Roots: Growing Deeper

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Brother- Isai Ramos Martinez

My Brother- Isai Ramos Martinez 6/19/10

It was my eighteenth birthday. I knew I would proabably get some happy birthdays, maybe a couple phone calls, and some birthday hugs, but I never suspected to receive the news that I did.
On June 8, 2010 around 7:30pm I was informed that my dear friend, Isai Ramos Martinez was in a severe car accident earlier that afternoon. Details were few, but I knew it was bad. I began to pray for Isai that very moment.
Later that evening I was informed that Isai had been transported to the hospital in Guadalajara and was in critical condition. My heart and spirit fell quiet. The desire to help with whatever I could, with the conclusion that I couldn't do anything, overwhelmed me. The only thing I was comforted with, the ONE thing I knew I could do to help, was pray. So that's what I continued to do. With each moment that went on my heart only grew heavier, and my prayers for my beloved friend became almost constant.
By Tuesday night Isai's family was in Guadalajara, but they weren't even permitted to see him. I was told that he was in a coma, and his chances of making it through were extremely small.
My Dad and brother, Brent, went with another young man from La Roca Church, Luis, decided to go to Guadalajara on Wednesday night to visit Isai's family and offer to do anything they could to help. Even if it was just to offer a shoulder to cry on, and a hand and heart to pray with. My heart longed to go with them, but God's job for me at that time was to stay in Autlan and keep praying.
The days began to pass with little hope. My prayers were not simply asking God to help Isai through this, but pleading for God to work a miracle in his delicate life. There wasn't anything anyone could do to save him, only God. As each moment lurked on, the realization of that became only more clear, which meant my prayers only more ferverent, and my heart filled with more preocupation and sadness.
On June 11th I received the news that Isai was not in a coma and was showing a little movement, but he remained unconcious. He was going to have an operation done on his arm the following day, but was still in very critical condition due to his severe head injury.
From the 11th until the 16th the only update I received was that he was on a respirator, and had responded to his fathers voice with a little movement. Other than that, he was the same. I continued to constantly lift Isai up to God in prayer. Praying that God would work a miracle in his life, that His plan would be that Isai stay on this earth to serve his Savior here; make a difference for the kingdom of God on this earth for a while longer.
On Wednesday, June 16th I was informed that the doctors had done everything they could, and that he was removed from extensive care. The only thing left to do was wait.
Later that evening however, God blessed us with some positive news. Isai had opened his eyes! When I heard this news, I was overjoyed. This was a positive step, and encouraging, but I knew I needed to keep praying. I was also informed that Isai could hear. When his father, Pastor Leonel, saw Isai for the first time four days ago, and Isai heard his fathers voice, Isai moved. He responded to his voice! He later sat up when his brother talked to him about playing futbol. Little by little, Isai had began responding to things. When you talk to him, he can hear you. If you hold his hand when you talk to him and ask him if he can hear you, he will squeeze your hand.
Being out of extensive care, he now has permission to have visitors outside of his immediate family. Upon hearing this news, my heart instantly yearned to go see him. Someone from his family is with him 24 hours a day. He has an amazing family that is taking the best care of him.

Today, June 19th, God gave me the opportunity to visit my friend. My mom and I drove to the hospital this morning, and were met in the lobby by Isai's sister, Cecilia. She was very excited to see us, and had a smile on her face as she approached us. As I hugged her I could feel the heaviness she was carrying, but at the same time, I could feel the hope and joy she had as well. We talked for a minute about how Isai is doing, and she feels very encouraged at this point. He responds to your voice by squeezing your hand, and if you tell him to move over a little bit or something, he will do it. He is still on the respirator, but she said he can breathe on his own. However it costs him a lot of work so they are keeping him on it to help him out. He moves around a lot, but a lot of his movements are instantanious. Some small movements are him telling his body to do it, though, which is great. If all goes well, in a week or so, if he is able to breathe all on his own, he will move to the hospital in Autlan.
After I got a short update on how he was doing, Cecilia handed me the visitors pass. I accepted it both with nervousness, thankfulness, and mix of a thousand other emotions. I had desired for this moment to happen since I heard of his accident 11 days ago. God had answered my prayer. I walked past security and waited for the elevator.
I arrived to level ten, and after a few minutes, finally found his bed. 10153- Isai Ramos Martinez. The curtain covered him from the outside of the room, and I could only see his legs. They were moving all over the place. When the nurse first told me that was him, I didn't believe her. He couldn't be moving all over like that, I thought. However, as soon as I approached the bed, and could see his crazy curly hair, I was certain it was indeed, Isai. He had the best bed too, right by the window.
Unsure of exactly what to do, I went around the side of the bed and held onto Isai's hand that was resting gently over his stomach. I talked with him for the next twenty minutes or so. The more I talked to him, the tighter he gripped my hand, and the more comfortable I became. I think he missed me too. I talked to him a lot about music, and I even sang him one of the songs we're going to sing at church on Sunday, "Vine Adorarte" (Here I am to Worship). As I sang to him, it looked like he was tapping his foot to the beat. It made me smile.
He moved around a lot while I was there. Even though most of his movements were involuntary, I could tell he was restless. It's like he's lying there trying to get out, trying to wake up, but his body needs more time. His cough was really bad, and I could tell that it hurt him to cough. It put a whole new level of sadness in my heart to see my lively friend in such a state. His restlessness only made it harder. I know Isai, and I know how bad he must be missing all the joys he's used to experiencing in life. The excitement that always shines through him. He's ready to have it all back, and he's tired. He wants to be better now. I told him we want the same.
As I talked to him he opened his eyes a few different times, but his head was turned the other way, and he didn't seem to be focusing on anything. He didn't move his head at all. We both know it's okay though, he just needs to rest a bit more and give it some time. As I continued to talk to him, he moved his right arm, which has a cast on it from his operation, up to his face, and rubbed his eye. A smile came to my face as I saw him do this, and I was very encouraged upon seeing him do it. 'You go Isai! That's what I'm talking about!' I thought to myself. I took a quiet moment, listening to his breathing, and thinking about how every single breath he takes is a miracle in itself.
After we spent about twenty minutes together, the nurses began to come in and it was time for him to change his respiratory tube and stuff. I knew I needed to go so his sister could come up to help, but I didn't want to leave. I reminded him of the song "God is Mighty to Save", one of our favorite worship songs.* As I said those words he squeezed my hand really hard. I knew that meant he really did hear me, and that he too, believes that God will save him.
I prayed aloud for the second time, and soaked in my surroundings again. I knew I needed to let Cecilia come be with him, despite the fact that I wanted to stay with him all afternoon.

Relentlessly, I told him I had to leave so his sister could come be with him. I gave him one last hand squeeze and a quick kiss on his hand. I touched his crazy "Isai curls", glanced at his restless, but still fighting body, and began to walk away; praying with everything in me that God would continue to heal him.

I came down the stairs and found Cecilia and Mom waiting in the lobby. I gave Cecilia a hug goodbye, and knew that she was really happy that we came to visit. Her parents were going to arrive soon, but I knew my emotions weren't going to hold together much longer. Even though I wished I would've stayed to talk and pray with them, we left. I didn't even get all the way down the stairs before the tears began. Nothing has ever become so real to me in my entire life. From the moment I walked away from his bed until now I wish I could still be holding his hand right now, talking to him, praying for him, encouraging him, and being there while God continues to work in Him, and save his life. The time I spent with Isai in the hospital today will forever be vivid and more real to me than anything ever could be in my heart and mind.

Never once in my entire life had I seen Isai without a smile on his face, with energy and excitement, joy of life shining through every part of his body. Today was the first time I had ever seen Isai not like that. My heart broke. Everything became so alive and real to me. As it sinks in more and more, my heart wants to grieve more. But instead I'm trying to confide in the fact that God IS MIGHTY TO SAVE! He can move the mountains, and HE CAN save Isai. And I believe with my whole heart that God will.
Just in the past four days Isai has improved in numerable ways. He's still in a condition that is very grave and severe, but head injuries as severe as he has take time to heal. Little by little everything is reconnecting, but it's going to take time. We have to be patient and do what I've learned God wants us to know how to do best, pray.

Isai- You're like my older brother that I never had. You're an example and an inspiration to me in my life. You have a passion to serve the Lord with your heart and your life, and you do it with your perfect "Isai touch". No matter where we are, or what we're doing, if you're there, it's 10x more fun. Thank you for being the inspiration and the great person you are not only in my life, but in the lives of countless others. You're amazing. God has a grand road ahead for you, and I can't wait for you to unfold all he has planned for you. I know I will only continue to be inspired.

Jesus- I pray that right now, in this very moment, you would send your work would be done in Isai. That the plan you have for him and his life would continue to come out for your glory. I have faith and trust in you, that you will save his life. That you will continue to work a miracle in him. I know that you have the power to do it. I can't, you're the only one. The only thing I can do is as your faithful servant, continue to lift up my dear friend Isai in prayer. Lord, thank you for the blessing of giving me the opportunity to visit him today. To see him, hold his hand, talk with him, and pray for him while being with him at the same time. Thank you for the progress he has made, and for the wonders that you have done, and you will continue to do in his life. Thank you for being faithful and reliable. Thank you for giving me the peace of mind that as long as I continue to trust in you, everything is going to be okay. Father, please continue to heal him. Bring the fun, loving, full of life Isai back to us soon, dear God. As my heart is still heavy and sad, carrying a burden that is hard to carry, I pray that you will heal him. I also pray for his family. My burden compared to theirs is very small. Give them peace and trust in you as well, heavenly Father. And God, please give Isai the strength to keep moving forward. To keep working to get his body healthy again. Thank you for continuing to bless him with life. Thank you for every breath that he continues to take. For every step forward that you bless him with as well. I love you, Jesus, and I love my brother Isai. Thank you for his life, and once again, I ask you to continue to save it, and heal him. In your name, as your faithful servant and prayer warrior of Isai, Amen

Isaiah 33:2 " O Lord, be gracious to us, we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress."

*Mighty to Save
One of mine and Isai's favorite things to talk about is music. He is one of the most amazing musicians I've ever met. He has a gift, and I love to talk to him about it. He plays with passion, and he's incredibly talented. One of the last songs we talked about was "Mighty To Save". Since June 8th, that song has brought me more comfort than I can describe. It was special because Isai and I both LOVED that song, and the message fits perfectly with what has happened.

Here's the lyrics:

Everyone needs compassion,
Love that's never failing;
Let mercy fall on me.

Everyone needs forgiveness,
The kindness of a Saviour;
The Hope of nations.

Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.

Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.

So take me as You find me,
All my fears and failures,
Fill my life again.

I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in,
Now I surrender.

My Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.

Shine your light and let the whole world see,
We're singing for the glory of the risen King

My Saviour, you can move the mountains,
You are mighty to save,
You are mighty to save.
Forever, Author of Salvation,
You rose and conquered the grave,
Yes you conquered the grave

1 comment:

Grandpa Roy said...

Great letter and example of God's love and grace. You should share this with Faithwriters.

Granddpa Roy