Roots: Growing Deeper

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Giving Thanks

I love taking this time away from school to spend with family, rest, and reflect on how thankful I am for so many things in my life.
 I wanted to share with you a few things I'm thankful for:

  • snow, the beauty of God's creation that constantly surrounds me.
  • family and the joy they bring in to my life
  • hot cocoa, warm blankets, relaxing movies
  • The Bible, the beauty in this precious book and each word written in it special for me. 
  • Mexico, the specialness the country and the people there have in my heart
  • naps
  • children; how cute they are, and the constant joy they bring to my life as I see the happiness that constantly shines through them
  • sunsets
  • Corban and the opportunity God has given me to study there as it helps me become the person God wants me to be
  • laughter
  • dreams, God giving us them, and the ability and desire to strive towards them
  • my amazing friends...
  • the passion to write
  • the God-given strength to persevere and find joy when life seems most difficult.
  • my little red car
  • intramural sports teams
  • God providing for my every need, especially since coming back to the US to start college...I am so blessed!
  • music and it's inspiration
  • photographs
  • Bethany Baptist Church
  • the ability to play the piano
  • the oh-so-many forms of talk with my family whom live far away. =) 
  • the moments that hold you speechless in wonder of the incredible works of my Savior.
......I could go on and on with the thousands of things I have to be thankful for every day. What are you thankful for? Think about that as you go about your daily life tomorrow.
Simplicity....One of God's favorite ways to work in our lives and help us see and admire who He is!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Almost There!

It's that time of the school year where homework is incredible overwhelming, and has reached it's peak. Exams are hitting you right and left, and you don't even know what you've studied for, and how much you remember anymore. You just know your brain can't handle much more. It's rainy every day, and you must wear your winter jacket, that you have grown to accept that it won't match with what your wearing half the time, but it keeps you warm and dry, so it doesn't even matter.
At this point in the semester, there's one thing that motivates you to keep pushing though. It's so close, you can almost smell the Turkey on the table, with the pumpkin pie in the oven for
dessert. Mmmm!! Bring out the Christmas music, Almond Roca, and apple spice candles, cause Thanksgiving break is almost here!
This wonderful five day break, is what keeps us overwhelmed college students determined to keep studying even when we think our brains can't obtain one more sentence of information. College students are probably one of the most thankful group of people on Thanksgiving. Because it means that the peak of the semester is over, and we don't have to stress out too much until finals. We get to enjoy the peaceful five day weekend of fall. Hanging out with our family, relaxing and catching up on all of our TV shows that we've become behind on over the past few weeks, and be able to take time to be thankful!
However, I can't escape from reality for now. Because as I sit on my floor in my bedroom writing this, I look down and am surrounded by notebooks, text books and flash cards, which remind me that I must keep studying for my test.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

House Sitting with the Bestie

This week, my friend Hannah and I are house sitting for some close friends of ours, The Cornish family. Mr. Cornish is on a missions trip in Haiti, Mrs. C is in Ethiopia, and their three kids, Emily, Jack, and Ben are all off at college. They needed someone to take care of their cute dog, Cuddles, so Mr. C called Hannah and I! We've been there for a week now, and will leave on Saturday. It has been a fun week, hanging out and being "responsible adults" of the house.
Hans and I have been super close for a long time, but we just hadn't had very much time to "catch up on life" together since I got back in August and school started. This week has DEFINITELY fixed that. It has been so amazing! We've been able to spend lots of time together, hear about everything that is going on in each others lives. It has been incredible! Han
nah and I are so much alike, and we can relate so well with things that are going on. Love it! Love her! We've stayed up waaaayyyy too late a few nights, and even missed a few classes because of it. Oops!
Cuddles is super cute and fun to take care of, but she definitely has her stupid moments. It's been a great week though, and definitely a blessing to have some good, quality bestie time with Hannah. I love you chica!!