Roots: Growing Deeper

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Best Summer Yet- Jonah 2011

Every transition I’ve been through, if I trust in the Lord through it, He has done things and blessed me beyond anything I could have ever imagined. The past couple weeks, I’ve been in a place of awe, taking in all God has done in my life.

Three weeks ago, the summer staff arrived at Jonah. Even though I have a full-time job, I wanted to be connected at Jonah, but didn’t know how. I didn’t know how to immerse myself and get to know the staff in a way where I wasn’t the awkward tag-along. I began hanging out with my cousin Justin, who’s on staff this summer. By simply hanging out in the evenings, I began to get to know the staff a little more, and would help out in whatever areas I could. Before I knew it, I found myself overwhelmed by the love, acceptance, and incredible people that surrounded me.

In the past three weeks, I’ve made some of the best friends, had some of the most incredible experiences, and been embraced with such loving arms. I stand speechless at all that has happened. God has blessed me more than I could have ever asked for. Jeff and Beki, the owners of the camp, have been so loving, and treat me like any other staff member. They are such a blessing in my life! I love them so much!

After I began to connect with Jonah and the people there God showed me he had just got started...

Two weeks ago I was given the opportunity to co-direct Primary Camp with Sherri and Daniel. God taught me SO much that week. I was able to do things I had never done before. I connected with the kids, and was able to be a help to both Jonah and the campers. It was so great to work alongside Sherri and see her passion for Jonah play out through every detail. I got to know Daniel really well too, which was super awesome. We spend every waking moment getting stuff ready, planning, joking around, running errands etc. etc. His love for the Lord shines so vividly in everything he does. He is willing to do anything and everything to serve. His faith is so inspiring to me, I'm very blessed to have become good friends with him.
I’m still trying to process how God has blessed me with such incredible, deep, lasting friendships in such a short amount of time. Right away he gave me a connection with two girls on staff: Alyssa and Ellie. God knew we needed each other in our lives, and that this summer would be that much more incredible because of our friendship. God knew we could build each other up, have great memories together, and glorify Him to his fullest by being there for each other each step of the way. It feels like I’ve been close with them for years, but I only started to get to know them a month ago. So crazy! I’m thankful beyond words. Love you, Jazz and Ish! =)
Maybe it’s a camp thing, maybe it’s a Trout Lake thing, but it’s DEFINITELY a God thing that he brought each of the staff to Jonah this summer. Not just Ellie, Alyssa and I are close. All the staff are. We all just connect. Every night I lay in bed and think about the countless things I’ve seen God do in that day alone. There’s so many incredible people at Jonah this year, and I’m thankful beyond words to be a part of it! Countless lives are being changed because of this summer. We serve an awesome God!

In May when I moved to Trout Lake, I prayed for a good summer. Three weeks later, with it only half over, I’ve already had one of the best summers of my life. I can’t wait to see what happens during the rest of it, and the time after this summer too! I know that the Lord is going to continue to work, and that I have a whole new group of incredible people in my life, who will be important to me for a long time to come.
Cheers to an unforgettable summer!!

Here are a few other more specific highlights that have happened the past couple weeks:
  • ·          Jet Skiing on July 3rd with the staff on the Columbia River
  • ·          Alyssa and I having our own church service at the Hood River Marina
  • ·          Being “Surfer Girl” along with “Scuba Bob” (Daniel) during Primary Camp
  • ·          Floating the creek
  • ·          Seeing how God fits accidents and bad things into His perfect plan
  • ·          Being disciplined in spending time with the Lord each day
  • ·          Seeing first-hand how effective and powerful prayer is
  • ·          Pushing Prophet into the creek
  • ·          Riding in the New Truck, which was donated to Jonah last week!!
  • ·          Developing a relationship with a co-worker who isn’t a Christian, trying to reach out to her
  • ·          Sleepovers at Jonah
  • ·          Being the “Jonah Photographer”, taking pictures of all the great camp memories
  • ·          Setting up a scavenger hunt for the boys, giving them a surprise apple pie dessert.
  • ·          4th of July at the Marina with the Jonah Staff..seeing an epic fireworks show; because God blessed me by letting me get off work a couple hours early!
  • ·          Quality talks with staff about life, getting to know each other; investing in each-others lives.
  • ·          The opportunity to serve in whatever way possible.
  • ·          Enjoying the beauty of God’s creation I’m surrounded by in Trout Lake. 
  • ·          Being accountability partners with Alyssa.
  • ·          All of the inside jokes and funny quotes with staff…
  • ·          Watching 24 with Thomas and Sherri
  • ·          Talking with Sherri about anything and everything
  • ·          3 hour long conversations by the creek = the best!
  • ·          Chasing Alyssa around the building, into the sprinkler
  • ·          Tractor rides
  • ·          Hood river Walmart/ ice cream trips
  • ·          Singing…all the time.
  • ·          Not having to worry about what anyone thinks…Jonah is a place where you can be yourself- your real self. No disguises and you’re accepted and loved just as much as anyone else.

The list goes on and on of all the great things that have happened in my life the past couple weeks! I’m thankful God placed me in Trout Lake this summer, and do not come anywhere near deserving all the Lord has blessed me with and given to me already. Can’t wait to see what the rest of the summer has in store.

Colossians 2:6-18

Chicle (my camp name =)


Sarah said...

Jess, this makes me so happy to read. After talking with you and hearing your heart a few days after you had started at Jonah, it is beyond doubt that God has answered some prayers and has you there by His good purpose and will. I hope the rest of the summer is just as good or better :) Love you!

Grandpa Roy said...

God has been good.................

Grandpa Roy