Roots: Growing Deeper

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

19 Days

It's hard to believe that I only have 19 days left in Mexico before I begin my journey back to Oregon and begin college at Corban University....It seems like just last week we got back from furlough and I was exciteded and anticipating all the summer events ahead. Now our last group is here this week, days after they leave Chad and Kendra make their way home, and just 11 days after that, my family will follow them.
This summer truly has been an unforgettable one! I look over how fast it has gone by and am sad, but only because it's coming to an end. God has done some absolutely incredible things this summer!!

I must admit every day I get a stronger bitter-sweet feeling. I get more sad because I think more about the fact that soon Autlan will no longer be my home, and that I will only come back for Christmas and summer vacation. That my friends will be here, continuing on with life, and I will be far away. I will miss my job at La Roca, our Church, going to the migrant camp, and youth night so, so much. However, the thought that saddens me the most, and that I will definitely miss the most is my family. I try not to think or talk about it too much, because the thought is hard for me to grasp and handle okay. It's going to be really rough.
However, I'm extremely thankful that they will be traveling back to Oregon with me and will be there for the first 6 weeks. Then it will only be about 2 months before I come back to Autlan for Christmas.

I will be staying at my Aunt Marcy and Uncle Tim Baker's house this coming school year in Salem. They live about 5-10 minutes from Corban, and about 3 minutes away from Bethany, my home church, where I will be attending. It will be nice to stay with them, and have my crazy cousins there to help me feel the comforts of home to an extent. :)

I feel like in many areas of my life right now I am living out, or in the process of doing my best to live out James 1:12 which says: "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."

As I do my best to persevere through the hard times, and rejoice in the happy ones, I know that God will be there at my side through it all, no matter how hard it gets. But that doesn't mean it will be easy. I would appreciate your prayers as I begin this new stage in life, and as I begin to unfold all the wonderful things I am confident God has in store for my life as I take a new step.


Grandpa Roy said...

Grandma Dixie and I are so proud of you and pray for you daily. We know God has special plans for you while your at Corbin, and we know you'll work your hardest with all your studies.

Garndpa Roy

Courtney said...

Hi Jess, I know its a hard adjustment, I'm praying for you. I'm glad I got to come get a glimps of your life in Mexico this summer. I am excited for you to be here and look forward to spending time with you next year at Corban, church, and just hanging out:)