Roots: Growing Deeper

Monday, April 16, 2012

For the Love of Sports...

If you know me, you know I pretty much live for being active. I take advantage of any and every opportunity I get to go outside, run around, play frisbee, volleyball, or any other active sport. This month, it's been indoor soccer. I joined my buddy's intramural team, and though I wasn't too into it the first game, I ended up really enjoying it. Our team did quite well, and was undefeated going in to the championship game last night. 
Being a girl who grew up with all boy cousins and lots of brothers, I don't like to be treated like a girl when it comes to sports. I want to be good and capable. (Yes, I can be competitive sometimes :P) Anyway. Last night those things kinda shined through and showed me the hazard side to this athletic part of my personality. During the last five minutes or so of our championship game, I was trying to get the soccer ball away from an opponent, and my leg moved a little under his in the process. He didn't know my leg was there, and abruptly moved his leg. Consequently, my leg went with his, dislocating my left knee super bad. I immediately straightened it, but was in serious pain. I grabbed my knee right away and shouted that it had dislocated. My friend Jarred was instantly at my side, picking me up off the court. Again, for those of you who know me, I have a pretty high pain tolerance, and hardly ever cry. The fact that I was immediately in a lot of pain, immobile, and crying, said a lot. I got some ice and advil, but the pain was still pretty severe. This had happened before to my right knee, but once I popped it back into place, I was good to go. The fact that I was still in so much pain told me that this was a lot worse. Jarred and Alec helped me down from the gym to my dorm, where Alisa and Eleanor were waiting for me. I made it to my room, but soon knew I needed to go to the ER. My RA Jen and Alisa sacrificed their night to take me. 
We got to the ER and the nurse could immediately tell I was in a lot of pain. She gave me "four stars", which I don't know what that means exactly, but it resulted in me getting back and cared for immediately. After some strong pain meds, making new friends with all the nurses and doctors I met, and a few X-rays, they told me I had not torn any major ligaments, or fractured any bones. I am extremely lucky this was the case. Nevertheless, I'm still injured badly. I have a giant, hideous leg stabilizer and crutches. I will hopefully just be on the crutches for a few days, and then slowly be able to hobble around on my own. It is too early to tell exactly what is stretched, damaged, or sprained right now. I go to a follow up appointment on May 4 when they will be able to hopefully tell me the answer to that mystery, and tell me what the next step in the healing process is, whether physical therapy, or something different. 
In the last 20 hours, I have felt more loved and blessed and cared for than I ever could have imagined. Alec and Aaron brought me a Slurpee and spend some time with me in the ER last night, which I really appreciated. Alisa and Jen stayed up late with me, and everyone else in my hall is constantly checking up on me. I am so blessed and thankful for all my friends who have showed so much love and taken such good care of me. Hannah taking me to get my prescription today, Alec taking me to the doctor, all the encouragement cards and candies...prayers, phone calls and texts. 
So now, for all of you who have heard about my injury, seen my hideous brace and crutches, or seen a comment on Facebook, you now know my epic battle story. 
Please continue to pray that I heal quickly and that nothing major is wrong; that it will heal quickly. Also that I will be willing to accept the fact that I need to take it easy, and that I can't be the independent person I naturally am. That it's okay to let people help and take care of me. =)
Today, I saw a quote on my friends phone that said, "I'm not telling you it is going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it." Hopefully, somehow that is true for me in this situation. I'll be openly trying to find out what God is/will teach me through all this. 

1 comment:

Courtney said...

So sorry you're hurt:( Praying you get better quick!