Roots: Growing Deeper

Friday, March 19, 2010

Texas Group!

This week a group from College Station, Texas came down to Autlan for a missions trip over their spring break. They came last spring break as well, and everyone was very excited for them to come back! Some of the people on the team had come last year, and some of them I met for the first time. But by the time they left, I felt like we had all been friends for years.
The arrived just before youth group started on Saturday night, and the three teens on the trip participated in that with us. We introduced them to the wonderful game of "ga-ga", it was fun. Sunday we spend the day at church and in the afternoon we walked to the Carlos Santana park and played some basketball before going to the evening service at Pastor Leonel's church, Aposento Alto. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we went to a little town about 30 minutes away called El Limon, and did door to door evangelism there. It was such an incredible week! Over 25 people in El Limon became Christians in the three days we were there. PRAISE GOD!! Christ's Kingdon was greatly impacted by their ministry here this week. You guys did awesome!! We had lots of fun in the car rides to El Limon and back. We played the slug bug game, listened to music, talked about random funny stories, and enjoyed getting to know each other better.
In the afternoons we would head back to the center to eat and rest for a while. Then at night we would play crazy games like "sardines" at the center, hang out, talk and laugh. =)
Tuesday afternoon we went to the migrant worker camp, and on Wed. night we went to La Roca and hung out there for the evening. Thursday morning we hiked up a mountain where a Mary altar is, and we could see all of Autlan! I had never been up there before, and it was so much fun!
Being around americans again (even if they have that crazy Texas accent heehee) was so awesome! I really enjoyed getting to know the teens that came on the trip. Brittany, Shannon, Rebecca, and Ben. You guys are so cool! I loved getting to know y'all better, I'm so thankful that God brought you guys on this trip, and that I now have four new great friends. =)

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