Roots: Growing Deeper

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

28 Day Challenge- Crosswalk Relationship Covenant. Day 1

During the month of February, my youth group and I are participating in a challenge called the "Crosswalk Relationship Covenant".
 Over the past three weeks in youth group we've been learning about "Active Love". And what it means to live it out.
In the following 28 days, each evening I will be posting a blog about my experience, what the Covenant is all about, and I will go more in detail about what Active Love is.
I will post about the things I'm learning, and the things that are stretching my faith. I will also talk about what I am working on, and how I see God using me through out each day.
To begin, I will tell you the seven basic things of which our Crosswalk Relationship Covenant consists:

1. Love my friends with action not words alone.
 -1 John 4:18

2.  Love my friends with words no more destructive posts, updates, or tweets.
 - James 1:26; 1 John 4:18; Ephesians 4:29

3. Confront sin in love, one on one, not through social networking, texts, gossip or slander.
 - Matthew 18

4. End gossip by refusing to listen to it, repeat it or pass it along.
 -Proverbs 16:28; 26:20

5. Promote unity by logging off Facebook for the month of February and making "face-to-face" the new norm.
 - Phillippians 4:2-3

6. Offering forgiveness even before someone asks.
 - Colossians 3:13

7. Giving God's grace by using my gifts to serve others during this month.
 - 1 Peter 4:9-11

Please go to to watch a video from my youth Pastor describing this Relationship Covenant, and what it's really all about. Who knows, maybe after you hear it, you'd like to hop on board and do the covenant along with me!

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