Roots: Growing Deeper

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome To Mexico

There has been a lot to adjust here in Mexico as we are living in a new culture. We cannot flush toilet paper,we have to brush our teeth with purified water, (Those of you that went to Philly, note we use PURIFIED water.) There isn't many people around that speak English, and we don't speak Spanish yet. My dad and I begin language school on Monday!!! We live in a HUGE city instead of a small town, Taco stands are within walking distance of our house and you can buy Manzana Lift at the end of our street. (That though, hasn't been hard at all to adjust to) That is just naming a few. Right after we moved here, we went to Costco to get some grocery's; we decided to just grab something frozen to heat up for dinner when we got home. We were walking down the frozen food isle and my dad found these breaded chicken patties. We decided that would be good and we got some cheese sticks to go along with them. We got home and my mom put our lovely gourmet dinner in the oven. We were all really hungry and we were really excited when our food came out of the oven. We all got some chicken on our plate and my dad took a bite, he got a weird look on his face and figured out that what he was eating was not a regular chicken patty, It was Chicken Fried Steak. We all thought that it was kind of funny and were excited for the cheese sticks to get done. When they came out my mom said "watch, these will be fish sticks." She was totally joking, but when we took a bite of them, we realized that they actually were fish sticks! So we came to the dinner table expecting to eat chicken and cheeze sticks, we left the table having eaten chicken fried steak and fish sticks. That is just one example of how life can be different in a different country where you don't yet know the language. WELCOME TO MEXICO


Diana Dettwyler said...

I did not know there was a Coscto in Mexico. Just shows you how little I know.
Diana D.

Hannah K. said...

That is soooo funny!!!!! lol. wow...

Kelsea said...

wow, thank goodness God gave us the emotion of laughter and silliness, otherwise, that could have been really bad...

Janice C. said...

wow....what a gift for writing that you have!! i felt like I was right there at the table with you enjoying the whole scene...... reading your blog lit up our whole wet rainy stormy windy cold evening!!

Anonymous said... adventure after another, huh? Love ya, Jess.