Roots: Growing Deeper

Thursday, July 1, 2010

¡Feliz Cumpleaños Pastor Leonel!

My family and I spent this past weekend in the grand city of Guadalajara. On Tuesday night after picking up the Barkes family from the airport, we were blessed with being able to help out the family of Isai in the way of giving Pastor Leonel, Isai's dad, and his wife Olivia a ride back to Autlan. They needed to get some documents from their home, and decided to stay for two nights so they could be at Aposento Alto (the church he pastors at) for the Wednesday night service.
When I found out they would be riding back with us, I was very happy. I hadn't seen or been able to talk with either of them since the accident.
They were very tired, and the sadness and desperation they carried with them showed through their every movement. I was still however greeted with two big smiles and hugs. Our ride home was pleasant. We talked for a while about Isai's condition, etc. and then continued on to subjects that were less heavy for their, and all of our hurting hearts.
When we finally arrived in Autlan and were soon approaching their home, I asked Olivia if she was excited to sleep in her own bed. I have never seen someone get that excited about sleeping in their own bed. I mean, I've been without my own bed for a long time, but Olivia had been with out it for 23 days, and she had definitely missed it.

During our ride I found out that the following day, Wednesday, was Pastor's birthday. So I would just like to take this time to wish one of the best Pastor's I know, a very happy birthday.
I am seriously amazed at the wonders God performs in this mans life. He is seriously an incredible man of God. He is not only the Pastor of the largest church in Autlan, but he goes out every single day of the week to near-by towns. He ministers to other Pastor's and Churches there. He also hosts people in need and allows them to stay in his house. He has so many gifts, and he uses every one of them ALL for the glory of God. He is one of the best preachers I've ever heard. I could listen to him preach for hours and not get bored. Pastor Leonel is a great example for how the Christian life should be lived. He does everything with so much passion, joy and love. Thank you Pastor, for being the person you are, and for inspiring and impacting my life in so many ways.

Following the evening prayer service at Aposento Alto on Wednesday night, the church had a birthday celebration for Pastor Leonel in the courtyard. I hope that he had a wonderful birthday. It had been almost a month since he had seen and been able to talk with his fellow brothers, and I think it was a good way for him to spend his birthday, especially during this difficult time in his life.

Mi familia y yo nos duramos el fin de semana pasada en el gran ciudad de Guadalajara. El Martes en la noches despues de ir al aeropuerto por nuestros amigos, la famila Barkes, Dios nos dio la oportunidad de ayudar a la familia de Isai por la manera de dando un ridete al Pastor Leonel y Hermana Olvia a Autlan. Ellos necessitaban unos documentos de su casa y decidieron quedarse dos noches para que puedan estar para el culto el Miercoles en la noche.

Cuando mi papa me dijo que Pastor y Olvia iban regresarse a Autlan con nosotros, estaba muy contenta. No les habia visto ni hablado desde que paso el accidente.
Cuando les vi, parecian muy cansados, y la tristeza y desesperacion que traian ensenaba en cada movimiento. Pero de todas maneras, todavia los dos me saludaron con una sonrisa y un abrazo.
El viaje a Autlan fue a gusto. Al principio hablamos de Isai y su condicion, etc. Y despues seguiamos a hablar de otros subjetos que no estaban tan pesados para su, y nuestros corazones.
Cuando al fin llegamos a Autlan y pronto llegariamos a su casa, le pregunte a la hermana Olivia si estaba emocionada dormirse en su propia cama. Nunca habia visto alguien ponerse tan emocionada para dormirse en su propia cama. Yo si he extranado a mi cama por unos dias, pero Olivia habia estado sin ella por 23 dias, y se notaba la extranaba mucho.
Durante el viaje me dijeron que el dia siguente iba ser el cumpleanos del Pastor. Entonces quiero tomar este momento a felicitar a uno de los mejores Pastores que conozco.

Estoy asombrada de todas las maravillas que Dios performe en la vida de Pastor Leonel. El es un hombre de Dios increible. No solo es el Pastor de la iglesia christiana mas grande en Autlan, pero tambien sale todos los dias de la semana a otros pueblos. El apoya y ayuda a los otros Pastores y iglesias que estan ahi. Tambien es un huesped a gente que necessitan un lugar donde quedarse un tiempo. Tiene muchisimos regalos que Dios le ha dado y los usa a TODOS para la gloria de Dios. El es uno de los mejores predicadores que he esuchado. Podria escuchar a su predicacion por horas sin aburrirme. El es un gran ejemplo de como la vida christiana se debe vivir. El hace todo lo que hace con mucho passion, gozo y amor. Gracias Pastor, por ser la persona que usted es, por impactar y inspirar mi vida en tantas maneras.
Despues del culto el Miercoles en Aposento Alto, la iglesia tuvo un celebracion para el Pastor para su cumpleanos. El y su esposa tenian casi un mes desde habian visto y tener la oportunidad de plactiar con sus hermanos. Creo que fue una buena manera como festejar su cumpleanos, especialmente durante de este tiempo tan dificil en su vida. Feliz Cumpleanos, Pastor Leonel!!

1 comment:

Grandpa Roy said...

Great story with lots of heart and compassion, you do such a good job of expressing your feelings. Faithwriters would be a good way to express your story.

Love ya,
Grandpa Roy