Roots: Growing Deeper

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Good Day

Sometimes I get this feeling inside me, that when people ask how I am or how my day ways, I honestly can't tell them with words. I feel like they can't understand how it really was if I tell them with words, even though I wish so badly they could understand and feel what I feel. Today was one of those days.
This week was a very difficult one for me. I've been having some health problems since May, and this week it really hit me hard. I had to go to the hospital and it has all just worn me out. We are still uncertain of what I have, but we are in the process of trying to figure it out. So the majority of this week was spent with several doctors, specialists, lots of resting, medicine, and lots of blood drawn.
I spent the majority of the week resting and pretty discouraged not knowing what exactly I'm sick with. Today's Saturday, and God blessed me with a great day to end the week.
La Roca church spent the day together in fellowship at a small water park in Autlan. We had such a fun day! It was great to cool off from the hot, Mexico sun in the cool water, play basketball, go down the water slides 50+ times, smile, laugh and joke around with family and friends, have a delicious mexican lunch, and just enjoy the day with brothers and sisters in Christ.
About five o'clock we left the water park, went home and took a quick shower, and headed out to the center for youth night. Sunburnt backs, tired bodies and still with smiles on our faces.
Not really sure what youth night would be like this week, I was definitely surprised. There were 27 kids there tonight! Praise the Lord! A lot of them were younger kids, more middle school aged, which we've been trying to reach out to high school aged kids more, but we are glad they came, nonetheless.
We hung out and played some Kajabi can can, when about 7:30 we were blessed with a great surprise. Isai was at the gate. He had come for youth night!! Everyone immediately stopped playing and made their way towards the gate. He was swarmed with hugs, and smiles filled the faces of everyone there. His was so big, I could tell from the very second I saw him that he was absolutely extatic to be there. SO AMAZING! We talked and joked around for another half an hour, and everything felt so natural, so normal. With Isai there, lots of kids, everyone having fun and talking with each other, goofing around....I could feel God there. He truly blessed us beyond words tonight.

After a while we headed up for worship time. Isai was the first to make his way up, and I followed behind him. Brent was already up in the breeze way praciting the guitar. He was just playing some chords, not singing or anything. But as soon as Isai heard him playing, he started singing. Isai knew exactly what song Brent was playing and exactly which part he was at. As he sang, I wanted to cry. It was so incredible! I couldn't help but allow the giant smile that Isai has given me so many times cover my face. I joined in and started singing with him. I looked at him, and we both smiled. He was so happy!
The past few weeks at youth night different people have been sharing their testimony instead of having a lesson. Tonight Barbara and Rosa were going to share. Before they got up to speak, Isai came to the front and shared a few words with the group. He told us that he was in a very bad car accident, but that God has been very faitful. That He has showed him a lot of love and that He wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Him. He told us that God is amazing and that He has done a lot in his life, that he has a lot to be thanful for. He said that he was very happy to be with us, that he had missed being at youth night a lot.
It made me very happy that he went up and shared. He shared very little, but he shared with his heart, and I know that seeing him and hearing after all he's been through how much he still loves God with His whole heart and gives him ALL the credit, imapacted a lot of the kids. It for sure impacted me.

Rosa was very nervous to share her testimony, but she did great! Rosa has only been a Christian for four months, but God has changed her life in SO many ways since then. She has truly become a different person than before, and she is growing like crazy in her walk with Him. It is SO amazing to watch, and I am so blessed that God has blessed me with the opportunity to not only lead her to Christ, but to disciple her as she begins to grow in her walk with God and discover more about His love. In her testimony she talked a lot about me and Isai and the impact we've had on her life. That we taught her by example and by explaining the questions that she had what true faith in God is. She's only 14, and is a very new Christian, but she is on fire! She lives a very difficult life, but through it all, as she learns to turn to God in the troubled times, she is growing so much! It's incredible to watch, and I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with her as a close friend in my life. She is and will continue to grow to be an outstanding servant of Christ. Hearing from her tonight; her sharing her heart and listening to her as she spoke of her genuine faith in Christ meant the world to me. As she finished her testimony, she thanked Isai for showing her how important it was for her to live her life FULLY for God. Then she looked at me and said "Jess, I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you. Thank you." In that moment I realized how much God has really used me in Rosa's life, and I feel blessed beyond compare. God chose to use ME in her life for HIS glory! That right there is why I am a Missionary. Just that one sentence and with all the meaning it has behind it, makes every sacrifice or doubt I've ever experinced for being a missionary dissapear. I was able to be a part of the changing of Rosa's life. It wasn't me who changed her, but God used me to help her change and understand His love, and grow in Him. I am so blessed to serve such an incredible God!
--I love you, Rosa! I'm proud to call you my sister in Christ, and I can't wait to see as God continues to unfold His plan for your life. I know that you are going to make an incredible difference for His kindom, for His glory! Your smile and fun-loving spirit always brightens my day, and knowing that we will forever be connected through Christ brings me more peace and joy than you know. You're amazing, never stop giving God 100% of your life, your joy, your energy and your heart.

Barbara, wow...where to start! I know no one like Barbara. She holds such a special place in my heart, and I love her so so so much. She is such an inspiration in my life, and I admire her so much. The love and joy of Christ shines through her every day, all the time. No matter what. She's been a follower of Christ for three years now, and has grown more than you could imagine. Her heart is like none other, and I love her so much! Tonight as she shared her testimony with us, she was also nervous because like Rosa, it was her first time sharing it with a group of people. But of course, she did great! She shared her heart, and she talked about accepting that God forgives your sins no matter how bad they are. And that once we decide to follow him, we have to cling to his love, John 15:5. She talked about the difficulties that were brought along with her choosing to give her life to Christ.
--Barbie, you're amazing, simply amazing! I am so thankful that God has blessed us with the close friendship that we have. I look up to you for so many things, and I love you more thank you know. I will miss you dearly my friend when I'm away at college, but I know that our closeness will not change, especially because of our faith in Christ that we share. The way you work with the kids at the migrant camp, and the passion you have to serve God...Ah! It's amazing. I love you!

Afterwards everyone ate snacks and hung out, having a good time. I'm SO thankful for the amazing night God blessed us with tonight. I know that He was there with us, and that all the great, impactful, surprising stuff that happened tonight was all Him.

When I got home tonight I was filled with the joy that words cannot fully describe. I walked in the door and told my mom about my evening; I was glowing as I told her with the excitement and joy I was filled with. I turned on a Christian radio station in my room when I got home, and have now been listening to it for hours. Almost every single song that has played has fit in PERFECTLY with what I'm feeling and thinking. I love it! The same with Bible study this week, God is just speaking to me in every way! I absolutely love it, He is teaching me so much!
Lord God, I give you thanks for the day that you blessed me with today. For the little things that you did, for the happiness and surprises that you gave me. I thank you for giving me joy and happiness even during the hard times. I thank you that Isai came to youth group tonight and that he was so happy to be there. I thank you for Barbara and Rosa, for their testimonies about the great things you've done in their lives, and that they shared that with us tonight. I thank you so much for the opportunity you've given me to share your love with Rosa and to be the person that I am in her life. I know that part of the reason you brought me to Mexico, is to share your love with her. Thank you, God.
Heavenly Father I pray that our youth group would continue to grow, and that the youth there would be hungry to learn more about your love. That their hearts would be open to your love, and that they would allow you to become part of them. That they would see they need you, Jesus.
I love you so much, and again, I thank you for giving me a good day. Thank you for reminding me that with you there will ALWAYS be joy, even in the darkest times. That you will help me no matter what kind of trial or hard time I'm going through, no matter what I'm feeling, no matter what joy I'm experiencing, you'll be there. I am proud to be called your daughter, your servant, a tool for you. I'm proud to say that my heart, soul, mind and body belong to you. I stand in awe in all the ways you work, and can't wait to see the many more things you have in store for the future. I love you Jesus. Thank you for being who you are. For loving me and everyone as much as you do. In the name of your precious Son I pray, Amen.

When I got home tonight I was filled with the joy that words cannot fully describe. I walked in the door and told my mom about my evening; I was glowing as I told her with the excitement and joy I was filled with. I turned on a Christian radio station in my room when I got home, and have now been listening to it for hours. Almost every single song that has played has fit in PERFECTLY with what I'm feeling and thinking. Same with Bible study this week....I love it!!


Grandpa Roy said...

Thank you so much for sharing how God is working in and around you. Thanks for being a deciple/mentor for others. Gos bless you!

Grandpa Roy (spelled it right this time)

Courtney said...

Thanks for sharing Jess! So great that Isai is doing better and better. When I read your blog and look and pictures I want to come back and visit again! Praying for you as you finish up your summer and get ready to head to Oregon.

lyndsey said...

Thanks for sharing your heart Jessica. I'll be praying for your health issues. I hope you enjoy your last few weeks in Mexico!