Roots: Growing Deeper

Monday, March 22, 2010

Salvador and Rosa

My best friends here in Autlan are Vicente, Salvador (Chavo), and Rosa. They are all brothers and sisters, and we hang out quite a bit. I really enjoy their company, they are good kids.
They come from a rough family, their parents divorced about two years ago. Vicente (20) along with one or two of the other kids have to work to help put food on the table. They have really opened my eyes to see how blessed I am to have all that I do. My heart goes out to them, and I want to help them as much as I can. More than food, clothes, and friendship though, I want to show them the love of Christ.
They come to youth group on Saturday nights, which is cool, and the past two weeks a few of them have come to Church on Sunday morning. On several occasions we've talked about what my family believes, and how they can know God better. They've asked questions, and all except Vicente, have been pretty open to it all.
After Church yesterday, Norma (a young, godly, friend of the church) asked if she could talk to Rosa. Norma, Rosa, Chavo and myself all sat down, and after talking for about 45 minutes, we prayed with Rosa and Chavo, and they became part of the family of God.
I think that they truly understood what it means, and afterwards, they were both really excited about it. Rosa came up to me, hugged me and with a huge smile on her face said to me, "now I'm just like you!" I hope that I will be able to see them grow in their faith, and see that it is truly their own, in the days to come. I truly believe I will.
I'm continuing to pray for their mom, and Vicente, and other two brothers, who have yet to feel the need for Christ to save them. I know God will continue to work on their hearts, that if He has chosen them, they will come to His feet.

This is what being a missionary is all about. I've sacrificed a lot and gone through some rough times to be here. However, I know now that two people that I care about a lot, will now be in the kingdom of Heaven with me and Jesus for eternity, which makes it completely worth it. And the fact that more people that I care about here have yet to come to know Christ as their personal Savior, makes me want to stay and keep working until they do. Even if it may seem impossible for their hearts to ever come to that place, I know God can do it.

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