Roots: Growing Deeper

Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break!

This week has been a crazy week, but it has been completely amazing. I have got to see and hang out with many of my friends that I hadn't seen in a long time, which is great. Hanging out with them and catching up on life is so much fun.
It has been pretty cold and rainy the past week, but we haven't let that get in our way too much. I will admit though, I am a bit of a pansy when it comes to the cold weather. I have adapted to the Mexico climate quite a bit in the last year and a half. :)
Going to Bethany (our home church here in Salem) on Sunday was so awesome. The feeling of being back there was indescribable. I love that church. We had such a warm welcome home too, it was nice. The worship time, and the message, the atmosphere, Sunday school....everything was just incredible.
It seems like almost every night a group of people are going to someones house for a movie night. Usually we hang out and play games, eat food, etc. and then watch a movie. lol. Then following the movie is usually the same thing, with all of the guys tackling each other added in there. :)
We've done random, fun stuff all week. I love it. It doesn't really matter to me what it is that we do, it matters more that I am getting to spend time hanging out with my friends.
Another update and some pics will be coming soon. Jess

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Heading Out

The group from Texas just left. I am sad that they all had to leave. It was an AWESOME week. It was a blast to hang out and get to know the teenagers, especially. I had sooo much fun with them... and now I keep wanting to say "ya'll". :) We slept on the roof one night, and the other nights we stayed up into the early hours of the morning looking at the stars, talking and just hanging out. We also had a great time handing out gospels of John, praying for people, hanging out at La Roca, hiking up the mountain, playing with the kids at the Indian camp....I could go on and on. :) I could see God using them in many ways every day they were here. Their attitudes and passion to serve were so inspiring. I am looking forward to keeping in touch with them, and I am already excited for when they come next year. :)

In thirteen hours I will be leaving home and heading to Guadalajara! Woo-hoo! I am very sad to be leaving Morgan, Christian, my Dad, and Mackenzie for a whole month...But on the other hand, I am so unbelievably excited to see my friends in Salem. It still hasn't hit me that tomorrow night I will be in Salem with my friends and family. Crazy. I've barely started packing though, so I should probably get a move on that.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

First Group of the Year

This evening the first group of the year arrived at the RTC (regional training center). They are from Texas and will be working with one of our sister Churches here in Autlan. There is five adults and four teenagers on the trip. We are excited to get to know them throughout the week. They have been coming to Autlan for several years now, but this is our first time meeting them since we have only been running the RTC since August. Please pray for this group as they reach into the hearts of the people here in Autlan this week. They are all incredibly nice people, and I know God can use them in many ways during their time here.

This summer is going to be one of many joys and new experiences for me. I will be meeting people from all over the United States as they come here to stay at the RTC and work in Autlan this summer. I am excited to see all the things that God does both in the peoples lives that come on the trip, and in the lives of the people that the groups reach out to in their time here. I am excited to meet and develop friendships with the people that come here and have a passion for sharing the love of Christ with the people in Mexico like I do.

Please pray for our upcoming busy, eventful, God-serving filled summer ahead of us. I know that God will do great things through the people that come here with their hearts open and ready to serve their Savior. I can't wait to see what He has in store for us this year, and the years to come as we continue to tell the world about His love.

God Bless, Jessica

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Salem Trip!!

In nine days, on March 20th, my mom, Brent, Dane and I are taking a trip to Salem!! We are all super excited. My mom and brothers will be in Salem for two weeks (until April 3rd), and I will stay in Salem a little while longer, and return home on April 20th. We are all going to be sad to leave my Dad, Morgan, Christian, and Mackenzie, but we are looking forward to seeing our friends and family in Oregon. I will post updates and pictures from our trip throughout the month. See you soon!!

La Roca

This last Saturday my mom and I had our first shift solo at La Roca. Lulis, Ady, and Elizabeth do a Bible study at La Roca on Saturday afternoons, so they need someone to cover the kitchen so they aren't interrupted throughout their study time. Andy was doing this shift since August, but our Sunday night shift was conflicting with youth group, so we traded with him.
On Saturday afternoons it usually isn't that busy, just a few tables come in during the two hours we have our shift. It was fun making the drinks and stuff, and it's good practice for me too, because normally I help with odd jobs and wait on tables. I've had some experience making drinks, but Ady is always there to help me with any questions I have. I had to look at the recipe book a few times, but it was fun. :)

Saturday was also Lulis's last day working at La Roca. She is four months pregnant, and decided to be done working for now. We had become good friends, and she is so sweet. I am sad that she isn't working at La Roca anymore. I will still see her every Saturday when she comes for the Bible study, so that will be nice. She says that she will come and visit us at La Roca often. Her sister, Ady still works there, and her sister-in-law took her place working at La Roca, so we will still get to see her a lot. Lulis is not a Christian, but has been around Christians every day the past year or so that she has worked at La Roca. She is coming to a Bible study, like I mentioned above, but she has not yet made the choice to surrender her life to Christ. Please pray for her, that should would accept Christ as her Savior.

In Photo: Lulis (left) Me (center) and Ady (right)