Roots: Growing Deeper

Monday, May 31, 2010


Right now I'm in Autlan and I have a bowl full of blueberries from Oregon, which means I'm the luckiest girl in the country.

Growing up in Oregon, berries were like all I lived off in the summer. Rasberries, blueberries, blackberries, I love them all. Every summer for as long as I can remember we always went out to the fields and picked them ourselves. Of course, I usually ate twice as many as I put in my bucket, but hey, that's part of the deal, right?

After we moved to Mexico though, fresh berries were no longer available. Every once in a while you find them in the store here, but they're usually really bitter, and for like 15 berries it's like $5. What a rip off! But on the other hand, since I've moved to Mexico I've been introduced to fruits I never even knew existed, and special tropical fruits that cost a fortune in the US, and usually taste horrible, are now available a block away from my house, and are the best you've ever had. Mangos, papayas, star fruit, guavas, pitayas, tunas, ciruelas, you name it. No, I don't like all of them, but mangos? my favorite. =)

So, you're probably wondering how on earth I have a bowl of fresh grown, delicious, Oregon blueberries in my kitchen? mom went to Guadalajara a few days ago, and she found them in Costco. We had seen them there before, but they were way too expensive. This time though, she decided to buy two boxes (it was like $7) for a treat. When I opened the fridge and saw them, I almost died. I sat on the ground right in front of the fridge and opened them. And holy cowbells were they delicious! I hadn't had a good, fresh blueberry in over two years. I forgot how much I loved them! I would LOVE to work at a fruit stand one summer. It would be so much fun! And I'd definitely get my fill of berries. =) Hopefully this August when I go back to Oregon I'll make it back in time to go pick some.

Haha, okay, you're probably thinking I'm some kind of crazy missionary kid that gets way too excited over normal, every day things. But what can I say, I am a crazy MK!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Lost Get Found- Britt Nicole

One of my very favorite cd's right now it "The Lost Get Found" by Britt Nicole. I wasn't to fond of her first cd, so at first I had no intention of purchasing her second cd when it was released in 2009. Then when I was back in the states last fall, I heard a really good song on the Christian radio station, and when I found out it was Britt Nicole, I couldn't believe it! It was completely different than her first cd. It wasn't that her first cd was bad, it just wasn't my style.

Then one night at youth group, I won a prize, and I got to pick a couple cd's. One of them was Britt Nicole's new cd, and since the song on the radio was good, I decided to give it a shot. I now listen to it all the time!!

Her lyrics are really inspirational, and she sings with so much passion. You can tell when she sings these songs, and paints a picture, or tells a story through them, that it isn't just a business for her. She sings with her heart.

Another thing I love is I can relate to her so much. I have the same dreams and desires that she portrays in her music.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Keeping the Vision Alive- Autlan Summer 2010

Alrighty. Here's what the Bruggeman family's summer looks like as of now:

June 4-14: Courtney Dodds and Melody Jones come to visit. (Friends from our home church)

July 3-8: Group from College Station, Texas
Main Project: Street Evangelism

July 10-17: Bethany California Group
Main Project: Starting an Awana program at the migrant worker camp

August 1-8: Group from Texas/Mexico City
Main Project: Crusade, ministry in small, Indian towns

I know of atleast one other group that's coming this summer, but I'm not sure of dates yet...I'll keep you posted.
It's going to be a busy summer. I hope and pray that the work of God will be evident, fruitful, and impacting with each group that comes to Autlan this summer. Thank you for your prayer support as well. And thank you all for keeping the vision of ministry in Autlan; for the work of our Savior.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Just Around the Corner

I can hardly believe that in just three short months I will be leaving Mexico! I have to be in Salem by August 25th for orientation and to sign up for the college classes I'm going to take. I'm going to be both a part time high school and college student this year. I'm going to be living with my uncle Tim and aunt Marcy in Salem, along with all my crazy cousins. It's gonna be so fun!
I can't lie though, I'm going to be VERY sad to leave Autlan. Over the past 2 1/2 years this has become my home. It has taken me a long time, but I finally feel like I'm starting to fit in. I love my friends, working at La Roca, hanging out with groups that come, my's going to be really difficult to leave. I would greatly appreciate your prayers as I prepare for this change that's coming before I know it.
I'm also hoping to get a part time job tutoring Hispanic elementary students while I'm in Salem. I don't want to lose my Spanish, and I want to put it to good use. I don't want to just sit at a desk and speak Spanish to people over the phone. I want to interact with them. Connect with them. I would also appreciate your prayers in that area as well.
This next year is going to be an eye opening experience as I begin a new stage of life. I'm both extremely excited, and super nervous. Thank you for your prayers. I know God is going to do and teach me some awesome things in my life.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Best Friend's Summer

Last Thrusday one of my very best friends, Jack, left for a biking tour around Oregon and Washington for a month. He's been preparing all year for this, and finally set out on his adventure. He left on May 7th, and will be gone until June 14th, when he begins working at a summer camp. He has no destination, he's just going wherever he feels like. Seriously, it's like the coolest thing ever. He has a blog that he's updating every couple days with pictures and updates on where he is, what he's seen, who he's met etc. Here's the link if you want to check it out:

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day

In the United States Mothers day is always the second Sunday in May. In Mexico, it's always on May 10th. This year May 10th falls on a Monday. What made me laugh was that none of the children had school today! Some other new Mother's day traditions in Mexico that I just found out....
On May 10th starting at 12am to about 5am or so, through the main part of town, bands go from door to door singing the traditional celebration song "las mayanitas" to mothers. It's occasionally followed with a hug, or a rose.
Also, every year in Autlan on Mother's day there's an event at the Plaza de Toros where they perform music, have traditional mexican dancers, and give away free gifts to the mothers. We went to that event with some friends tonight. I had never been in the Plaza de Toros before; it was a cool experience.

I also wanted to take the opportunity today to tell my mom how much I love and appreciate her. I couldn't ask for a better mom, and I am so greatful for everything she does, and who she is. God has truly blessed me and my family with her. I love you Mommy! Happy Mother's day!