Roots: Growing Deeper

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Books, Books, Books!

This year I have become even more appreciative of Literature. Since I started Highschool, I have especially enjoyed reading and have grown to appreciate it more and more. Partly because I want to be a journalist, and partly because I just love it! In school I have been learning about and reading work from some of the very first American authors. Reading their stories, and learning how they were inspired to write them and what the people in America thought about their literary work is so cool! There are amazing books and journals everywhere. Just walk in to Boarders, or the library, and if you're like me, you'll think 'holy moses, there has got to be 1,000 good books in here that I haven't even heard of, can I please sit down read them all right now?!'

I love to read, but I am also a busy highschool senior who is an MK in Mexico, so I don't get very much free time to read unless I am willing to stay up in to the wee hours of the morning. Plus, I know with starting college in the fall, the time that I will have to read books for pleasure, is going to be an even smaller amount of time than it is now. However, going in to college loving to read, might help me not hate it as much as some of my friends who don't like reading, and tell me about their feelings for literature now that they are in college. ;)

I have to admit though, that I am a typical teenage girl who loves to read, because I am totally a sucker for romance novels. Even if they are completely predictable, and after you've read one, you've read them all, I never get bored of them! Right now I am reading "The Choice" by Nicholas Sparks, and its a pretty predictable story, but I can't put it down. I feel like I can relate so well to the characters and I am fascinated by all of the little details.

So pretty much, I love to read. I just thought you might like to know. =) If you have any good book recommendations, I would love to have them.

Speaking of books, the one I was just telling you about happens to be right next to me. Guess I better read a few pages before I head to bed.

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