Roots: Growing Deeper

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

UnFOURgettable Night #3 - 2009

Every October our youth group does something called the "Four unFOURgettable nights". Instead of normal youth group the four weeks in October we do special activities and have special Bible lessons. It is a special outreach event where we invite our unsaved friends to come and have fun, and also hear the Gospel. At the end of the lesson each week, my youth Pastor, Pastor Joe, gives an invitation for the kids to receive Christ as their Savior.
I look forward to the unFourgettable nights each year not only because we get to do special, fun activities during youth group, but also because I know that teens are going to bring their unsaved friends from school, work, etc. and some of them are going to come to know Christ as their personal savior for the first time. They are going to begin an everlasting relationship with God during these four special weeks in October. Isn't that just awesome?! I wish that every unsaved teenager that each kid in our youth group knows would come to the unfourgettables and hear of God's amazing love.
Tonight was night numero three. Different groups learned how to do magic tricks and then each group had someone perform the trick in front of the youth group. We had a good time, and it was really fun.
However, the lesson that PJ (Pastor Joe) gave tonight really meant a lot to me. It was basic and a story that I've been hearing since I was really little, but it impacted me in a new way tonight. I saw it from a different view and it really got me thinking.
PJ talked about how many people in this world have tried to make Christ's resurrection from the grave look like a trick, like something that anyone could do if they were sneaky enough. That after Jesus' brutal, insanely painful, worst crucifiction of all, he just went in the tomb, took a little nap, and three days later he woke up, healed and strong, and pushed away the stone; and that any other man could do that as well.
We know that is NOT how the story goes. That Jesus' death on the cross, and his resurrection from the dead three days later was not something that any sheep from the heard could do. No, only the greatest of all could do this.
Satan thought that Jesus had finally died, that it was finished, that he had won the battle, but no! Christ's death was the real deal. HE rose from the dead by the power of His father to show the world that he was the son of God, and to save the world from sin. Now THAT isn't something that any old guy on the street could do. AND He did it without twisting the rules, with no illusions, no tricks. He did it by the power of his Father, and for the people of this world.
What an amazing gift God has given us!! I am continually astounded by God's omnipotent power and neverending love. I can't belive the people of this world could really think that it was fake, that God cheated some way.
I can't wait for the day when the whole world sees and understands who God really is, and that He does everything by his power, and his power alone. No illusions, no tricks. Just Him.

Thank you Jesus for your amazing, one of a kind, genuine, no illusions or tricks attached, gift; freedom from sin. Thank you for showing the world who you are by conquering death, death on the cross. Thank you for the unbearable pain that you suffered for the world, for me. I love you and I could never thank you for all you have given me. Help me to live a life worthy of your praise, and that I would share your love with the people of this world. That I would share it fearlessly as I should. I pray that more teenagers would come to our youth group and learn of your love, that they would accept you as their personal Savior. Amen

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