Roots: Growing Deeper

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

TLC 2009

Each year our youth group goes to a Teen Leadership Conference in Antelope, Oregon. I was able to go my Freshman year, but my Sophomore and Junior year I was in Mexico. This year I was able to go again, and it was so amazing!

The theme was "Here am I, Send Me", from Isaiah 6:8 which says: "And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send. And Who will go for us. Then I said here am I, send me."
I was really impacted by what the speaker talked about. I thought about missions in a different way than I had before. He talked about the different phases that people go in based on where they are at in life, and how it effects their readiness to serve. I could go on and on about all the cool things he taught and the way he presented things. I was challenged and impacted in many ways by this conference, and I am very thankful that I was able to go.
Outside from the general sessions and the workshops, there is free time where everyone can just hang out and play in the gym, go on the giant swing, play cards in the coffee shop, play in the snow etc. etc.
I really had a great time at TLC. I didn't have a whole lot of free time, because I was on the kitchen crew, along with Megan, Sarah, Hannah and Brent. But we had a fun time working in the kitchen, especially when we got to talk to this one old guy that served the food. He was very encouraging and gave Sarah and I some dating advice. :)
One afternoon when we had a bit of free time, Jack, Justin and I went on the swing together. It was the awesomest but yet the scariest thing I have ever done in my life. You are harnessed to a metal bar and a small swing-set chair is under you. the metal bar is attached to a big wire that carries you a couple hundred feet up in the air. Your feet are dangling and the only thing you have to hold is the bar in front of you. I was screaming before we even go to the top! When we did get to the top, Jack pulled the rope that released us and we went FLYING through the air, over a big canyon. I am pretty sure my stomach was at the top when I was at the other end, over the canyon. I don't know if I have ever screamed that loug before, it was so crazy!! I loved it though, it was so much fun!
It was a great week growing and being challenged in my relationship with God, hanging out and having a good time with my friends, working in the kitchen, and worshiping the Lord.

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