Roots: Growing Deeper

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A New Transition

 I was talking with my mom on the phone tonight. It's always so good to hear her voice! I love catching up with her, and telling her all about what's going on in my life. She's probably a little bit overwhelmed when we talk because my mouth always starts going a mile a minute. A couple times tonight  I caught myself amazed at how fast I was talking. It's great to hear about my family's life in Autlan and everything going on there too. Talking with my family on the phone always lifts my spirits, no matter what kind of mood I'm in. They are such an encouragement!
As I talked with my mom tonight, we had a conversation about transitions. Just a couple days ago, Wednesday, I moved up to the little town of Trout Lake, WA to work for the summer. I'm working full time at the local Cafe, as well as helping out at Camp Jonah Ministries on my time off. As my mom and I talked, she told me that from the time I was young, transitions have always been especially hard for me. I love excitement and adventure, but big transitions like moving, beginning something that I know will take sacrifice and effort, is always hard for me at first. Moving to Mexico, starting a new sport on a new team with people I don't know, beginning to play on worship team, moving out of the house and away from my family....these are all things that have been new, hard transitions in my life over the past couple years. With each one I have been incredibly blessed and seen the many ways God has used and desired these things for my life, but they have not been easy transitions; especially in the beginning. I understand that for everyone transitions can be hard, but for some reason, they really hit me hard.
The first couple days here in Trout Lake have been a bit scary as I begin my first full time job, move in to a new place, meet new people, and try to "find my place" as I try to make friends and get plugged in. I know that in no time I will feel at home, and have a fantastic summer. I just have to push through this adjustment time.
I'm staying with my friend Sherri, and her husband Thomas. They are so incredibly nice, and I'm thrilled that they have so kindly offered for me to stay with them for the summer. They are so fun, nice, and encouraging to be around.
All the people here are super friendly, and I'm excited to get to know everyone better as time goes on. Working at camp will be a blast, and I'm excited to do odd jobs, hang out, and hopefully be an encouragement to both the staff and campers this summer.
Sherri and I are going to begin training, and hope to conquerer Mt. Adams this summer. We have an absolutely breath-taking view of it from the kitchen window, and pretty much everywhere you go in Trout Lake, you can see the Mountain. We also have a river that flows right behind the house, and I get to fall asleep to the flow of it at night. The air here is crisp and fresh, and everywhere you look and go you're surrounded by nature, and the beauty of God's creation.
That's as far as I've been immersed into life up here in Trout Lake so far..but I'll keep you posted on what else I learn and experience as the summer unfolds.

The Cafe:

 My Room: It's so cute!

California Girl at Heart

 Every time I go to visit my friends in Thousand Oaks, CA, it gets harder and harder to leave. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. I'm so incredibly thankful for their friendship, and the close bond that God has blessed us with. Every time I go there to visit, I find myself wishing I had chose to stay longer. I meet new people that I didn't know very well before, and we become close friends. This has happened the past couple times I have visited, and I absolutely love it! With my friends from Bethany in TO, you don't have to have grown up with them, or known them for a long time to become close friends. We just almost automatically connect and become friends, even though we've spent such short time together. The only explanation I can give for this kind of friendship is this: "it must be a God thing". With mcKensey for example, we've spent a total of 28 days together in  our entire lives, but yet she is one of my very best friends. You're probably thinking 'that just doesn't can't be that deep of a friendship'. All I can say to that is, I don't know either, but God gave us this blessing of an awesome friendship. And if you don't believe me, just spend a few days with us together. You'll see right away what I'm talking about. I go down there to visit as often as I can, and each time I grow closer and closer to both the people that I've known since we met in Autlan in 2009, and my new friends too. I'm so thankful for the Lord putting these people in my life...I can't even explain to you, nor thank HIM enough!
 I was talking with one of my friends from down there shortly after I left about how sad I was to have to leave. They said "you're a California girl at heart." I'm sure tons of girls and guys alike say this about themselves...probably most people that DON'T live in California can say this about themselves, but I think it's legitimately true for me. When I visit there, I feel this desire to never leave, and to grow in my relationships there as much as possible. I have a desire to come along side the people there and serve with them and the ministries they have. I'm a very relationship-oriented person, so maybe that side of things is just coming out strongly, since I've grown to love the people there so much. ;)
Alright, enough of this "I love my California friends sooo much and can't get over it stuff"...I'm not going to be one of those crazy bloggers.... ;)

Monday, May 9, 2011

SUMMER- Phase 1

 To kick off my summer, in two days, Wed. May 11, my cousin Jarren and I will wake up very early and begin our 14 hour road trip down to Thousand Oaks, California. We're planning on spending an extended weekend with my friends down there, hanging out, and enjoying some time away to relax and have fun; while soaking up the warm California sun of course, before we begin our full time summer jobs.
 I became connected with this amazing group of people in California when they came to Autlan on a short term missions trip each summer. My brother Brent and I really connected with the teens, and our family was very blessed and encouraged by this team; making good friendships. I've visited LA with both my family and by myself a few times, wanting to spend more time with these great friends than just one week a year. I stopped by for a couple days on my way to Mexico over Christmas break, but jumped on the opportunity to go again this summer when the chance came up. I can't wait to see all my friends there again and enjoy a fun weekend with them! I. Love. Summer.

It's Been A Whole Year?!

 I can't believe that the school year has come to and end already! It seems like just a month or two ago I was in Mexico trying to figure out what life would be like moving back to Oregon, leaving Mexico, and beginning my college experience. Now I find myself finishing up my last high school math class, and finished with finals from Corban. The year has definitely been full of adjustments and challenges, as well as great growth and joy. As I shared in the past blog post, I'm excited for summer God has laid ahead, and very excited for my first semester living on campus, as a full time student at Corban. Summer time, here I come!!!