Roots: Growing Deeper

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thankful for the Stars

Almost every night I find myself staring up at the never ending beautiful sky above me. Being captivated more and more every time I take a minute to look up at the stars.
We have a big open courtyard at our house, at night it seems like you can see every star in the entire sky by standing out there. It continually reminds me how small I am compared to God. Each star is a gift, to show both how powerful the creator of the universe is, and how much he loves me. I think I as well as most other people in the world, forget to look at the small things God blesses us with each day.
The other day I was doing my Bible study on my bed. I keep a list in my devotional book of people and things I want to remember to pray for. When it became time for me to spend some time in prayer with God, I realized that almost every single one of the things on my list was asking God for something. I pray for those things every day, and I didn't even realize that there were barely any things on that list I could thank God for until then. That doesn't make them bad things to pray for, but I was forgetting to thank God for the things he already has done for me also.
When you are in a big city, if you look up into the sky, the stars are much harder to see. Why? Because of all the city lights. However, if you are out in the country and you look up at the stars, it is like looking up at a completely different sky. There isn't all the city lights, all the distractions, blocking the view of what is really out there. We get so caught up in life asking God to give us more and more that we forget to thank him for all the things, big and small, that he gives us every day. Don't let the city lights block your view of the beautiful gifts God blesses you with. Next time you look up into the sky, thank God for the things he has given you and be reminded how powerful our Heavenly Father is.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Packages Wanted

Hello all my dear friends! Just thought I would let you know, my grandma just sent my mom a birthday present and it only cost $3.00 to mail here to Mexico. Hint, hint....we would love to receive a package from you! :) Our address here is:
Monte Alban 107
Colinas Del Sur
Autlan, Jalisco 48900

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I am sure you have heard the buzz going around about the book series "Twilight". Pretty much all teenage girls are reading them, and that is all their conversations seem to be about anymore. I have to confess, I am addicted to these books too. I just finished the second book, and I am super excited to get the third and fourth ones. I can't buy them in English in Mexico, so I am a bit behind, but they should be arriving in the mail soon.:D When I first heard about the books, and then heard what they were about, I thought all my friends were going crazy. I mean, come on, vampires?! But after I started reading them, I couldn't stop! After a while they become more than just a story you read when you are bored. Stephenie Meyer has done an outstanding job writing these novels. They aren't like most books you would find on the shelves at Barnes and Noble these days. They are different, unique. I think people really enjoy them for that.
A movie is coming out on November 21st based off of the first book. I can't wait to see it!
If you haven't read the Twilight series yet, you need to read them! They are amazing. Especially if you are a teenage girl, you will love them. :)