Roots: Growing Deeper

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Silva Family

I wrote this article for our families prayer letter this month, but thought I would post it on here as well. ~Jess

Shortly after moving to Autlan, I met two guys around my age who enjoyed playing soccer with Brent; Salvador (18) and Vicente (20). These two brothers were my first friends in Autlan, and in the past year we've become like family.
Brent, Salvador, Vicente and I hung out often, playing soccer, chess, volleyball, basketball, watching You Tube videos etc. As the months went by we became close pals. I hadn't had any really close friends since I moved to Mexico, and their friendship brought much happiness into my life.
Up until last August, I only knew the two of them, no one else in their family. One day Vicente and I were talking, and I found out he had three other siblings, including a sister. I wanted to meet them right away! Rosa (14) and I, although we are a few years apart, became extremely close friends in no time. The five of us hung out all the time. I love spending time with them, we have so much fun together, just hanging out and being typical teenagers.
They live a very distinct life from that of which I've been accustomed. As I've become close to their family, it has opened my eyes in numerable ways. I see life from a whole different point of view, and the fact of how easy life is for me, has become alive. My heart goes out to them and I strive to help them in any way I can.
As I got to know them more, I became more bold in sharing my faith with them. They were very curious about my beliefs and asked me a lot of questions. I knew God had put us in each others lives for a reason. I had the feeling that God was going to use me to share the love of Christ with them in their lives. God was giving me an incredible opportunity, and I couldn't wait for Him to use me.
The more they heard about the Lord, and the more open their hearts became to Christ's love. Our conversations became more deep and personal about God also. I could feel that the time was soon approaching that they would become Christians.
I invited them to La Roca church and they have been coming every week since we got back from furlough in January. Salvador, Rosa and their mom, Guille, come every week. The others come occasionally.
On Sunday, March 21st, after church Norma (another christian woman from the church) and I sat down with Rosa and Salvador and shared the gospel with them, inviting them to accept Christ into their lives as their personal Savior. Salvador and Rosa both became Christians that day, and have been growing in Him ever since. Words cannot describe to you how much joy it brings me knowing that they will spend eternity together.
Salvador, Rosa and I have grown especially close since March. Being able to encourage them in their walk with Christ, and watch as they constantly discover and unfold new wonders that their life now holds with Christ is incredible. I'm incredibly thankful to have awesome, close, Christian brothers in Christ like them as a part of my life.
I pray everyday for Vicente, Guille, Emmanuel and Josue. I pray that God will open their eyes, and the Holy Spirit with speak to them and touch their hearts. That they will have the desire to have an everlasting relationship with the King of Kings. As I daily pray for that, I continue to be their friend, encouraging them, and being a light of Christ in their lives. Both as I help Salvador and Rosa discover all the wonders God holds for them as they unwrap their life with Him, and as the Holy Spirit continues to work in the others.

Vicente, Rosa, Salvador, Emmanuel, Josue, y Guille- les quiero mucho!! Gracias por ser mis amigos.

Chavo (Salvador), Brent, Jess and Vicente
Oct. 2009

Rosa and Jess - May 2010
Brent, Jess, Rosa, Chavo and Emmanuel
May 2010

Silva Kids: Emmanuel, Josue, Rosa, Vicente and Salvador

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