Roots: Growing Deeper

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Heading Out

The group from Texas just left. I am sad that they all had to leave. It was an AWESOME week. It was a blast to hang out and get to know the teenagers, especially. I had sooo much fun with them... and now I keep wanting to say "ya'll". :) We slept on the roof one night, and the other nights we stayed up into the early hours of the morning looking at the stars, talking and just hanging out. We also had a great time handing out gospels of John, praying for people, hanging out at La Roca, hiking up the mountain, playing with the kids at the Indian camp....I could go on and on. :) I could see God using them in many ways every day they were here. Their attitudes and passion to serve were so inspiring. I am looking forward to keeping in touch with them, and I am already excited for when they come next year. :)

In thirteen hours I will be leaving home and heading to Guadalajara! Woo-hoo! I am very sad to be leaving Morgan, Christian, my Dad, and Mackenzie for a whole month...But on the other hand, I am so unbelievably excited to see my friends in Salem. It still hasn't hit me that tomorrow night I will be in Salem with my friends and family. Crazy. I've barely started packing though, so I should probably get a move on that.

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