Roots: Growing Deeper

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Cousins Reunited

Jarren, Justin Jordan and Jackson Baker have always been like brothers to me. We have grown up seeing each other every week of our lives. Some of my favorite childhood memories have been with the Baker boys, and I will always remember our time together over the years.
From June 30th to July 25th, Justin, Jordan and Jackson came and visited us in Guadalajara. I was able to to spend a little bit of time with them when I went to Salem for a visit in March, but it had been a long time since we had spent quality time together. We had a great time hanging out together, just like "old times". Even though we had been apart for six months, we picked up right where we left off. We had some good times over the three weeks they were here. Jarren and my Uncle Tim are coming with the mission team from Bethany Baptist Church on August 8th, I am super excited to see them too. (Only two more weeks!)
One thing I have realized by moving to Mexico is that even though I live 3,000 miles away from my friends and family, my relationship with them can still grow. Between the phone, Facebook, e-mail and AIM, I am always talking to my buddies from the States. I thought that when I moved here to Mexico, as much as I didn't want it to happen, I would slowly lose all my friends and not be as close with my family. To my surprise, I have been proved wrong. I have become more close than ever with many of my friends in the past 9 months. And seeing that the Baker boys and I are just as close as ever was really encouraging too. Yes, I do wish that I could still spend time with my friends and family in Salem every week, but I can't. I still know though, that I can be close with them, and our relationship can still grow. Being a Missionary takes a lot of sacrifices, but I am willing to make the sacrifices so I can serve my Savior.
Thank you all for showing me that you still love and care about my family and I even though we live so far away. I can live here not having that many close friends and not being able to see you guys very often because I know that God will always be with both of us. No matter how far away we might be from each other, and no matter how long it might be before we see each other again, we can still be close and our relationship can still grow because God's love is in both of our lives and He ties us together. That is a connection that we will always have, and no one can break that relationship.
I love you guys!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mi Primer Blog en Español

¡Hola Todos!
Hace unas semanas estaba hablando con una vecina y dijo que debo hacer un blog en Español. Mi Español todavía no es perfecto. Entonces no se pueden reir si entiendes Español y ve todos mis errores. He estado aprendiendo Español desde Enero de este año. He estado estudiando mucho, y he aprendido mucho en los meses pasados. Mi familia y yo cambiamos a México en Diciembre de 2007. Cuando cambiamos aquí, no sabia ninguna frase o palabra en Español menos frases como "donde esta el baño" y "taco" etc. Mirando que sabia de Español en Enero y que se ahora, no puedo creer tanto he aprendido. Pero, todavía tengo mucho trabajo y practico hasta mi Español es perfecto. Creo que hablando en Español es el clavo para aprender Español bien. Cada noche voy afuera de mi casa y jugar fútbol o algo asi con los chicos que viven cerca de nosotros. Ese tiempo cada noche es donde practico mi Español normalmente. Es muy chido por que puedo mejorar mi Español mucho platicando con mis amigos aquí en nuestra colonia.
En tres semanas mas o menos un grupo de joveness de mi iglesia en los estados unidos van a venir aquí a Guadalajara. Se van a quedar con nosotros por nueve dias. Mi primo Jarren y una de mis mejores amigas, Hannah se van a quedar una extra semana conmigo. No han visto mis amigos en Oregon desde Marzo, y les extraño mucho. Estoy muy emocionada verles pronto. Ahorrita tres de mis primos, Justin, Jordan y Jackson estan aquí en Guadalajara quedandose con nosotros. Ha estado muy bien que mis primos estan con nosotros otra vez. Para mi, son como hermanos y cuando mi familia no estan con su familia, les extrañamos mucho.
Okie-dokie, allí esta mi primer blog en Español. No es nada muy especial pero yo lo hice. =)