Roots: Growing Deeper

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My One of 2010

At the end of 2009 I was challenged by my youth pastor to begin praying and ask God to help me lead one particular friend to Christ in 2010. However, instead of starting out by praying for God to help me lead a certain friend to the Lord, I started by asking God to lay a friend on my heart to be my "One of 2010".
Its mid February now, and God has layed on my heart one friend that I am praying that he will give me the opportunity to lead to Christ this year. His name is Salvador, but we call him Chavo. Him and his brother and sister are my best friends here in Mexico. I hang out with them a lot, and I really enjoy their friendship. They come from a very difficult family, and all together, life situation. My heart really goes out to them.
Chavo, out of all of his family, has seemed the most open to Christianity, and he has come to me with many questions. We gave him and his dad a Bible, and he reads it often. He has quoted verses to me before, and I know that he isn't closed off to the love of God. But he hasn't realized yet that he needs God in his life. Just this week Chavo and I had a really good conversation about doing what is right, even if you get made fun of for it. We talked about how if we do something we know is right, even if it's not the "cool" thing to do, and you get made fun of for it, God will reward you. And He will bless you for choosing to follow Him instead of the world. I am thankful that God gave me the opportunity to talk with Chavo about that. I'm trusting in God, and asking Him to open Chavo's heart, and that He would give me more opportunities to talk with him about living for Christ.
The key is poco a poco, little by little. No matter what, Chavo will be my friend. But knowing that if he died tonight he wouldn't spend eternity in heaven, breaks my heart. I want so badly for him to comprehend how much Christ loves him, and for him to want to live for God with all of his heart. But I can't change him. I can't open his mind. I can only do what God chooses to do through me. I am praying that he will use me. I am praying that Chavo will be my "One of 2010" and that when I leave for college this fall, I will have the peace of knowing, that Chavo will spend eternity in heaven with our Savior when he dies.

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