Roots: Growing Deeper

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Time to Escape

{Escape} - To break away. Why? To remember you're alive. To take the time to perceive the beauty you're constantly surrounded by, but oh-so-often forget to take in; forget to enjoy.
 So much happens in a day. From the time you wake up, until the time you lay down to go to sleep tonight, countless, and I mean countless, thoughts, decisions, actions, movements, perceptions, people, sights, sounds, and feelings fill our day. Life in general, but I have found especially since I began college, is really busy. Classes, homework, eating, people, errands, many things fill our day. Amid all this, how often do we take time to step back and soak in everything that's surrounding them? How often do we forget to remind ourselves not to stress or get too caught up in our "busy day" and enjoy and embrace everything that's going on. The sights, the smells, the feelings, the smiles, the trees, the wind, the lights....
IMPACT. Every little thing impacts our day, whether we take the time to soak it in or not. Whether we take the time to notice it or not, they impact us. WHAT IF we took the time to soak in all those things though. All those things that happen throughout the day that we don't even notice...what if we did? How much more would we take from each day? How would we be impacted? What more would God teach us? How would we grow closer to Him by it? Maybe we wouldn't...but knowing just the small bit I do about the God I serve, I am pretty confident it would make a big difference.

This weekend, I'm taking some time to escape. To break away. Not from anything bad, I love Corban, I love my friends and I love my life. But I need to take some time to reflect on all the things God has been showing me, that I haven't taken the time to notice. I want to see what more He has to teach me.
 Thanks to all of our great president's, we don't have school on Monday. I also only have one class on Friday's, which is quite nice, if I do say so myself. All that being said, tomorrow morning my buddy Meesh and I will pile our hats, gloves, sweats, scarves, hand warmers, and snow gear into the back of my cousin's classy Oldsmobile and head up to my grandparents wonderful cabin in the breathtaking Blue Mountains. Along with my cousin Kristin, along with her kids and a few other cousins, we'll enjoy a chill weekend snowmobiling, playing games, watching movies by the fire, snowball fights, taking pictures, and drinking hot cocoa. Not to mention eating my grandma's wonderful cooking, which will be extra glorious not coming from the school dining hall, just sayin'.
6 hour car drive? We're prepared. It's more like the Dutch Bros., stereo system, snacks and passing cars that should be prepared.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Peace. Sunshine. Contentment.

I was talking with a friend this week about sunsets. She's from Montana and gets the privilege of witnessing spectacular sunsets every night. Blues, pinks, purples and oranges fill the sky, filling clouds with luscious color as another day in this world comes to an end. She told me when she first arrived to Oregon, there was a "mediocre"  sunset one evening, but people were everywhere around campus stopped mid-step in wonder of the sky. Taking pictures, commenting, squealing, etc. At first she was utterly confused at what they were all drooling over. She found out the reason behind all the commotion was the sunset that she thought was nothing out of the ordinary, especially in comparison to what she was used to seeing ever night growing up.
Being the typical North-westerners we are here in Salem, Oregon, this time of year, if there's even one day without rain, and you can feel the tiniest bit of heat from the rays of sunshine, your day is instantly better. For some reason, God has decided to bring us a little bit of spring in February here in Salem this year. This past week we have had gorgeous weather, with sunshine and blue skies, as well as breathtaking sunsets almost every night. With the high of maybe 60 degrees, our college campus is still bursting with joy and energy from this irregular amount of sun this time of year. I have played Frisbee twice this week, which has made me happier than a puppy dog with a chew toy (you can ask my roommates!).
 Our long, relaxing days of Christmas vacation seem like they were forever ago, even though school has only been back in session for what, three and a half weeks? The first weeks were fun and easy, lots of catching up with buddies and goofing off. Those days are also, long gone now. Homework the past two weeks has been crazier than ever, and everyone seems to be exhausted. Beginning last weekend I found myself overwhelmed, tired, stressed, and unsure of how to handle it all. I think this is one reason God has given us the sunshine the past week. He knows how intense life can be, and He gave the beautiful spring weather as just one reminder that amid all the stress, homework, and restlessness, He is there. He's walking right with me. He's still providing blessing. He's still wanting me to draw near to Him.
Even though there are many many things that are overwhelming to think about in my life right now....finding a job for this summer, homework load, being away from my family, friendships at school, getting enough sleep, working towards my new years goals.....I am choosing to be at peace. I'm choosing to find contentment with where God has me right now, knowing that He will provide for my needs. He's walking by me every moment of every day, and He feels the same stress I feel. The same restlessness I feel.
The Scripture passage that has been on my heart lately is Proverbs 16.

Proverbs 16:1-4, 9:

 "To humans belong the plans of the heart,
   but from the LORD comes the proper answer of the tongue.
All a person’s ways seem pure to them,
   but motives are weighed by the LORD.
 Commit to the LORD whatever you do,
   and he will establish your plans.
 The LORD works out everything to its proper end....
 In their hearts humans plan their course,
   but the LORD establishes their steps."

Last night Christian worship artist, Phil Wickham came to Corban and led our monthly worship night. During my time there, worshiping and connecting with my Savior, coming from some of Phil's lyrics from one of his songs, this is what He laid on my heart: Be ready. Be ready for when He comes again. Live in a manner that daily, momentarily prepares for His coming. 
This semester is only going to get busier, but I need to stay rooted in His word and love. I need to continue to build up my friendships with my outstanding friends here at Corban who encourage, inspire and motivate me. I also need to do my best to play an active positive role in their lives as well. I am so incredibly thankful for my AMAZING hall, my wonderful RA, and all the beautiful, life-long friendships I have developed with the girls I live with here. I am so blessed! 
How are you finding contentment? How are you finding God working in your life? Is it through the sunsets? Is it through what a friend is going through? Is it through going on a walk and just thinking about God, throwing all else aside? 
Whatever you do, live your life in a way that prepares you for when He's coming. We'll do it together. Let's go.