Roots: Growing Deeper

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Learning Spanish

It has been four weeks now that my Dad and I have been in language school. Things are going well. There is so much information to learn! Things can get stressful at times but when someone starts talking to you and you understand what they are saying, it makes all the hard work worth it. It is so fun being able to walk by somebody in the grocery store that is talking on their cell phone and understand some of the words that they are saying! I am still far from where I would like to be but I am improving little by little each day. There is just five people in our level one class at school. Andrew, who is one of our ministry partners, Tom a very kind older gentleman, Stephanie who is a couple years older than me, we have become friends, my dad and I. It is a small school but I like it a lot. We end level one in two weeks and then we have a one week break. (yippee!) We will start level two on March 4th. You can be praying for me as I study hard to learn Spanish, pray that I will remember what I learn and be able to apply it to conversations with people each day.


Hannah K. said...

cool! that sounds cool! i like how you said you can understand what people are saying on their cell phones!'re such an eavesdropper! lol jk jk. i do that too. you just cant help yourself sometimes! well im praying for ya! miss you buddy!

Grandma Patti said...

Hola Jessica: You are always in our prayers.

Grandpa Del & I are proud of your accomplishments.

I wish I knew Spanish! I would love to be in your language class with you and your dad.

Keep up the good work, Sweetie!

Adios, Amiga!

Love Always,

Grandma Patti