Roots: Growing Deeper

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week One- Status: Completed

 On Tuesday, week one of the Crosswalk Relationship Covenant came to an end. It couldn't have come to a better ending, (or beginning of week 2!) than the outstanding lesson Pastor Joe shared with us.
We looked over a variety of passages, that all had different messages, which combined, provided us with a picture and view on life that is what I desire to strive for.
 When I receive the full list of the passages, I will share them with you. Until then, I will share with you just a few notes I jotted down.

  • Simply greeting one another is demonstrating love.
  • Accept people fore who they are from the moment they walk in the door. 
  • Agree to disagree. You can still live in harmony with each other, when you don't completely agree on things that are not sin issues.
  • Use your freedom in Christ to serve one another! Not just to get praise. 
  • Bear with one another. It's what God calls us to do, and the rewards are incredible! You don't know who's watching.
  • Kindness is love in action. 
  • Submit to others and allow their needs to be more important than yours.
  • Spur one another on!
  • Don't judge! (Don't think you're better than them!)
  • Confess your sins to one another so you can pray for each other! Carry each other's burdens.
These are such basic things that we should do without effort, because we are good people who love the Lord. However, we live in a fallen, sinful world, and I am first to say that I do not perform these as I should. 
Although basic, these things really hit home for me. I was greatly impacted by this message, and I am now daily striving to perform these things, and not have to constantly remind myself to do them. I want to become this kind of person.

Also, at the end of Crosswalk, PJ gave each of us a homework assignment for the week. Each person was given a challenge that would particularly stretch them, and apply to what they are working on. I was very pleased with my challenge. I think it will be a really good start for one of my goals I'm working towards. I'll update you after I complete it, and let you know how it goes. 

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