Roots: Growing Deeper

Monday, February 28, 2011

Last Day

 Tomorrow is March 1st, the last day of the Crosswalk Relationship covenant my youth group and I have been doing the past month.
It will be weird logging on to facebook again tomorrow night. I won't however, go back to wasting lots of time on Facebook each week. I will make limits, and manage my time well. The other aspects of the relationship covenant will also carry on in my life, and I pray they will continue to become more evident and habitual in my life. In some ways practicing these things in my daily life have become easier as the month has gone on, and in some ways it has become more difficult. I'm sure it will continue in the same way, some things being difficult, and others more easy. I'm excited for both things as God continues to mold me into the person he created me to be.

Matthew 11:28-30
 "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke us easy and my burden is light."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Three Down, One to Go

 Week three has come to a close, and our final week of the Crosswalk Relationship Covenant is about to begin.
This past week was definitely the most difficult for me so far. Tonight I was able to begin texting again, which I am very happy about. I realized how much I used to text just for the heck of it, and how stupid that is. I do pretty good about not having deep conversations via texting because that's just stupid, and people misinterpret things. However, not having texting to communicate at all, was very difficult at times this past week. I'm glad to have it available to me again, but I do not plan to text people about things that deserve a phone call, or face to face conversation. It was a good thing for me to ponder this week, and evaluate if I needed to change things in that area.

The passage that has really spoke to me the past few days is Psalm 32. I was getting ready for bed a few nights ago, after having a really rough week. I picked up my Bible, seeking comfort from my Savior, and He led me to Psalm 32. It was EXACTLY what I needed to hear, and spoke perfectly to me. I love it when God does that! Verse 10b was especially encouraging to me. It says "The Lord's unfailing love surrounds those who trust in Him." Simple, some may even say cliche, but it's perfect. Very encouraging and just what I needed to hear. I have it written on my hand, and look at it often to remind me of my Saviors love to me during the difficult times if I chose to trust in Him.

Week four, here I come! God, I pray you have some awesome things in store for me this week as I "finish" this covenant strong, and make it a part of my daily walk with You, and part of who I am.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

This Crazy Life

 This week has been a long week. Everything has been building up for a while, and it's arrived at the overwhelming point. Through this difficult time amidst this hard transition year, I am thankful beyond words for my family, friends, and most importantly, my Savior that helps me through it all. I keep reminding myself that through the difficult times, if we serve HIM and do the right thing, with the right heart and attitude, the Lord will be glorified most. Because of this, I choose to use these trials to glorify God to the best of my ability, and grow closer to Him.
I love you, Jesus. Thank you for guiding each step I take.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Jesus Blesses His Servants- Bruggeman Example- Missionary Life.

 I would like to take a break from my posts about the relationship covenant I've been doing with my youth group, and share with you something incredible God has been doing in my family's lives in Mexico.
 A few days ago my mom sent me an email telling me the landlord of the house they have been renting in Mexico for the past year had given them some news. It was time for them to renew their contract, and she was going to raise the rent of the house each month to a ridiculous price. On Saturday my dad met with the landlord to discuss things more in detail. The landlord wasn't interesting in keeping the rent at what it had been for the past year. My dad wouldn't fall for the "you're American so you must have tons of money you can give me" scheme. This is a common, yet very frustrating situation for Americans in Mexico. My dad informed the landlord they would be leaving as soon as they find another house.
This was disappointing news for my family, because they really liked the house we had found in Autlan. Although my family was disappointed with this news, God was already laying out the path for them. Two weeks ago, more or less, my parents became acquainted with an eye doctor who had been building a house for he and his wife, but had stopped when just the cabinets and closets remained unfinished, due to the man getting diagnosed with cancer. After meeting my dad, they came to like my family very much. My dad had asked him out of pure curiosity if he would ever be interested in renting his house. He said he and his wife were still planning on moving in to their new house, but they might be interested in renting out the house they were living in now.
When my dad found out they would have to move in the next few months, he called up the eye doctor to follow up on possibly renting the house. Tonight my parents met with this couple, and God's timing couldn't have been more perfect. The couple decided it would be too much work to move again, and because they like my parents so much, have decided they want my family to rent the brand new house. It is in a very nice, safe neighborhood in Autlan, and is very close to where they live now, so they won't have to move far. Both of these people's houses are beautiful, and my parents would have been content with either one, but both God, and these kind people, desired to bless my family with the opportunity to rent this new, beautiful home. The rent is affordable, location is perfect, timing is perfect, they will have a brand new, beautiful house to live in, with very kind landlords. I have three words. GOD IS GOOD! He provides for those who trust in Him, and throw in extra blessings just because He can! I believe God has blessed my family with this because of their dedicated service, and faith in Him.
It will be strange having my family living in a house which I haven't lived in with them....but I am very happy for them nonetheless. I'm already asking my mom to send me pictures! :)
They will be moving in on April 1st. Please keep them in your prayers as they will have to prepare to move and adjust to a new house, as well as continue with all of their daily ministries. Also thank God for providing for them, and showing us how good HE is.
Happy Valentines day, Bruggeman's! Jesus loves you, and this is just one way He is showing you. :)

No Texting, Say What?

I apologize if you have been anxiously awaiting a blog post the past couple days, but my life has been quite crazy. I've been very stressed with my High school work, college work, and Scholarships that have deadlines coming up very soon. Even though I have been preoccupied with all these things, I have still been continuing with my relationship covenant, and striving to make it part of who I am every day; even when life is stressful. 
Our assignment for this week is a tough one. No Texting, or IM. Skype and IM are something that could be handy, but I haven't used them in a while, so that shouldn't be too difficult. Texting is a whole different subject. I text a lot, and it will be hard to go seven days with out doing it. Especially since texting has been something I've leaned on since I haven't been able to be on Facebook.
The whole point of this 28 day covenant is to make face-to-face the new norm. Cutting off the mode of communication via texting will make E-mail, Phone, and face to face the only options of communication. I'm nervous, but very excited! This is something that will be difficult for me to do, but I want to prove that I can do it. I want to communicate with the people I care about to show them that I care about them.
Week three- LET'S DO THIS! 
Dear Lord, help me to grow closer to you through this covenant, and that face to face would become then new norm. God, mold me into being a good servant and disciple for you. I also pray that people would know how much I care about them, by the way I treat them, and the effort I go to show them that I care. God, help me to make time for the important things in life and not to worry about the things that don't really matter. Lord, I know you will help me accomplish the things I need to get done. Help me to trust in you, not worry, and let you take care of the rest. 
 I also pray you would help my other friends who are doing this challenge. God I pray you would mold them into better followers of you as well, and that as a result we would form a strong, unified youth group that would be pleasing to your eyes; as might out lives.
 In your name I pray, Amen

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week One- Status: Completed

 On Tuesday, week one of the Crosswalk Relationship Covenant came to an end. It couldn't have come to a better ending, (or beginning of week 2!) than the outstanding lesson Pastor Joe shared with us.
We looked over a variety of passages, that all had different messages, which combined, provided us with a picture and view on life that is what I desire to strive for.
 When I receive the full list of the passages, I will share them with you. Until then, I will share with you just a few notes I jotted down.

  • Simply greeting one another is demonstrating love.
  • Accept people fore who they are from the moment they walk in the door. 
  • Agree to disagree. You can still live in harmony with each other, when you don't completely agree on things that are not sin issues.
  • Use your freedom in Christ to serve one another! Not just to get praise. 
  • Bear with one another. It's what God calls us to do, and the rewards are incredible! You don't know who's watching.
  • Kindness is love in action. 
  • Submit to others and allow their needs to be more important than yours.
  • Spur one another on!
  • Don't judge! (Don't think you're better than them!)
  • Confess your sins to one another so you can pray for each other! Carry each other's burdens.
These are such basic things that we should do without effort, because we are good people who love the Lord. However, we live in a fallen, sinful world, and I am first to say that I do not perform these as I should. 
Although basic, these things really hit home for me. I was greatly impacted by this message, and I am now daily striving to perform these things, and not have to constantly remind myself to do them. I want to become this kind of person.

Also, at the end of Crosswalk, PJ gave each of us a homework assignment for the week. Each person was given a challenge that would particularly stretch them, and apply to what they are working on. I was very pleased with my challenge. I think it will be a really good start for one of my goals I'm working towards. I'll update you after I complete it, and let you know how it goes. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Post Delayed

 My post for today is going to be amazing! I learned and was impacted very much today. However, I'm waiting for a list in order to complete my post. So it will be postponed until tomorrow.
Until then, listen to the song "Take this Life" by Shawn McDonald. Click on the link below to listen to it on YouTube.

Shawn McDonald- Take this Life

Monday, February 7, 2011

Two Roads. One life.

 Monday. The day that seems the longest, and everyone is most tired. For some reason Monday's are also really hard days for me to be productive. I did my best today, but I still wish I could have accomplished more.
Today, the devotional on hit home for me. I couldn't have expressed what was on my heart, nor how I should be working on these things in a better way. Check out the devotional for February 7th! I'm sure it'll impact you as well.
Two roads. One life. Which will you choose?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 5

Day five is just about over now...
 Not gonna lie, I do miss Facebook a little. Okay, a lot. I guess it's just because it's just become a habit to check it every day. At the same time though, I'm very glad I'm breaking that habit as a result of this covenant. It's also really nice, cause when I find myself wanting to procrastinate from studying or doing the productive tasks I should be doing, I would normally just waste time on Facebook...but that's not an option now!

 Right now I'm at a place where I feel somewhat overwhelmed with life. I'm trying to not only figure out what I'm going to be doing with my life over spring break, and summer vacation, but week by week, day by day as well. Attempting to figure out my schedule, how it fits in with my social life... find time to rest, read for leisure (ha!), clean my room, and apply for scholarships fit in. I miss my family, and am trying to become the person God wants me to be, as well as survive and feel rested as I live my crazy life.
I believe one thing God really wants me to work on right now is worry and stress. I need to just relax, chill, and enjoy life. I need to take things one at a time, and not worry about the rest. I'll get it done. And if not, it either wasn't that important, or God has other plans, and will help me when it's time.

Speaking of rest....I'm exhausted. The anticipation of the close game between the Steelers and the Packers, while watching the Packers win an outstanding victory was quite exhausting emotionally. Maybe that's why I'm so tired? Probably a combination of that, along with that crazy life of mine I was talking about. Either way, I'm going to sleep. :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011


This challenge isn't about just changing my habits with people in youth group, and around Church. It's not just about learning to live without Facebook for a month.
This challenge for me, is about creating a new lifestyle. I've realized how much sin I have allowed to be in my life and become part of me, that I wasn't even aware of anymore. This covenant is about changing my lifestyle in all areas, with all the people in my life. It's about becoming the person God wants me to be.
I'm excited to become more like the person God wants me to be, and begin to work hard at getting rid of the things that my Savior isn't pleased with me.

Lord, thank you for this relationship covenant, and that through it I've become aware of some things in my life that I need to change. Thank you God for this challenge to help me get started with the destiny you have for me.
Father, I also pray that you would be with each of my friends in youth group that are also partaking in this challenge. Help them to have the discipline and desire to become more like you, that they may be stretched in their faith.
In your name I pray, Amen

Friday, February 4, 2011

Days 2 & 3

 Due to some necessary college cramming for an exam I had this afternoon, I wasn't able to post last night. I apologize. But all of you reading this that have experienced or are experiencing college now, will understand where I'm coming from. If you're not yet at that stage in life, trust me, one day soon, you too, will understand.
 First, let's talk about day 2.
 Yesterday was Thursday, which was the climax of my extremely busy week. Even though I could have been stressed out with my messy room, test to study for, etc. etc. I decided to enjoy the beautiful sunny day, take advantage of class being cancelled, and spend the majority of the day with my beautiful friend Coco. It was her last day in Salem before heading up to her current home in Washington, so I took advantage of an opportunity of having some quality girl time with her. As I spent time with her I realized that life doesn't have to be complicated. It's okay to just enjoy it for what it is; putting off the stresses and worries for a while, and just having fun. I quite often forget that, and I think God really wanted to remind me about that.

Day 3- Well, today was my exam, so I spent the majority of my morning studying hard core for it. (it went alright by the way, in case you were wondering. :-)
This evening I went and saw the play "Facing the Giants" performed by a local Christian youth theater program. My cousin Justin has the main role as the Coach. My cousin Jordan also has a role in the play, as well as many other friends. I couldn't be more proud of all of them! The performance was absolutely incredible! It made me both laugh and cry, and they couldn't have done a better job! Having the opportunity to go and both support all of them, and be moved by the story they told, was in itself, a gift from God.

This week, one of the things I am focusing on, is time management. I haven't been finding enough time in my day to spend one-on-one with God. I'm beginning by writing out my day, and seeing how I spent my time. Also noting the things I did that weren't as productive, and I could/should replace with time of mine that God definitely deserves.

Today, I received a challenge email from Pastor Joe. It challenged us to write a hand written letter to someone in our youth group, and mail it out Monday.
I was very excited to receive this challenge, because over the past two weeks or so, I have actually been thinking about beginning a routine to write two or three encouragement cards to different Crosswalk students each week, and give them to my friends at mid-week Crosswalk. I think this may be God telling me that would be something that would glorify Him, what do you think?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

28 Day Challenge- Crosswalk Relationship Covenant. Day 1

During the month of February, my youth group and I are participating in a challenge called the "Crosswalk Relationship Covenant".
 Over the past three weeks in youth group we've been learning about "Active Love". And what it means to live it out.
In the following 28 days, each evening I will be posting a blog about my experience, what the Covenant is all about, and I will go more in detail about what Active Love is.
I will post about the things I'm learning, and the things that are stretching my faith. I will also talk about what I am working on, and how I see God using me through out each day.
To begin, I will tell you the seven basic things of which our Crosswalk Relationship Covenant consists:

1. Love my friends with action not words alone.
 -1 John 4:18

2.  Love my friends with words no more destructive posts, updates, or tweets.
 - James 1:26; 1 John 4:18; Ephesians 4:29

3. Confront sin in love, one on one, not through social networking, texts, gossip or slander.
 - Matthew 18

4. End gossip by refusing to listen to it, repeat it or pass it along.
 -Proverbs 16:28; 26:20

5. Promote unity by logging off Facebook for the month of February and making "face-to-face" the new norm.
 - Phillippians 4:2-3

6. Offering forgiveness even before someone asks.
 - Colossians 3:13

7. Giving God's grace by using my gifts to serve others during this month.
 - 1 Peter 4:9-11

Please go to to watch a video from my youth Pastor describing this Relationship Covenant, and what it's really all about. Who knows, maybe after you hear it, you'd like to hop on board and do the covenant along with me!