Roots: Growing Deeper

Monday, February 14, 2011

Jesus Blesses His Servants- Bruggeman Example- Missionary Life.

 I would like to take a break from my posts about the relationship covenant I've been doing with my youth group, and share with you something incredible God has been doing in my family's lives in Mexico.
 A few days ago my mom sent me an email telling me the landlord of the house they have been renting in Mexico for the past year had given them some news. It was time for them to renew their contract, and she was going to raise the rent of the house each month to a ridiculous price. On Saturday my dad met with the landlord to discuss things more in detail. The landlord wasn't interesting in keeping the rent at what it had been for the past year. My dad wouldn't fall for the "you're American so you must have tons of money you can give me" scheme. This is a common, yet very frustrating situation for Americans in Mexico. My dad informed the landlord they would be leaving as soon as they find another house.
This was disappointing news for my family, because they really liked the house we had found in Autlan. Although my family was disappointed with this news, God was already laying out the path for them. Two weeks ago, more or less, my parents became acquainted with an eye doctor who had been building a house for he and his wife, but had stopped when just the cabinets and closets remained unfinished, due to the man getting diagnosed with cancer. After meeting my dad, they came to like my family very much. My dad had asked him out of pure curiosity if he would ever be interested in renting his house. He said he and his wife were still planning on moving in to their new house, but they might be interested in renting out the house they were living in now.
When my dad found out they would have to move in the next few months, he called up the eye doctor to follow up on possibly renting the house. Tonight my parents met with this couple, and God's timing couldn't have been more perfect. The couple decided it would be too much work to move again, and because they like my parents so much, have decided they want my family to rent the brand new house. It is in a very nice, safe neighborhood in Autlan, and is very close to where they live now, so they won't have to move far. Both of these people's houses are beautiful, and my parents would have been content with either one, but both God, and these kind people, desired to bless my family with the opportunity to rent this new, beautiful home. The rent is affordable, location is perfect, timing is perfect, they will have a brand new, beautiful house to live in, with very kind landlords. I have three words. GOD IS GOOD! He provides for those who trust in Him, and throw in extra blessings just because He can! I believe God has blessed my family with this because of their dedicated service, and faith in Him.
It will be strange having my family living in a house which I haven't lived in with them....but I am very happy for them nonetheless. I'm already asking my mom to send me pictures! :)
They will be moving in on April 1st. Please keep them in your prayers as they will have to prepare to move and adjust to a new house, as well as continue with all of their daily ministries. Also thank God for providing for them, and showing us how good HE is.
Happy Valentines day, Bruggeman's! Jesus loves you, and this is just one way He is showing you. :)

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