Roots: Growing Deeper

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Three Down, One to Go

 Week three has come to a close, and our final week of the Crosswalk Relationship Covenant is about to begin.
This past week was definitely the most difficult for me so far. Tonight I was able to begin texting again, which I am very happy about. I realized how much I used to text just for the heck of it, and how stupid that is. I do pretty good about not having deep conversations via texting because that's just stupid, and people misinterpret things. However, not having texting to communicate at all, was very difficult at times this past week. I'm glad to have it available to me again, but I do not plan to text people about things that deserve a phone call, or face to face conversation. It was a good thing for me to ponder this week, and evaluate if I needed to change things in that area.

The passage that has really spoke to me the past few days is Psalm 32. I was getting ready for bed a few nights ago, after having a really rough week. I picked up my Bible, seeking comfort from my Savior, and He led me to Psalm 32. It was EXACTLY what I needed to hear, and spoke perfectly to me. I love it when God does that! Verse 10b was especially encouraging to me. It says "The Lord's unfailing love surrounds those who trust in Him." Simple, some may even say cliche, but it's perfect. Very encouraging and just what I needed to hear. I have it written on my hand, and look at it often to remind me of my Saviors love to me during the difficult times if I chose to trust in Him.

Week four, here I come! God, I pray you have some awesome things in store for me this week as I "finish" this covenant strong, and make it a part of my daily walk with You, and part of who I am.

1 comment:

Grandpa Roy said...

It is amazing what we can really do without....everything except God.

Grandpa Roy