Roots: Growing Deeper

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

La Roca

This last Saturday my mom and I had our first shift solo at La Roca. Lulis, Ady, and Elizabeth do a Bible study at La Roca on Saturday afternoons, so they need someone to cover the kitchen so they aren't interrupted throughout their study time. Andy was doing this shift since August, but our Sunday night shift was conflicting with youth group, so we traded with him.
On Saturday afternoons it usually isn't that busy, just a few tables come in during the two hours we have our shift. It was fun making the drinks and stuff, and it's good practice for me too, because normally I help with odd jobs and wait on tables. I've had some experience making drinks, but Ady is always there to help me with any questions I have. I had to look at the recipe book a few times, but it was fun. :)

Saturday was also Lulis's last day working at La Roca. She is four months pregnant, and decided to be done working for now. We had become good friends, and she is so sweet. I am sad that she isn't working at La Roca anymore. I will still see her every Saturday when she comes for the Bible study, so that will be nice. She says that she will come and visit us at La Roca often. Her sister, Ady still works there, and her sister-in-law took her place working at La Roca, so we will still get to see her a lot. Lulis is not a Christian, but has been around Christians every day the past year or so that she has worked at La Roca. She is coming to a Bible study, like I mentioned above, but she has not yet made the choice to surrender her life to Christ. Please pray for her, that should would accept Christ as her Savior.

In Photo: Lulis (left) Me (center) and Ady (right)

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