Roots: Growing Deeper

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Parade Time

Every February Autlan has a ten day event called Carnaval. All the streets downtown are closed during these ten days and are filled with puestos (stands) selling everything from tacos to sombreros. There are all kinds of events and traditions that go on during these ten days. To begin Carnaval each year they have a big parade all through downtown. This year, my dance team followed a float doing one of our dance routines in the parade. We danced for over two hours! It was so much fun! I couldn't believe how many people were was crazy. Here are a few videos my dad took. I am the one in the very front in the center. :)

Our Float:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Opportunities to Serve

Last weekend my family and I took a trip to Guadalajara to get our passports renewed, as well as do a few other things.
We were in Walmart one afternoon, and Morgan and Dane had to use the Restroom. I walked to the front of the store with them and waited right outside the entry way to the bathroom. As I was waiting there, two older men, probably about eighty years old, walked out of the bathroom, meeting who I am assuming was one of their wives, a few feet away from where I was standing. The lady was about the same age as the two men, and she was in a wheelchair. She as well, needed to use the restroom, so one of the men pushed her chair over by the entry way of the women's bathroom. There was a long hallway to the bathroom, and the old man went as far as he could, trying to push her chair for her with out entering, to get her to where she could walk the rest of the way to the stall. His feet got to the end of the line, and they weren't even half way down the hall. They were talking among themselves and the man said that she could walk a little bit, but it was still too far. I knew from the beginning as I watched the poor old man with his feet at the very edge of the line crossing into the women's bathroom, just trying to help his wife, that I should offer my help. But for some reason I held back. I'm not sure why, but I did. Once they realized that she couldn't make it down the hall, they decided to leave. As soon as they passed by me, a huge wave of guilt came crashing down over me.
I am constantly asking God to give me ways to serve, to be a light in the world and make a difference for Him. Then when he gave me the opportunity, and I could feel the Holy Spirit telling me that it was my time to make a difference, I hesitated. No, helping a 80 year old lady into the bathroom probably won't make her become a Christian, but even little things make a difference in peoples lives, sometimes even more than the big things.
The rest of the day that old lady was on my mind. It really made me think about how I should respond to the opportunities God gives me to serve other people, and most of all, to serve Him. I know that I made a mistake by not offering to help her, but I know God forgives me. I hope that I get to see that woman in Heaven some day. God has really taught me a lot from that situation. I am already eagerly waiting for the next opportunity He gives me to serve others, to share His love with the people in this world. I know what I am going to do next time, I'm not going to make the same mistake I did before.
Colossians 4:2-5
Serving my King, Jess

Blog Time

I guess that whole "updating my blog weekly" thing didn't work out so great. haha...oops.
Life here in Autlan has really picked up the past few months. I am now teaching four of my own English classes each week at Jazz Gym, the dance studio I attend. I am teaching some of the girls in my dance class, as well as my dance teacher and two of her daughters. I am praying that I can teach them more than just English, but also about the love of Christ. I'm still teaching level one at La Roca with my dad, as well.
I have dance class three times a week, and even though I'm still not that good at it yet, I am really enjoying it. I have become good friends with a lot of the girls in my class, and we have lots of fun together.
I help out at La Roca on Wednesdays and Saturdays in the kitchen, waiting on tables, helping make the coffee's etc. I really enjoy hanging out there. It's a great place to hang out and have fun, as well as get to know the community. I'm always meeting new people when I go in there, and constantly seeing familiar faces as well.
Please continue to pray for our ministry here in Autlan. For our unsaved friends that we are trying to share the love of Christ with, and the youth group at our church.
Seriously, life goes by so fast here. My life is pretty busy, between school, dance, La Roca, and everything else, I keep myself occupied. lol. I can't believe we moved here six months ago. I love Mexico. :)
Dios les bendiga, Jess