Roots: Growing Deeper

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jessica's Song

Last time I was in Salem two of my friends, Joel and Richard, wrote me this amazing song and played it for me in front of the youth group right before I left. It meant sooooo much to me, and I thought I would share it with you guys.

Jessica's Song:
This is the part that no one likes,
The time to say goodbye,
But God has moved you,
To reveal what He has in life,
We remember the memories,
That we all shared.
So don't worry about us,
For they will always be there.
Remember this is your family,
We will miss you so.
We will always love you,
If you're here of if you go.
And our God has blessed you so,
And more is to come this I know.
He cares for you,
We care for you,
And through God's grace,
We are joined as one too.
So get your shield,
And grab your sword.
And get ready for life to come,
That brings so much more.
And everyday He thinks of you,
And everyday we will too.
For God has made you special,
He will never let you go.
He will hold you n his arms so gently,
Just like we would, forevermore.

Thank you to all my friends in Salem for constantly reminding me how much I am loved. I am so blessed to have you all in my life. And special thanks to Joel and Richard for writing me this incredible song. :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Autlan- California Style Part 2

Wow, talk about an incredible week!! It was SO awesome having this group from Thousand Oaks California here! Everyone on the trip was amazing. I got to know everyone on the trip throughout the week, they are all such cool people. I especially became pretty tight with almost all of the teens. By the end of the week it felt like we had all been close friends forever. I am amazed at how much people can get to know each other, and how much fun they can have together after only knowing each other for a week. I love all you guys!!

Some of the highlights of our week were: SERVING GOD! cleaning up the park, playing cards, VBS, hanging out at La Roca, painting, Ga-Ga, volleyball, playing "the loner game", car rides, going to the indian migrant camp, youth group, going shopping downtown, and of course, laughing for hours and hours and having a good time with each other. :)
This group inspired me in so many ways. They all work together using the gifts that God has given them, and they serve Him with their whole hearts! Even if they weren't able to communicate with the people, or help as much as they wanted to, they still made a HUGE difference here. You guys were so awesome!!
You guys also made a huge difference in my life this week, and I would like to thank you for that. Seeing your guys' love for God, and passion to serve Him with your lives inspired me so much. Your attitudes were awesome, and Christ is evidently living in you all. Plus, you were SOOOO much fun to hang out with, and I appreciate that you guys really made me (and my family) a part of your team. Like I said, by the end of the week, it seemed like I had known you all forever, and like you were all close friends. Thank you so much for that!!

As the vans pulled out of the driveway after we said our sad goodbyes, everyone in the car rolled down their window as they passed by and yelled "WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!". And I want you to know, WE LOVE YOU GUYS TOO!!!! Thank you all for coming on this trip! You guys were incredible. See you all next summer! I can't wait!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Autlan- California Style

Today was day three for the group from southern California that is here in Autlan this week. This church, Bethany Church on the Hill, has been sending groups down here each summer for many, many years. This summer, however, was the first time we have met them since we just moved to Autlan this past August. There is twenty-one people in their group, so the center is full of people, full of fun, and full of hearts that want to serve God! It's so awesome! I have only known these people for three short days, but I already love them all, and am friends with each one of them. :) They all have an incredible passion to serve their Savior, great hearts, amazing personalities, and are such a blessing to have here.
This week we are doing a VBS at La Roca in the mornings. Today was our second day, and we had about double the amount of kids than we did yesterday! It is so cute to see all of the little kids do their craft, sing the songs, listen to the Bible story, play games and eat their snack. It's also really cool and inspiring for me to see all of the teens that are helping that don't speak much Spanish, but they are still excited to be there, willing to serve, and having fun with the kids. That right there is making a difference in their lives.
In the afternoons the group has been doing work projects, and every night they are doing a different activity. Last night everyone went down to the park and played volleyball...Mckensey and I had so much fun! Lol, I think everyone else did was awesome! Tonight we went to La Roca and enjoyed hanging out, playing card games, drinkin' some delicious coffee (and smoothies), and making crazy videos. :)
I am very excited to spend the rest of the week with these outstanding people, and getting to know them more.

Mckensey: we're awesome because we laugh about stuff that nobody else finds funny, we notice things nobody else does, and we are awesome at arts and crafts....."Can we pretend I made that for a minute?" You're so much fun! :)

Glenn: You crack me up. It makes me really happy that you and I both get excited about little things that have no actual purpose in our lives. :) We're awesome.

Harrison: Even though we are ga-ga enemies, I still think you're cool.

Kristen: You're the most amazing cook ever, and you make everything fun. You Rock!

To all you ladies who have already planned out college for me: Thanks!!! Lol, I might actually consider it!! We'll see what God has planned...


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jack, Jare, and CoCo

On June 18th three of my favorite people in the ENTIRE world came to visit me for two weeks! We got stuck in traffic on the way to the airport, and their flight had got in a few min. early... I walked through the airport doors, and I immediately set eyes on them. Jack and Jarren standing up, and coco rested up against a pole. I made my way through the people that were between them and I as fast as I could, with a big smile on my face. As soon as there was nobody else standing within the distance between them and me, I ran up to them. I was sooo happy that they were FINALLY here! We had some tacos at our favorite taco stand in Guadalajara, and then headed back to Autlan.
We had such an awesome two weeks together! We hung out here at the center quite a bit, but it was really fun. We had a blast just spending time together. We loved to go to La Roca, hang out with the Ohio group that was here, play rook, watch movies, make cakes, stay up super late, etc. etc. We also went to the beach two different days, which was really fun. Swimming in the ocean, diving through the waves, playing water polo, hanging out in the pool, delicious drinks, chicken fights....we had a blast.
Before I knew it though, the two weeks were over, and it was time for them to leave. Saying goodbye is SO hard! I know I will see them again soon though, and I am so thankful that they got to come this summer. I love you guys!!