Roots: Growing Deeper

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


On the outer part of Autlan, there's a migrant worker camp. About 200 Indian workers live there. Each family gets one small room, and inside, there's hardly anything. The women cook in barrels outside their room, there's only one mens and one womens bathroom that everyone has to share. You have to go and get your own water, garbage is everywhere, kids runaround dirty, with no shoes, and unsupervised as their fathers work in the fields, and their mothers cook.
Going to the migrant worker camp is an eye opening experience, but also a heart breaking one. There's many ways to serve there, but its rough.

Since we moved to Autlan we've gone out there with groups to play with the little kids, give them candy, and try our best to share the love of Christ with them in the process.
The first year or so that I went out there, all the kids looked the same. They would tell me their names, but I couldn't ever remember them, and I'd be lucky if I recognized them from the week before. Not because I didn't care about them, or want to show them that I love them, but because I didn't really know them personally, and I hadn't spent the time to get to know each one of them personally.
About 7 months ago, my mom and Barbara started a womens Bible study on Tuesday afternoons. After we would play with the kids, and through that I began to be able to remember some of the kids names, and begin to get to know some of their personalities on a more personal note. I really enjoyed and was happy that they knew who I was, and looked forward to when I came.

Then, the California group came. One of the main ministries they did intheir time here was they held a VBS for the children at the camp. Beau, Chloe and I were leaders for the 7-9 year olds. We had a group of about 13 kids each day, and I had the greatest time getting to know that group of kids. In no time at all we knew who our two or three trouble makers were, and we knew which ones really were there to listen and wanted to behave. One of those kids, who I could tell was different then the rest from the very beginning was Justiano.

Justiano (left), Salvador (right)

Justiano is 8(?) years old, and has the cutest smile of all time. He's just lost his two front teeth.
He's the oldest in his family, and has two younger brothers. His littlest brother is just 1 year old, and Justiano takes care of him a lot.
At VBS each day we would learn a verse, and Justiano loved it. If we didn't give him his own copy of the verse, so he could read it by himself, he said he couldn't learn it. Once he had his paper he would go off to the side and read it over and over, trying to memorize it. If he couldn't get a part, he would get frustrated with himself, but once he got it down, and recited it to me so he could receive his prize, the pride, joy and contentment that splashed all over his face was indescribably amazing. Each day he would come back and tell us that he had been practicing hisverse all evening in his house, and I knew he really had. He was always the first to say 'thank you', and the most intent listener in story time. He would finish the questions for the teacher if she couldn't get the words out fast enough, and knew the answers to every single one.
Each day, Beau, Chloe and I would fall in love with this amazing little boy more and more.
However the last day of VBS came, and he didn't show up. Beau and Chloe were heart broken they couldn't say goodbye.

Three days after the group left, Barbara was at my house. Her and my mom were talking about the camp, they were talking about a lady that lives at the camp that is a Christian, and that was going to join the study. My mom looked over at me and said "did you know that lady is Justiano's mom?" It took a moment to process it all. Justiano's mom is a Christian. I got the chills. It all made so much sense! I knew he was different from all the other kids, I should have known, how could I have been so blind to the love and joy of Jesus shining so vividly through him?!
Upon hearing that news, I couldn't wait for two things. One, to tell Beau and Chloe. Two, to go back to the camp and see my little brother in Christ, Justiano.

I went to the camp the following day, Tuesday, and when I saw Justiano, my heart filled with happiness. I had missed him a lot. I went over and start ed talking with him, and told him how sad Beau and Chloe were that they couldn't say goodbye. I had made a picture that said "Beau and Chloe are cool! We miss you a lot, come back soon!" I asked him if he would sign his name on the picture, and if I could take his photo with it to send to them. The kids around himwere listening, and they all looked at him like he was the luckiest boy in the world. He started giggling with joy, and buried his face in his picture he was coloring. I asked him if that was okay, and he nodded his head. I could tell he was overjoyed.

Today, I went back to the camp and was super, super excited to see Justiano again. I had missed him even more this week! All the boys were out on the soccer field shooting goals and playing keep away. I immediately started searching for him when I got out there. It didn't take me long to find him, and of course, when I saw him, he was smiling. I called out his name to say hello, and he glanced over at me and kind of smiled but continued to play. I got a little sad thinking he must not have missed me as much as I missed him.
About a minute later, a ball comes rolling towards me with an energetic Justiano running behind it. He had kicked it towards me on purpose, and was coming over to play with me. That sadness went away in an instant, and before I knew it, the two of us were playing against two other boys. He was adorable to watch run after the soccer ball and try his hardest to kick it back to me, and not let the other boys get it. After a while we had to stop playing because it was time for story. As we began to walk back towards the houses, I gave him a high-five and told him we definitely won. I told him he was great at soccer, and he looked at me with a huge smile and said, "really?!" I said, "yes, of course, you're awesome" and he never looked more happy.
We made our way back to the cement court and sat down for story time. He ran over to the area where the women wash their clothes, and came back with his little brother in his hands. He sat down holding him, and listened intently to the story. Even though his little brother is just one year old though, he's like half as big as Justiano. I could tell he was kind of uncomfortable holding him, so I walked over and told Justiano I would hold his brother for him, so he could listen to the story. His baby brother had fallen asleep in Justiano's arms, so I gently picked him up.
I stayed standing in Justianos sight for a long while, but my arms eventually got tired. I went about 10 feet away and sat down. About two minutes after I sat down, Justiano stood up and started looking for me. He was checking to make sure his baby brother was close and that Iwas still taking care of him. It was the sweetest thing I had ever seen.
Holding Justiano's little brother, I couldn't stop staring at him. He looks a lot like his brother, and was just so cute, and peaceful sleeping in my arms. I prayed for him, and enjoyed every second I was holding him.
After a while, Justiano's mom came over and took the precious baby back to their room to sleep. I was sad that she took him. I could have held him for hours.

I didn't want to bother Justiano, but I couldn't stay away from him. I wanted to talk with him, and get to know him more every moment I was there. I went and sat next to him as he colored his picture. As soon as I sat down and started talking with him, I could tell he liked that I was with him.
I told him about Beau and how much he had told me that he misses him. The same smile that he had the week before when I asked him to take a picture, came back on his face immediately. I told him all about what Beau had told me about him, and he felt like he was a king. He felt loved, and that's what it's all about. I asked him if he wanted me to tell Beau anything for him, and he didn't say anything for a moment. I asked him if he did, and he said yes. But when I asked what he wanted me to tell him, he got shy and wouldn't say, but still had his amazing smile on his face.
I asked him if he wanted to think about it for a little bit, and he said yes.
About five minutes later, I went back and sat next to him again. I asked him if he had thought about what he wanted me to tell "Bob Esponja" as they called him at the camp. He giggled and said he didn't know. I started to tickle him and said that I knew he did. I decided to help him get started, knowing that if I told him a few things he could say to him, he would join in and say what he was really thinking; what I knew he wanted to say, but was just too shy to tell me. I asked him if he wanted to tell him that he misses him, and he said yes. Then I asked if he wanted to tell him that every time he watched Sponge Bob if it reminds him of him, and he saidyes. And then he said "and tell him that I'm asking all the time when he's going to come back." My heart melted. I said that I would for sure tell him. I could tell he was super happy that he decided to tell me what he was really thinking. I was too. He had finished coloring and all of a sudden got super excited. He looked at me and held out his paper, shaking it with excitement. Give this to him! he said! I said, okay, but you have to write your name on it. He wrote his name with pride, and handed me the paper to give to Beau with a giant smile on his face.

God has placed Justiano on my heart, and I can't get enough of him! He captures and makes my heart melt. He's only like 8 years old, but he's incredible! He's adorable and set apart. I pray that as he grows up he will continue to be set apart from the world, and continue in his walk with God.
My heart breaks thinking that soon I won't be able to see him each week. See his smile, hear his laugh and watch him live life with the constant joy that he has, despite the extremely hard life he lives. I will miss him dearly when I'm away at college, but I'm confident that we will one day spend eternity in Heaven together, and nothing can give me more peace and joy than that.
I never thought God could teach me so much from one little boy, that lives in a migrant worker camp in a small town in Mexico. I'm so thankful that God has given me the opportunity to get to know Justiano, become his friend, and allow him to change my life. That he has taught me all that he has. I love you Justiano!!!

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