Roots: Growing Deeper

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Back In Mexico

It's been just over a week since I got back to Mexico. The adjustment has been difficult, but I know this is where God wants me. I am looking to Him for comfort and peace.
Being back with my family has been great. Even though being in a big family can be difficult at times, I still love them to death, and am happy to be home with them again.
Throughout the month in Oregon, I eventually adapted to the cold weather for the most part. I think I just got used to being cold. I almost always had a sweatshirt on, and when I was at the Baker's, I always wanted to be wrapped up in a blanket. I also got a warm Dutch Bros. mocha almost every day. :) Mexico right now however, is completely the opposite. It reaches about 100 degrees almost every day. Goodbye Spring, hello Summer!
I will post some pics from my trip soon. Jess

Friday, April 17, 2009

Last Days in Salem

As my trip comes to an end, I have mixed feelings. I am sad to leave Salem. I have so many friends and good memories here. I love spending time with my friends and family here and I am going to miss everyone terribly when I return to Mexico. At the same time though, I am excited to go back to Mexico. I am excited to see my family, sleep with my own pillow, play with my dog, and continue to serve the Lord in Autlan.

I have done SOO much in the past month, it's insane. I've had so many good memories and fun times with my friends. I have loved going to Bethany on Sunday mornings, and Crosswalk on Tuesday nights. I have realized a lot about my life on this trip. Things that I need to change and do better on, and I have also been reminded at how blessed I am. God is so good. He gives me so many incredible things.

I am going to return to Mexico with sooo many good memories from this past month. I could go on for hours naming them one after another. :) Many good pictures, and fun times. This trip has been a blast. I will remember and cherish all the memories forever.

Thank you all for being such blessings in my life. Jess

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Dog Park

I love hanging out with my cousins. We always have fun together, no matter where we are. Nothing is ever boring if we are together. It has been awesome getting to spend some good, quality time with them since I got here; it had been a long time.
This afternoon we took the Baker's dog, Dixon, to the "dog park". It was a perfect warm, sunny afternoon. The sun was shining, the slight breeze was just perfect, and we were all together. Can you get any better than that? When we first got there, we decided to jump from rock to rock and see if we could make it across all the rocks without falling. I felt like a little kid again! But heck, it was fun! After that we played frisbee with the dog, and chased many other dogs, trying to get our frisbee back when they stole it from Dixon. Dean (one of the exchange students that is living wiht the Bakers) took some awesome pictures as well. We left just as the sun was setting and had a fun car ride back talking about fun memories we had in the Baker's "old house" growing up.
I love my cousins, I don't know what I would do without them. You guys are the best!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Adventures of Week Two

This was my second week and Salem, and another great week, just like the first one. :) My mom and brothers left on Friday morning to return to Mexico, and my mom called me last night and told me that they had all arrived safely. I know they really enjoyed seeing everyone while they were here.
Some of my highlights from this past week were seeing my grandparents from Washington, gong to crosswalk, exploring Minto Brown Park, paintballing (there was eleven boys and me that was sooo much fun!!), movie night at Jack's house, Olive Garden with Catherine and Jarren (lol, we have way to much fun when the three of us are together....especially when the phone rings), spending the night at Hannah's, having the "Hannah/Jess day", watching The Office (yes, I'm addicted now), shooting glow sticks 100 yards into the air and catching them at midnight with Cameron and Jarren, and church. :) It was an awesome week with many new memories, inside jokes and pictures that I will remember forever.
I have all these memories, and have had all these awesome times with my friends and family already, and my trip is only half over! I love it.
Enjoying Salem, Jess