Roots: Growing Deeper

Saturday, February 13, 2010


For those of you that know me well, you know that I ALWAYS have candy. It's like part of who I am. My friends don't ask me if I have candy, they just ask what kind I have. And I usually have more than one option. Right now, as I'm writing, I have a big bowl of chocolate next to me, and a bag of M&M's within arms reach. It's just me; Jess always has candy.
So, being the huge candy lover that I am, it can be quite sad at times, because some of my favorite candies you can't find here in Mexico easily. If you get lucky and are able to find them, you definitely have to pay the price for them. M&M's are my favorite candy of all time, and unfortuantely, they are hard to find here. You can find knock-off brands, but they aren't near as good. Another one of my favorites is Peach-o's. The little peach rings that you can find in all different flavors in the bulk section at Winco, and get for like $1 a pound.
Ever since I got back to Mexico from furlough I have been craving Peach-o's. But they are super hard to find here. Yesterday we were walking around downtown, and we walked by a candy stand that was selling them! I instantly got super excited, and told my mom that I absolutely had to get some. I paid 10 pesos, which is like a dollar, for just 100 grams. Compared to the U.S. thats a total rip off, but it was worth every cent. I just thought that I would share with you the joy that I had by finding and eating my precious peach-o's yesterday. =)

Lol, maybe I like candy a little too much...

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