Roots: Growing Deeper

Sunday, September 25, 2011

College....Say What?!

I can't believe it's been six weeks since I've posted on here!
It has been a crazy six weeks, to say the least! I'll give you all a little re-cap of what's been happening, to get everyone caught up. =)
I moved from Trout Lake back to Salem on August 23rd, the same day my family arrived to the U.S. from Mexico! They actually came up to Trout Lake directly from the airport, ate dinner at the Cafe, and then we left as a family back to Salem.
Just three short days after arriving to Salem, I moved into the Balyo Dormitory at Corban University. I have three AMAZING roomies, Rebecca, Hannah, and Ning. We have all grown close, and really live well together. Our room is quite loud and crazy most of the time, and our hall mates often come to visit, just to see what's going on in our loco room. It's hard to focus and get homework done sometimes...okay, most of the time!
I am taking 16 credits this semester, and definitely have my time filled up to the rim. (hence the reason for taking so long to post) Every waking moment that I'm not in class or doing homework, I'm spending with my family. There are here for just a week and a half more, and I want to spend as much time with them as I possibly can! They fly out on October 6th. Please pray for them as they head back down to Mexico. Pray that this next year of ministry will be rewarding for the Kingdom of God, and they will be blessed. God is using them in so many ways!
Also, my dad has been very sick this furlough. He goes back to the doctor on Wednesday for some further testing. I have been very sad that he has been sick on this precious six weeks of rest they have each year. I love my dad very much, and want him to get better!
It is going to be extremely hard for me once they leave in a couple weeks. My family and I are extremely close, and I have loved more than anything having them close by all the time, during this time of transition into "the college life". Please pray that you would be will all of us when we are separated for another season of time.
I'm playing ultimate frisbee on an intramural time, and I am just loving it to pieces! If I get to choose one thing to do, it's ALWAYS frisbee, hands down. It's my favorite thing to do..ever! I didn't get to play much this summer because of work, but after our first game a couple weeks ago, I was ecstatic! I love frisbee so much!

Time for dinner, and some more homework, but update part two will be on the way soon!!

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