Roots: Growing Deeper

Friday, May 16, 2008

Faithful Servant

The past twelve weeks, I have been able to attend a missionary teen girls Bible study. We went through a study learning all about what it means to be "His (God's) Girl". God has blessed me in many ways by going to this Bible study. I have learned a lot the past three months! I have grown and been challenged in my faith in many ways. One of the coolest things that God has blessed me with by going to the Bible study is I have been able to make some new friends. I miss my friends, family and youth group in Oregon like crazy, and I was in need of some girl friends my age here in Guadalajara.
Last Tuesday, as we were finishing the last section in our books, our leader had us turn to Philippians 4:4-10. She had us all read the passage by ourselves and then each of us shared with the group what it meant to us. We all had different ways that the passage impacted us. As I read the passage, verse nine really stuck out to me. It says "Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me-put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."
God sent me to Mexico to serve Him. He has called me, and all other Christians to boldly go out and share our faith with the world. If we do this, if we do what God has called us to do, has taught us to do, we will be at peace with Him. With out Christ, there would be no peace in this world today. I encourage you, don't be like Jonah and run away from what God has called you to do in your life. Take what He teaches you and share it with the world. Make a difference by living for Him. That is my goal as I am here in Mexico, to make a difference by living my life for Christ. I want to have the peace of God in my life. Someday when I get to heaven, I want to be able to look into the eyes of my Savior, and hear His voice say to me, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."


Hannah K. said...

I miss you and love you so much! Thanks for always encouraging me with your words! See ya in a few months!!

Maria said...

I love that passage in Philippians!! Jess, you are such an encouragment to me:-) Love ya

the barreras said...

Jessica, thanks for being apart of the MK "HiS GiRl" study. Sad to see it end, but I want to thank you for sharing your heart. Your guiet spirit, sound words, and the gentleness that you shine with have been a huge blessing to me and to the other girls. May the Lord continue to grow you as you serve HIM and OTHERS. ReMEMbER....YOU R Beautiful, the WAIT is worth it and U R just plain AWESOME!!! Praying for you, Krystal

Yanin's said...

Que bonito es saber que una adolescente como tu, tenga una fe tan fuerte en Dios nuestro SeƱor. :o)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great reminder to always have an eternal perspective in my life! I love you Jess!