Roots: Growing Deeper

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day At The Park! - Last Day In Salem

This was my last day in Salem, but it was one of my very favorites! It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and a whole bunch of us got together and hung out at Riverfront Park for the afternoon. We played ultimate frisbee, sat in the grass and talked, took pictures, went on the best walk ever, and just enjoyed the beautiful day and friends that God gave us. It was amazing. I love you guys!!

After the park, we went to Jack's house and hung out for the evening. It was so much fun! Later, however, I had to say goodbye to all of my friends. =(
I had a great trip, thank you all for making it so special. Every day contains memories, pictures and fun times that I will remember forever.

I cannot take credit for these amazing pictures, they go to my friend Dean...thanks for being our photographer! You rock!! =)

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