Roots: Growing Deeper

Saturday, May 21, 2011

California Girl at Heart

 Every time I go to visit my friends in Thousand Oaks, CA, it gets harder and harder to leave. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. I'm so incredibly thankful for their friendship, and the close bond that God has blessed us with. Every time I go there to visit, I find myself wishing I had chose to stay longer. I meet new people that I didn't know very well before, and we become close friends. This has happened the past couple times I have visited, and I absolutely love it! With my friends from Bethany in TO, you don't have to have grown up with them, or known them for a long time to become close friends. We just almost automatically connect and become friends, even though we've spent such short time together. The only explanation I can give for this kind of friendship is this: "it must be a God thing". With mcKensey for example, we've spent a total of 28 days together in  our entire lives, but yet she is one of my very best friends. You're probably thinking 'that just doesn't can't be that deep of a friendship'. All I can say to that is, I don't know either, but God gave us this blessing of an awesome friendship. And if you don't believe me, just spend a few days with us together. You'll see right away what I'm talking about. I go down there to visit as often as I can, and each time I grow closer and closer to both the people that I've known since we met in Autlan in 2009, and my new friends too. I'm so thankful for the Lord putting these people in my life...I can't even explain to you, nor thank HIM enough!
 I was talking with one of my friends from down there shortly after I left about how sad I was to have to leave. They said "you're a California girl at heart." I'm sure tons of girls and guys alike say this about themselves...probably most people that DON'T live in California can say this about themselves, but I think it's legitimately true for me. When I visit there, I feel this desire to never leave, and to grow in my relationships there as much as possible. I have a desire to come along side the people there and serve with them and the ministries they have. I'm a very relationship-oriented person, so maybe that side of things is just coming out strongly, since I've grown to love the people there so much. ;)
Alright, enough of this "I love my California friends sooo much and can't get over it stuff"...I'm not going to be one of those crazy bloggers.... ;)

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