Roots: Growing Deeper

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's a Big Deal!

In just seven short hours I will be getting in the car to head up to the airport with my aunt Marcy to pick up my mom and sister!! Based on this news, you might simply be thinking "oh, that's cool, her mom and sister are visiting for spring break". But it's much more than just a simple visit. It's a big deal. Let me tell you why.
 I left Mexico in January to come back for my second semester at Corban. I haven't seen any one from my family since then. Over Christmas break my mom had talked about maybe coming to visit over spring break, but airfare was just too expensive when it came time to book tickets. This has been a very rough semester for me, and a difficult adjustment time in my life. I had especially been going through a hard time the past month or so, and was really missing my family and Mexico. It was really sad when I found out they couldn't come for spring break, especially as time went on and I had been feeling so homesick. However, God knew my heart and how much I missed everyone. He also knew how much my mom and Morgan wanted to come here to see me as well, so with His plan, he made the impossible happen.
On Monday night around midnight, my phone rang; it was mom. Apparently my Grandpa had found a special deal on flights and sent the link to my mom. She checked it out, and the deal was good for tickets over spring break. She called and asked me if I would rather wait and have them come around graduation time in May, or come now. I told her that graduation would be sad without them there, but that it wasn't a huge deal, and that I really just wanted them to come now! So the next morning, my mom booked hers and Morgan's tickets! She called me, and it turns out they are staying for 2.5 weeks, not just over spring break! Which means I'm also going to have my graduation party while they are here, so they get to be here for both events; spring break and graduation! =)
After I got that phone call, I went straight to my aunt Marcy's work to tell her. I couldn't bare the excitement even on the 10 minute car ride there...I was freaking out!! As soon as I got there, I went back to her lab area and told her. She gave me a huge hug and I couldn't help but cry..I was SO excited!! God is so good, and he knew how much it would mean to me, my mom, Morgan and the rest of the family if they were to come. 
So now, six days later, I'm counting down the hours for them to get here! 
Yesterday was a really rough ending to a rough week, so I am having trouble containing my excitement for when they get here, and I can just enjoy two awesome weeks with them! 
Thank you, Lord for providing the way for them to come! 

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