is, crazy busy. However, this paragraph does not make up for a valid excuse for my lack of posting on my blog. It's something I think about often, and my lack of more consistent posting is not due to a lack of interest or care, but rather because my life has become so incredibly busy, that I often don't even have enough time to sleep at night.


Finishing my first semester of college as a full time student, here are a few of my thoughts in reflection:
I didn't realize how close 21 girls that just so happen to live in the same hall could grow so close in just three months. I figured that second semester we would get to know each other and grow closer, but already I feel like my entire hall has connected and all become good friends. I am so blessed to have such an amazing group of girls in my hall, and an absolutely incredible RA, Jen.
College professors, can actually be cool, and POSSIBLY even become your friend, once you get past the initial intimidation of them being your scary Professor that you must please 110% in order to receive an A on your transcript. I was blessed with some really awesome Professors that I have got to know, and gained a lot of respect and insight for/from. You learn more in college than just the materials your professors are required to teach you for each class. You learn so much more than that.
Next, I couldn't be more thankful that I attend a Christian University. Yes, there are some annoying things about it at times, but I am so thankful for things like Chapel, weekly Bible Studies, Outreach Events, Christian professors, classmates, and RA...etc.
I am in a quad this year, so I have three roommates, Becca, Ning and Hannah. It's 3x more fun, but it's also 3x more effort at times, especially when  trying to actually be productive and get homework down. Let's just say the library is a very homework-friendly place that get's frequent visits from me.


Though it was a great semester in which I grew immensely, made several new, awesome friends, and had a good start to my college education, I was more than ready for the much anticipated CHRISTMAS BREAK. The first few days I spent in Salem, relaxing at my Auntie's house, and reconnecting with friends. After that, I made my way down to the much loved town of Thousand Oaks, CA. I enjoyed three absolutely wonderful days with my second family, the Wise's. It was so fun to be reunited with all of them, plus my other TO friends. Glen, Reilly, Harrison, mcKensey and I make quite the fun group of five friends, if I do say so myself. However, we always greatly miss our 6th member of our awesome group, Brent. Some of our events of the week included ice blocking, Santa Barbara, ice skating, shopping, movies, adventures in the airport, and fun car rides and many fun memories along the way. ("cool story bro!" "that is a FAT ticket" lol!) My next stop for Christmas vacation was none other than my beautiful home in Autlan, Mexico. I boarded my plane in LAX at 1:00am, and flew all night. Upon my arrival, I was a little tired to say the least. My tiredness however, did not surpass my excitement to see and be with my family again in any way. It was one happy family reunion, that's for sure.
I arrived in Guadalajara at 6:30am, and that same evening, the youth group in Autlan was having their Christmas party. Right away I was reunited with my family, home, friends, and constant fluent Spanish, all in one day. Let's just say, it was a lot to take in. My Spanish is coming back more and more every day that I'm here, and I realized that I forget how much I absolutely love speaking Spanish.
Seeing my friends again has been super fun, and I look forward to spending more time with them in the next couple weeks I'm here. Hanging out with Chavo, Vicente and Rosa is a blast; I miss them so incredibly much while I'm gone. Their faith is growing in ways that bring me more joy than I could ever explain in words. I'm speechless with gratitude before God for their faith and all He has and will continue to do in their lives. I believe this is exactly how God desires for one to feel when they can see His incredible handiwork played out in such indescribable ways. I can't wait, nor can I imaging what great things He is going to do, and how He will continue to change them in the future.


Today we got to go out to the Media Luna Migrant camp. I had been waiting for this activity since I arrived in Autlan. Okay, actually, for months, but especially since I got to Autlan. haha. Why have I been wanting to go there so bad, you might ask? Well, if you have read some of my previous blog posts, you will know that one of the children closest to my heart lives there. Justiniano. Just before we went to the camp, my friend Barbara, who knows just how much I really love this kid, told me that he talks about me often, and had been asking when I would be coming for quite some time. This just boosted my excitement to finally see him even more. I hadn't seen him since July; it had been far too long. A reunion was a necessity. The past couple times I have gone to visit, he has been quite timid and hesitant in giving me affection, partly, I think, because he knows how much I really like him, and the other part, because the other kids tease him for getting so much attention from me. I try to be chill and low key about it, but I only have so much time that I actually get to spend with him, so I have to make the most out of it.
 Once we got to the camp, Rosa and I headed straight toward the column of houses is that he lives. He was already out playing, but I knew I would get to see him too. Children began running up to me yelling, "Yessi! Yessi!" and began following us to the playground. I heard one girl in the background say to her friend, "Yessi is here! She has come back!" I didn't even know they knew who I was, let alone remember me so well, and be excited to see me! God gave me instant joy.
Instead of Justiniano being timid this time, HE came running up to greet ME! He gave me a big hug and we began to talk. Other kids swarmed around us and began to say things, but he didn't seem to mind this time. I told him I had brought a Christmas gift for him, but I wanted him to take it home so the other kids wouldn't take it away from him. He took the bag with a smile on his face, and much protection in his eyes. With the bag almost dragging on the ground, due to how short he was and how the bag hung when he held the strings in his hands, he began walking toward his house. I asked him if he wanted me to go with him, and he said "si". We walked together to his house, and he cautiously opened the door, walked in, safely placed the back in a corner, and secured the door on his way out, the bag safely in his house. He told me that he didn't know today was the day I was going to come, but that he was happily surprised. We chatted throughout the afternoon, with pictures, piggy back rides, and fun little conversations scattered through it all.
After the activities were over, he came to find me once again. He said he was leaving, and without me even having to ask, clutched onto my knees, giving me a big hug that instantly warmed my heart to an even higher level. I told him Merry Christmas and that I would see him next week.
About five minutes later, I was standing in a circle of friends talking. Suddenly Justiniano was right by my side. He patiently waited for Chavo to finish talking, and then got my attention. He said, "I went home and saw the note you wrote me on the little paper." Talking about the tag on the gift bag I had given him. I asked him if he liked what it said, and he smiled and said yes. My little note that said, "Merry Christmas, Justiniano! I love you and think about you every day! Hope you had a good Christmas! Love Yessi" really meant a lot to him. And he had come back just to tell me that. It really touched me that the little note that I had written, not knowing if he would even notice it on the side of the bag, meant so much to him. More than the toys  that were inside for him.
When I asked him how his Christmas was earlier in the day, he said good, but that he didn't get any presents. The gift I gave him, with some cars toys from the dollar bin at Target was the only Christmas present that he received. The only one. Yet, he appreciate the note the most. This little 9 year old boy, never ceases to inspire and amaze me. My love for him just continues to grow. Sometimes, I wonder why God has given me such a great love for this little boy. He's not someone I could adopt...he has a family. I get to see him twice a year and attempt to bring some joy and love of Christ into his life, but is that really fulfilling the amount of compassion God has given me for Justiniano? I don't have the answer to theses questions. But I know for sure that I care about him and love him so much. He makes my day in a way that no one else ever could. I'm going to keep trying to express to him in the ways and few times a year that I get the opportunity to. I will continue to pray for him and his family, and think about him often. And I will continue to trust in God, that he will fulfill his purpose for this little boy that he has placed specifically on my heart.

This makes day four or five of my time in Autlan over break....who knows what God will do by the end! I love being home. Can't wait to see what awesome stuff happens during the rest of break.