Roots: Growing Deeper

Friday, February 4, 2011

Days 2 & 3

 Due to some necessary college cramming for an exam I had this afternoon, I wasn't able to post last night. I apologize. But all of you reading this that have experienced or are experiencing college now, will understand where I'm coming from. If you're not yet at that stage in life, trust me, one day soon, you too, will understand.
 First, let's talk about day 2.
 Yesterday was Thursday, which was the climax of my extremely busy week. Even though I could have been stressed out with my messy room, test to study for, etc. etc. I decided to enjoy the beautiful sunny day, take advantage of class being cancelled, and spend the majority of the day with my beautiful friend Coco. It was her last day in Salem before heading up to her current home in Washington, so I took advantage of an opportunity of having some quality girl time with her. As I spent time with her I realized that life doesn't have to be complicated. It's okay to just enjoy it for what it is; putting off the stresses and worries for a while, and just having fun. I quite often forget that, and I think God really wanted to remind me about that.

Day 3- Well, today was my exam, so I spent the majority of my morning studying hard core for it. (it went alright by the way, in case you were wondering. :-)
This evening I went and saw the play "Facing the Giants" performed by a local Christian youth theater program. My cousin Justin has the main role as the Coach. My cousin Jordan also has a role in the play, as well as many other friends. I couldn't be more proud of all of them! The performance was absolutely incredible! It made me both laugh and cry, and they couldn't have done a better job! Having the opportunity to go and both support all of them, and be moved by the story they told, was in itself, a gift from God.

This week, one of the things I am focusing on, is time management. I haven't been finding enough time in my day to spend one-on-one with God. I'm beginning by writing out my day, and seeing how I spent my time. Also noting the things I did that weren't as productive, and I could/should replace with time of mine that God definitely deserves.

Today, I received a challenge email from Pastor Joe. It challenged us to write a hand written letter to someone in our youth group, and mail it out Monday.
I was very excited to receive this challenge, because over the past two weeks or so, I have actually been thinking about beginning a routine to write two or three encouragement cards to different Crosswalk students each week, and give them to my friends at mid-week Crosswalk. I think this may be God telling me that would be something that would glorify Him, what do you think?

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