Roots: Growing Deeper

Monday, May 25, 2009

Summer Schedule

Hey guys! I have a very event-filled summer, and I am sure you do too. And believe it or not, its RIGHT around the corner. I can feel that its coming, and that it's coming SOON! :)
Here's a taste of what I will be up to this summer:

on call at La Roca (all month)
18: Cousin and two best friends coming! WOO-HOO!!
20-29: Group from Ohio
29: Texas group?

2: friends and cousin leave
8: Auntie Dawn and cousins, Landon and Junior come! Yippee!!
18-25: Group from California

1-10: Group from Salem
20: Auntie and cousins leave

September: School Begins

October: Furlough begins!

We are also hoping to start a new youth group here at the center this summer. I think that this ministry could be a very effective thing in the lives of the youth here in Autlan. They need the love of Christ in their lives so bad.

Now you have a bit of an idea as to what I will be up to this summer. I am very excited for all that is coming up, and I can't wait to see what God has planned!
God Bless, Jessica

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I Want to Set the World on Fire

One of my favorite songs right now is "Set the World on Fire" by Britt Nicole. You can listen to it on her website: She has a beautiful voice, and I love the feeling I get when I listen to this song. It portrays so well how I want to live, and what I who I want to be. When I listen to this song I think "this is who I want to be. This is what I want to do. I want to make a difference in the world by living for Christ. I want to make the world shine bright with God's love." But I need to be passionate about it, and be willing to do whatever it is God wants me to do to make that happen.

This song talks about how we can give hope to the poor, and tell the sick that there is healing, through our Savior, Jesus Christ. It talks about "setting the world on fire" and "making it burn bright" for Christ. Isn't that what being a missionary is all about? You don't have to move to a foreign country to make a difference in the world. Every Christian is constantly surrounded by people that God can use you to influence, encourage, and share the love of Christ with.

Thank you God, for giving me the opportunity to set the world on fire for you. I pray that one day, the world will shine bright with your love. Thank you for giving us as Christians, that passion to live our lives for you, and share your love with the other people in this world. And ultimately, thank you for showing us what love truly is, by sending your Son to die for our sins. I love you. Amen.
Wanting to set the world on fire, Jess

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I was thinking today, as I spent the day with my mom, about how we have one day out of the year that we set aside to celebrate our mother's, and all that they do for us. Why does it only have to be one day?
I am the oldest of five children, and still living at home, and my mom is ALWAYS doing something. She is always cleaning up someone's mess that isn't her own, doing school with my brothers and sisters, cooking, doing laundry etc. etc. Never taking the time to do anything for herself. And yet we take all that our mom's do for us for granted in so many different ways. Why can't every day be "mother's day" in the way that we are thankful for what our mom's do for us, and tell them that! Just a hug or a simple "I love you" or "thanks mom" could mean a lot. Instead of just being thankful for our mom's, lets let them know that we are thankful for them.
I have an awesome mom, and I am so thankful that God has blessed me with her. I love you mommy! Happy Mother's day!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day At The Park! - Last Day In Salem

This was my last day in Salem, but it was one of my very favorites! It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and a whole bunch of us got together and hung out at Riverfront Park for the afternoon. We played ultimate frisbee, sat in the grass and talked, took pictures, went on the best walk ever, and just enjoyed the beautiful day and friends that God gave us. It was amazing. I love you guys!!

After the park, we went to Jack's house and hung out for the evening. It was so much fun! Later, however, I had to say goodbye to all of my friends. =(
I had a great trip, thank you all for making it so special. Every day contains memories, pictures and fun times that I will remember forever.

I cannot take credit for these amazing pictures, they go to my friend Dean...thanks for being our photographer! You rock!! =)

More Pictures From Salem =)

Pastor Joe and I...the best youth pastor ever!

Me and my buddy Dean

I love these girls!!

This was such an awesome afternoon! We explored Minto Brown
Park and we came across an old, sinking fishing dock. We all
decided to get on was so much fun!!

ooohhh yeah, we're cool. =)

Ice Skating!!

Hehe, this day was awesome too!


We went to the beach and did fun stuff all day. Then at night we made
a camp fire, roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, and went
star tripping...oh yeah, then got lost in day ever.

Amigas forever!

Pictures From Salem- Prom!!

A group of friends and I went to Sprague Highschool's Prom! It was so much fun!! We went to the Capital and took pictures, after that we went to Alessandro's for a nice dinner, went to the dance, and then went bowling! It was such a fun night!!! I love you guys! I will remember this night forever. :)

The Guys...well 5 out of the 7....

The Girls

Kelsea and I

Cokes and I

The Whole Group :)


Pictures From Salem

Just some fun pics from my trip. :)

Friends <3

The Cinco Amgias!

Tucker!! I love you guys. :)