Roots: Growing Deeper

Friday, December 21, 2007

My Song

So any of you that know me know that Relienk K is my favorite band in the whole world. I have almost all of their cd's and I listen to them just about every day. Just a few days after we left for Mexico, Relient K was having a concert in Salem and I was totally bummed that I couldn't go. I decided that since I couldn't be with all my friends at the concert, I would listen to all of my Relient K cd's on my ipod that evening. I was listening to Relient K's first cd and I had just got it recently so I hadn't got all of the songs memorized yet. A song came on towards the end of the album and I really liked the lyrics. The lyrics say " It smells so sweet outside today. The sun smiles down, I'm in the shade. I sit and think about all my friends and how good they are. But when today is yesterday, I know that things won't stay the same. But I know that the memories won't go too far. Round and round the world will turn. Lessons taught and lessons learned. Jesus gets through the good and bad times. And lets us know that everything will be just fine. A year's passed since I wrote this song. A lot's gone right and a lot's gone wrong. But I know that Jesus has been there right by my side. And I see the sun still shines. It shines outside and in my life, and I know that everything is gonna be just fine."
This song fits in perfectly with where I am at in my life right now. I love Relient K and I love this song!
This is my song.


Hannah K. said...

this is hannah and tay! we love the song. it does fit perfectly. we miss you tons jess!!!! Cross walk isnt quite the same without you my little gringa. but we're making it work...I know your doing amazing things down there. u rock my socks. love ya!!!!!!

Kelsea said...

Wow, that song is perfect!!! Once again, and I'll probably say it again, I am so gled God is working in your eart and comforting you even in a simple thing as a song. I love you Jess, Can't wait to see you this coming spring break. I hope you have a great Christmas!!!

Kelsea said...


Sarah said...

Amazing song... I've got to go check it out now. I still feel guilty about going to that concert. Merry Christmas!

Kelsea said...

I hope you had an amazing Christmas celebrating the day Jesus was born!!! Love ya.

Miss JJ said...

Hi Jess,
Merry day after Christmas! I was so happy I got to talk to you yesterday. Glad to hear you're doing well and feeling God's presence right there with you and your family. I really like your song. Well, I'll try to leave comments more once I get this all figured out... Love you and praying for you!


Korn on the cob said...

Hey Jess,
I just have to say that the picture of you and Dale is totally and completely awesome. I also have a bunch of Relient K songs on my ipod now. yay.