Roots: Growing Deeper

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Break, but don't worry, it's not a Break from Christmas

Here's one think I've learned since August. College REALLY DOES make you extremely busy! I heard those words said over and over before I began school myself, but I didn't actually believe it, until it hit me that it was too late. It had already happened to me. My life was, and still is, crazy busy. However, this paragraph does not make up for a valid excuse for my lack of posting on my blog. It's something I think about often, and my lack of more consistent posting is not due to a lack of interest or care, but rather because my life has become so incredibly busy, that I often don't even have enough time to sleep at night.


Finishing my first semester of college as a full time student, here are a few of my thoughts in reflection:
I didn't realize how close 21 girls that just so happen to live in the same hall could grow so close in just three months. I figured that second semester we would get to know each other and grow closer, but already I feel like my entire hall has connected and all become good friends. I am so blessed to have such an amazing group of girls in my hall, and an absolutely incredible RA, Jen.
College professors, can actually be cool, and POSSIBLY even become your friend, once you get past the initial intimidation of them being your scary Professor that you must please 110% in order to receive an A on your transcript. I was blessed with some really awesome Professors that I have got to know, and gained a lot of respect and insight for/from. You learn more in college than just the materials your professors are required to teach you for each class. You learn so much more than that.
Next, I couldn't be more thankful that I attend a Christian University. Yes, there are some annoying things about it at times, but I am so thankful for things like Chapel, weekly Bible Studies, Outreach Events, Christian professors, classmates, and RA...etc.
I am in a quad this year, so I have three roommates, Becca, Ning and Hannah. It's 3x more fun, but it's also 3x more effort at times, especially when  trying to actually be productive and get homework down. Let's just say the library is a very homework-friendly place that get's frequent visits from me.


Though it was a great semester in which I grew immensely, made several new, awesome friends, and had a good start to my college education, I was more than ready for the much anticipated CHRISTMAS BREAK. The first few days I spent in Salem, relaxing at my Auntie's house, and reconnecting with friends. After that, I made my way down to the much loved town of Thousand Oaks, CA. I enjoyed three absolutely wonderful days with my second family, the Wise's. It was so fun to be reunited with all of them, plus my other TO friends. Glen, Reilly, Harrison, mcKensey and I make quite the fun group of five friends, if I do say so myself. However, we always greatly miss our 6th member of our awesome group, Brent. Some of our events of the week included ice blocking, Santa Barbara, ice skating, shopping, movies, adventures in the airport, and fun car rides and many fun memories along the way. ("cool story bro!" "that is a FAT ticket" lol!) My next stop for Christmas vacation was none other than my beautiful home in Autlan, Mexico. I boarded my plane in LAX at 1:00am, and flew all night. Upon my arrival, I was a little tired to say the least. My tiredness however, did not surpass my excitement to see and be with my family again in any way. It was one happy family reunion, that's for sure.
I arrived in Guadalajara at 6:30am, and that same evening, the youth group in Autlan was having their Christmas party. Right away I was reunited with my family, home, friends, and constant fluent Spanish, all in one day. Let's just say, it was a lot to take in. My Spanish is coming back more and more every day that I'm here, and I realized that I forget how much I absolutely love speaking Spanish.
Seeing my friends again has been super fun, and I look forward to spending more time with them in the next couple weeks I'm here. Hanging out with Chavo, Vicente and Rosa is a blast; I miss them so incredibly much while I'm gone. Their faith is growing in ways that bring me more joy than I could ever explain in words. I'm speechless with gratitude before God for their faith and all He has and will continue to do in their lives. I believe this is exactly how God desires for one to feel when they can see His incredible handiwork played out in such indescribable ways. I can't wait, nor can I imaging what great things He is going to do, and how He will continue to change them in the future.


Today we got to go out to the Media Luna Migrant camp. I had been waiting for this activity since I arrived in Autlan. Okay, actually, for months, but especially since I got to Autlan. haha. Why have I been wanting to go there so bad, you might ask? Well, if you have read some of my previous blog posts, you will know that one of the children closest to my heart lives there. Justiniano. Just before we went to the camp, my friend Barbara, who knows just how much I really love this kid, told me that he talks about me often, and had been asking when I would be coming for quite some time. This just boosted my excitement to finally see him even more. I hadn't seen him since July; it had been far too long. A reunion was a necessity. The past couple times I have gone to visit, he has been quite timid and hesitant in giving me affection, partly, I think, because he knows how much I really like him, and the other part, because the other kids tease him for getting so much attention from me. I try to be chill and low key about it, but I only have so much time that I actually get to spend with him, so I have to make the most out of it.
 Once we got to the camp, Rosa and I headed straight toward the column of houses is that he lives. He was already out playing, but I knew I would get to see him too. Children began running up to me yelling, "Yessi! Yessi!" and began following us to the playground. I heard one girl in the background say to her friend, "Yessi is here! She has come back!" I didn't even know they knew who I was, let alone remember me so well, and be excited to see me! God gave me instant joy.
Instead of Justiniano being timid this time, HE came running up to greet ME! He gave me a big hug and we began to talk. Other kids swarmed around us and began to say things, but he didn't seem to mind this time. I told him I had brought a Christmas gift for him, but I wanted him to take it home so the other kids wouldn't take it away from him. He took the bag with a smile on his face, and much protection in his eyes. With the bag almost dragging on the ground, due to how short he was and how the bag hung when he held the strings in his hands, he began walking toward his house. I asked him if he wanted me to go with him, and he said "si". We walked together to his house, and he cautiously opened the door, walked in, safely placed the back in a corner, and secured the door on his way out, the bag safely in his house. He told me that he didn't know today was the day I was going to come, but that he was happily surprised. We chatted throughout the afternoon, with pictures, piggy back rides, and fun little conversations scattered through it all.
After the activities were over, he came to find me once again. He said he was leaving, and without me even having to ask, clutched onto my knees, giving me a big hug that instantly warmed my heart to an even higher level. I told him Merry Christmas and that I would see him next week.
About five minutes later, I was standing in a circle of friends talking. Suddenly Justiniano was right by my side. He patiently waited for Chavo to finish talking, and then got my attention. He said, "I went home and saw the note you wrote me on the little paper." Talking about the tag on the gift bag I had given him. I asked him if he liked what it said, and he smiled and said yes. My little note that said, "Merry Christmas, Justiniano! I love you and think about you every day! Hope you had a good Christmas! Love Yessi" really meant a lot to him. And he had come back just to tell me that. It really touched me that the little note that I had written, not knowing if he would even notice it on the side of the bag, meant so much to him. More than the toys  that were inside for him.
When I asked him how his Christmas was earlier in the day, he said good, but that he didn't get any presents. The gift I gave him, with some cars toys from the dollar bin at Target was the only Christmas present that he received. The only one. Yet, he appreciate the note the most. This little 9 year old boy, never ceases to inspire and amaze me. My love for him just continues to grow. Sometimes, I wonder why God has given me such a great love for this little boy. He's not someone I could adopt...he has a family. I get to see him twice a year and attempt to bring some joy and love of Christ into his life, but is that really fulfilling the amount of compassion God has given me for Justiniano? I don't have the answer to theses questions. But I know for sure that I care about him and love him so much. He makes my day in a way that no one else ever could. I'm going to keep trying to express to him in the ways and few times a year that I get the opportunity to. I will continue to pray for him and his family, and think about him often. And I will continue to trust in God, that he will fulfill his purpose for this little boy that he has placed specifically on my heart.

This makes day four or five of my time in Autlan over break....who knows what God will do by the end! I love being home. Can't wait to see what awesome stuff happens during the rest of break.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Duke Family

From teaching me piano lessons, to babysitting me and my siblings, to bringing us candy or taking us to the park just because, the Duke family has been a special part of my life, as far back as I can remember.
As I grew older, and they began to get married and move away, we became less connected, and didn't see each other much, especially after my family moved to Mexico.
However, this past summer, I was blessed with the opportunity to reconnect with Sherri Duke (now Wilson), and ended up living with her and her husband, Thomas in Trout Lake.
Last weekend, Sherri called me informing me that the entire Duke family, save just two people would be together for the afternoon to celebrate a few of the cousins birthdays. She asked me if I would like to come and see everyone for the afternoon. Of course, I was ecstatic at thought, and accepted right away! Though I had reconnected with her, I hadn't seen some of her other siblings since before I moved to Mexico.
Sherri asked me to bring my camera and take some pictures throughout the afternoon. This just added to my excitement of going.

Driving down the Duke's farmhouse driveway last Saturday brought back many childhood memories. It was so fun to see and catch up with all the Duke kids. I was blessed to meet their spouses and children, as well as simply be a part of their precious family reunion.

I love the Duke family so much and they have played such an important part both in my childhood, as well as into my adult life.

Here are a few of the pictures from the afternoon I spent with them:

Thomas and Sherri

I've mentioned in many blog posts now, what an incredible blessing Sherri and Thomas have been in my life.
While at the Duke's house on Saturday I was able to take a few pictures of Sherri and Thomas, and they are just too precious not to share!!
Love you "ba-way-oh", Sherri and Thomas! =)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

College Students and Coffee Shops

Whether on campus or downtown, close to the school, or a little ways away, college students now flood coffee shops which seem to be located on every street corner.
With text books, laptops that beckon papers and assignments to be completed, college students trug their Jansport backpacks and warm vanilla lattes to a cozy table to conquer their dreary homework assignments that separate them from their social availability on school campus.
 As I write this, I just so happen to be one of these people. However, I have learned to incorporate this study method with my social life. My friends Katie and Sam sit across from me at the table, with their laptops and text books at work.
 There's something about Mumford and Sons playing in the background, and the other fellow "Corban-ites" we encountered upon our arrival tonight that makes homework not so dreadful.
 Needless to say, I am neglecting my open College writing book to write this, but I couldn't help but document the essence.
Soft lights, the smell of coffee beans, and the warm company of friends as I study.
For any of you who have once wondered why college students find studying and hanging out at coffee shops so appealing, I hope I have enlightened you to some extent.
Back to my homework I go...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

College....Say What?!

I can't believe it's been six weeks since I've posted on here!
It has been a crazy six weeks, to say the least! I'll give you all a little re-cap of what's been happening, to get everyone caught up. =)
I moved from Trout Lake back to Salem on August 23rd, the same day my family arrived to the U.S. from Mexico! They actually came up to Trout Lake directly from the airport, ate dinner at the Cafe, and then we left as a family back to Salem.
Just three short days after arriving to Salem, I moved into the Balyo Dormitory at Corban University. I have three AMAZING roomies, Rebecca, Hannah, and Ning. We have all grown close, and really live well together. Our room is quite loud and crazy most of the time, and our hall mates often come to visit, just to see what's going on in our loco room. It's hard to focus and get homework done sometimes...okay, most of the time!
I am taking 16 credits this semester, and definitely have my time filled up to the rim. (hence the reason for taking so long to post) Every waking moment that I'm not in class or doing homework, I'm spending with my family. There are here for just a week and a half more, and I want to spend as much time with them as I possibly can! They fly out on October 6th. Please pray for them as they head back down to Mexico. Pray that this next year of ministry will be rewarding for the Kingdom of God, and they will be blessed. God is using them in so many ways!
Also, my dad has been very sick this furlough. He goes back to the doctor on Wednesday for some further testing. I have been very sad that he has been sick on this precious six weeks of rest they have each year. I love my dad very much, and want him to get better!
It is going to be extremely hard for me once they leave in a couple weeks. My family and I are extremely close, and I have loved more than anything having them close by all the time, during this time of transition into "the college life". Please pray that you would be will all of us when we are separated for another season of time.
I'm playing ultimate frisbee on an intramural time, and I am just loving it to pieces! If I get to choose one thing to do, it's ALWAYS frisbee, hands down. It's my favorite thing to do..ever! I didn't get to play much this summer because of work, but after our first game a couple weeks ago, I was ecstatic! I love frisbee so much!

Time for dinner, and some more homework, but update part two will be on the way soon!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

So Much Happens in so Little Time

Well blog world, I suppose you would like to know what has been going on in my crazy life the past month or so...
Are you sure you're ready for this? A LOT has happened, and I haven't exactly had time to process and organize it all, since it all came at me, happened, is coming at me still, and will be happening very soon. So bare with me as I categorize my life, share all my dreams, passions and experiences with you about this summer and upcoming fall. 

When I last posted, I shared with you all the incredible blessings,experiences and friendships Jonah had began to bring to my life. Those only continued to accumulate as the summer went on, and when the staff left Trout Lake two weeks ago; it was the ending to one of the best summers yet. I have learned so much this summer, it truly has been incredible. 

I took a trip to Mexico to visit my family in July. I was there for two weeks, the first 10 days on a missions trip with my home church in Salem, and the last five days just spending quality time with my family. Going to Mexico this summer was definitely different from when I lived there, and when I visited in December. I saw it a little differently, it felt a little different to be there, and my family and friends had changed more. I was told that each time I go things will feel a little different. I can't decide how I exactly feel about that, but am trusting that God will reveal both the good and bad in that to me, making me stronger through it. 
It was so encouraging to see how much of a difference my parents and siblings are making through the furthering of their ministry in Autlan. The growth is incredible! God is using them in numerous ways, and I am confident that His kingdom is being glorified as a result of their service and passion. 
 Another super encouraging thing was to be blessed with seeing the growth in the lives of my dear friends Rosa, Chavo and Vicente. Two years ago, these friends of mine and Brent's we lost in a world of pain and poverty. They had no hope or joy. Two years later, they are all completely different people. Chavo and Rosa became Christians before I moved, and Vicente became a Christian earlier this year. Chavo has recently preached his first sermon in La Roca Church, and all three of them have been baptized. I was blessed with the opportunity to be there in July for Chavo and Vicente's baptism. It is so encouraging to see the leadership role Chavo and Rosa have taken in the youth group, as well as other ministries. They are living examples of what missions is all about. The fact that God used me in a few small ways to be a part of their lives and their faith, gives me chills and brings tears to my eyes every day. When my mom was telling me about everything that has been happening in their lives lately, I couldn't help but get choked up. They are now inviting friends to youth group, and sharing the love of God with their unsaved friends and family. That is EXACTLY how the Lord wants missions to work. Chain reaction- we share our love for Christ with someone, they share it with another, and so forth.. God is using people and one by one, the people's lives of Autlan are being impacted. 

I returned to work and my life and friends at Jonah towards the end of July- during the craziest part of summer. In no time, I jumped back in, pushing past the things that I had missed while I was gone, and immersed myself as much as I could in the "here and now". I had missed Trout Lake. Missed Sherri and Thomas, missed my friends at Jonah, and missed seeing Mt. Adams every day. By day three of getting back from Mexico, I was right back to my schedule of working full time, 8 hour days at the cafe, spending every waking moment not at the cafe at Jonah, sleeping there most of the time, and getting maybe 6 hours of sleep a night. Plus trying to stay caught up on things like communicating with friends and family outside of Trout Lake, getting ready for school, etc. etc. It was a CRAZY busy summer, but I wouldn't have changed it for anything. I have made so many new friends. I get along really well with my co-workers, and have become really good friends with some of them. We spend time together outside of work, and float the creek and stuff, which is really cool and fun. I wasn't expecting to become friends with many of my co-workers this summer. I thought that they'd be co-workers and nothing more. I'm very thankful God showed me otherwise, just like He did with what how I'd be involved with Jonah, the relationships I'd develop in both places, the things I'd learn and the experiences I'd walk away with. It's been such an eye-opening, amazing summer. Going into it, I never would have imagined it would have been so amazing. The God I serve and love gives me so much more than I deserve!

Now, my summer is coming to a close, and in just a week I will be with my family again, back in Salem, getting ready to move into the dorms at Corban. My family arrives next Tuesday for their annual furlough, which I am super super excited for, by the way! I move into the dorms at Corban with my three roomies who I have never met, and become a full time student at Corban next week. I'm super excited, but nervous at the same time. It's going to be another big transition, and it's coming up super fast. 
I will miss Trout Lake, and Yaritza, Stephanie, Meghan, Corey, Jana, Jeff and Beki, and all the other friends that I've made here this summer. I'll miss the simple atmosphere of life here, and I'll miss the gorgeous creation that I've been surrounded by up here. However, I won't have to miss Sherri and Thomas, because they're moving to Jefferson for the school year! I guess now that I've lived with them for a summer, they figure they better stay close by! ;)

                                            Precious little girl, Lupita, at the orphanage in Autlan

                                  Group (minus my Dad, Dane, Morgan, & Uncle Tim) in Guadalajara

Siblings....where's Brent?! In front of our house in Autlan

Life at Jonah... =)

End of Summer Cabin trip with Justin, Daniel, Ellie & Alyssa! 

                                  Two of the biggest blessing in my life this summer! Love you guys!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Best Summer Yet- Jonah 2011

Every transition I’ve been through, if I trust in the Lord through it, He has done things and blessed me beyond anything I could have ever imagined. The past couple weeks, I’ve been in a place of awe, taking in all God has done in my life.

Three weeks ago, the summer staff arrived at Jonah. Even though I have a full-time job, I wanted to be connected at Jonah, but didn’t know how. I didn’t know how to immerse myself and get to know the staff in a way where I wasn’t the awkward tag-along. I began hanging out with my cousin Justin, who’s on staff this summer. By simply hanging out in the evenings, I began to get to know the staff a little more, and would help out in whatever areas I could. Before I knew it, I found myself overwhelmed by the love, acceptance, and incredible people that surrounded me.

In the past three weeks, I’ve made some of the best friends, had some of the most incredible experiences, and been embraced with such loving arms. I stand speechless at all that has happened. God has blessed me more than I could have ever asked for. Jeff and Beki, the owners of the camp, have been so loving, and treat me like any other staff member. They are such a blessing in my life! I love them so much!

After I began to connect with Jonah and the people there God showed me he had just got started...

Two weeks ago I was given the opportunity to co-direct Primary Camp with Sherri and Daniel. God taught me SO much that week. I was able to do things I had never done before. I connected with the kids, and was able to be a help to both Jonah and the campers. It was so great to work alongside Sherri and see her passion for Jonah play out through every detail. I got to know Daniel really well too, which was super awesome. We spend every waking moment getting stuff ready, planning, joking around, running errands etc. etc. His love for the Lord shines so vividly in everything he does. He is willing to do anything and everything to serve. His faith is so inspiring to me, I'm very blessed to have become good friends with him.
I’m still trying to process how God has blessed me with such incredible, deep, lasting friendships in such a short amount of time. Right away he gave me a connection with two girls on staff: Alyssa and Ellie. God knew we needed each other in our lives, and that this summer would be that much more incredible because of our friendship. God knew we could build each other up, have great memories together, and glorify Him to his fullest by being there for each other each step of the way. It feels like I’ve been close with them for years, but I only started to get to know them a month ago. So crazy! I’m thankful beyond words. Love you, Jazz and Ish! =)
Maybe it’s a camp thing, maybe it’s a Trout Lake thing, but it’s DEFINITELY a God thing that he brought each of the staff to Jonah this summer. Not just Ellie, Alyssa and I are close. All the staff are. We all just connect. Every night I lay in bed and think about the countless things I’ve seen God do in that day alone. There’s so many incredible people at Jonah this year, and I’m thankful beyond words to be a part of it! Countless lives are being changed because of this summer. We serve an awesome God!

In May when I moved to Trout Lake, I prayed for a good summer. Three weeks later, with it only half over, I’ve already had one of the best summers of my life. I can’t wait to see what happens during the rest of it, and the time after this summer too! I know that the Lord is going to continue to work, and that I have a whole new group of incredible people in my life, who will be important to me for a long time to come.
Cheers to an unforgettable summer!!

Here are a few other more specific highlights that have happened the past couple weeks:
  • ·          Jet Skiing on July 3rd with the staff on the Columbia River
  • ·          Alyssa and I having our own church service at the Hood River Marina
  • ·          Being “Surfer Girl” along with “Scuba Bob” (Daniel) during Primary Camp
  • ·          Floating the creek
  • ·          Seeing how God fits accidents and bad things into His perfect plan
  • ·          Being disciplined in spending time with the Lord each day
  • ·          Seeing first-hand how effective and powerful prayer is
  • ·          Pushing Prophet into the creek
  • ·          Riding in the New Truck, which was donated to Jonah last week!!
  • ·          Developing a relationship with a co-worker who isn’t a Christian, trying to reach out to her
  • ·          Sleepovers at Jonah
  • ·          Being the “Jonah Photographer”, taking pictures of all the great camp memories
  • ·          Setting up a scavenger hunt for the boys, giving them a surprise apple pie dessert.
  • ·          4th of July at the Marina with the Jonah Staff..seeing an epic fireworks show; because God blessed me by letting me get off work a couple hours early!
  • ·          Quality talks with staff about life, getting to know each other; investing in each-others lives.
  • ·          The opportunity to serve in whatever way possible.
  • ·          Enjoying the beauty of God’s creation I’m surrounded by in Trout Lake. 
  • ·          Being accountability partners with Alyssa.
  • ·          All of the inside jokes and funny quotes with staff…
  • ·          Watching 24 with Thomas and Sherri
  • ·          Talking with Sherri about anything and everything
  • ·          3 hour long conversations by the creek = the best!
  • ·          Chasing Alyssa around the building, into the sprinkler
  • ·          Tractor rides
  • ·          Hood river Walmart/ ice cream trips
  • ·          Singing…all the time.
  • ·          Not having to worry about what anyone thinks…Jonah is a place where you can be yourself- your real self. No disguises and you’re accepted and loved just as much as anyone else.

The list goes on and on of all the great things that have happened in my life the past couple weeks! I’m thankful God placed me in Trout Lake this summer, and do not come anywhere near deserving all the Lord has blessed me with and given to me already. Can’t wait to see what the rest of the summer has in store.

Colossians 2:6-18

Chicle (my camp name =)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

92 & 96

   Working with the general public, I've already dealt with quite a variety of different people. Different cultures, personalities, customs, manners and ages. From the cute babies, who smile every time I approach the table, to the same man that comes in at least once, usually twice a day for coffee, I enjoy just about all of them. It's been fun getting to know the regulars, and also getting to visit with other customers as they travel through town. 

Yesterday was a quiet Monday afternoon in the cafe. My co-worker was doing some maintenance outside, as I cleaned up the kitchen. As I washed the dishes, a white car pulled into our small, three space parking lot in front of the cafe. As I watched through the window, after a few seconds, an older man began to exit the drivers side door. He slowly stood, and walked to the passenger side, opening the door for his wife. The couple slowly made their way to the entrance. I greeted them with a smile, as they walked in. Asking if they wanted menus, they said no. They were just in for some milkshakes. He wanted peanut butter, and she vanilla. The couple found their seats at the table furthest to the wall; close to the cash register. I began to make their milk shakes, and smiled to myself at how cute of a couple they were. 
We began a conversation, of which the man generally carried on. The woman was very quiet and thoughtful. I gave them their shakes, and began to clean up my mess. After a few minutes, we continued chatting, and I found out it was the mans 92nd birthday, and they had come to celebrate. I congratulated him enthusiastically, and he cheerfully shared with me about his life. He told me of his work, where he grew up, and what Trout Lake used to be like. He was so kind. Always smiling, and very genuine. His wife stayed quiet, enjoying her shake. 
As they finished up their shakes, I was almost sad that they would be leaving soon. It was so great talking with him, and learning about his many life experiences. After we exchanged names, and they cleared their own table very efficiently, they began to make their way to leave. 
I told them thank you for coming in, and how nice it was to meet them. As the couple walked across the small dining room toward the door, arms linked, the gentleman turned toward me and said "and she's 96!" "She beats you then, I guess!" I playfully replied. The woman smiled. 
As they arrived to their car, the man opened the door for his wife, and made sure she was in safe and sound before closing the door, making his way to his own car door. As I watched him so carefully take care of his wife, and took in how much I enjoyed the small conversation I had with this couple, made me realize how wise living life makes you. Based on your experiences and years of observing, learning, seeing etc. make you the incredible person you are. incredible people who have had many years to enjoy living, not taking it for granted and wasting it are such good examples of role models. Don't waste your time here. Embrace it. Enjoy every moment, take it ALL in, and help it mold the person you are. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A New Transition

 I was talking with my mom on the phone tonight. It's always so good to hear her voice! I love catching up with her, and telling her all about what's going on in my life. She's probably a little bit overwhelmed when we talk because my mouth always starts going a mile a minute. A couple times tonight  I caught myself amazed at how fast I was talking. It's great to hear about my family's life in Autlan and everything going on there too. Talking with my family on the phone always lifts my spirits, no matter what kind of mood I'm in. They are such an encouragement!
As I talked with my mom tonight, we had a conversation about transitions. Just a couple days ago, Wednesday, I moved up to the little town of Trout Lake, WA to work for the summer. I'm working full time at the local Cafe, as well as helping out at Camp Jonah Ministries on my time off. As my mom and I talked, she told me that from the time I was young, transitions have always been especially hard for me. I love excitement and adventure, but big transitions like moving, beginning something that I know will take sacrifice and effort, is always hard for me at first. Moving to Mexico, starting a new sport on a new team with people I don't know, beginning to play on worship team, moving out of the house and away from my family....these are all things that have been new, hard transitions in my life over the past couple years. With each one I have been incredibly blessed and seen the many ways God has used and desired these things for my life, but they have not been easy transitions; especially in the beginning. I understand that for everyone transitions can be hard, but for some reason, they really hit me hard.
The first couple days here in Trout Lake have been a bit scary as I begin my first full time job, move in to a new place, meet new people, and try to "find my place" as I try to make friends and get plugged in. I know that in no time I will feel at home, and have a fantastic summer. I just have to push through this adjustment time.
I'm staying with my friend Sherri, and her husband Thomas. They are so incredibly nice, and I'm thrilled that they have so kindly offered for me to stay with them for the summer. They are so fun, nice, and encouraging to be around.
All the people here are super friendly, and I'm excited to get to know everyone better as time goes on. Working at camp will be a blast, and I'm excited to do odd jobs, hang out, and hopefully be an encouragement to both the staff and campers this summer.
Sherri and I are going to begin training, and hope to conquerer Mt. Adams this summer. We have an absolutely breath-taking view of it from the kitchen window, and pretty much everywhere you go in Trout Lake, you can see the Mountain. We also have a river that flows right behind the house, and I get to fall asleep to the flow of it at night. The air here is crisp and fresh, and everywhere you look and go you're surrounded by nature, and the beauty of God's creation.
That's as far as I've been immersed into life up here in Trout Lake so far..but I'll keep you posted on what else I learn and experience as the summer unfolds.

The Cafe:

 My Room: It's so cute!

California Girl at Heart

 Every time I go to visit my friends in Thousand Oaks, CA, it gets harder and harder to leave. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. I'm so incredibly thankful for their friendship, and the close bond that God has blessed us with. Every time I go there to visit, I find myself wishing I had chose to stay longer. I meet new people that I didn't know very well before, and we become close friends. This has happened the past couple times I have visited, and I absolutely love it! With my friends from Bethany in TO, you don't have to have grown up with them, or known them for a long time to become close friends. We just almost automatically connect and become friends, even though we've spent such short time together. The only explanation I can give for this kind of friendship is this: "it must be a God thing". With mcKensey for example, we've spent a total of 28 days together in  our entire lives, but yet she is one of my very best friends. You're probably thinking 'that just doesn't can't be that deep of a friendship'. All I can say to that is, I don't know either, but God gave us this blessing of an awesome friendship. And if you don't believe me, just spend a few days with us together. You'll see right away what I'm talking about. I go down there to visit as often as I can, and each time I grow closer and closer to both the people that I've known since we met in Autlan in 2009, and my new friends too. I'm so thankful for the Lord putting these people in my life...I can't even explain to you, nor thank HIM enough!
 I was talking with one of my friends from down there shortly after I left about how sad I was to have to leave. They said "you're a California girl at heart." I'm sure tons of girls and guys alike say this about themselves...probably most people that DON'T live in California can say this about themselves, but I think it's legitimately true for me. When I visit there, I feel this desire to never leave, and to grow in my relationships there as much as possible. I have a desire to come along side the people there and serve with them and the ministries they have. I'm a very relationship-oriented person, so maybe that side of things is just coming out strongly, since I've grown to love the people there so much. ;)
Alright, enough of this "I love my California friends sooo much and can't get over it stuff"...I'm not going to be one of those crazy bloggers.... ;)

Monday, May 9, 2011

SUMMER- Phase 1

 To kick off my summer, in two days, Wed. May 11, my cousin Jarren and I will wake up very early and begin our 14 hour road trip down to Thousand Oaks, California. We're planning on spending an extended weekend with my friends down there, hanging out, and enjoying some time away to relax and have fun; while soaking up the warm California sun of course, before we begin our full time summer jobs.
 I became connected with this amazing group of people in California when they came to Autlan on a short term missions trip each summer. My brother Brent and I really connected with the teens, and our family was very blessed and encouraged by this team; making good friendships. I've visited LA with both my family and by myself a few times, wanting to spend more time with these great friends than just one week a year. I stopped by for a couple days on my way to Mexico over Christmas break, but jumped on the opportunity to go again this summer when the chance came up. I can't wait to see all my friends there again and enjoy a fun weekend with them! I. Love. Summer.

It's Been A Whole Year?!

 I can't believe that the school year has come to and end already! It seems like just a month or two ago I was in Mexico trying to figure out what life would be like moving back to Oregon, leaving Mexico, and beginning my college experience. Now I find myself finishing up my last high school math class, and finished with finals from Corban. The year has definitely been full of adjustments and challenges, as well as great growth and joy. As I shared in the past blog post, I'm excited for summer God has laid ahead, and very excited for my first semester living on campus, as a full time student at Corban. Summer time, here I come!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Walk of the Cross

 Each Thursday and Friday before Easter, Pastor Joe puts on an event called "The Walk of the Cross".
Desktop images > Happy Easter > HAPPY EASTER EASTER CROSS 01.JPGPeople in the Church can sign up to go through this hour long journey which allows you to reflect on the crucifixion  of Christ, and his astounding love for his people. There are several rooms throughout the church which lead from the last supper, to the empty tomb. Families go through together as they take communion, wash each others feet, watch a clip of  "The Passion of The Christ" movie, meet Pilot, and reflect on the empty tomb, worshiping Christ for his unfathomable love.
This is a very visual, hands-on journey that really brings to light the story of Christ's death on the cross for our sins in a very powerful way.

This event is not something that comes together easily. There is a lot of effort, thought, and detail that goes into this great event. Tonight I hung out at the church, helping PJ with odd jobs, as people from the church steadily flowed through in their groups every twenty minutes. It was very cool for me to be able to pray for the people that came to do the journey, seeing the crucifixion come to life for them.
If you live here in Salem, I hope you were able to take advantage of this awesome "Walk of the Cross" experience; it truly is moving. If not, that's okay too. You can still take time to reflect on the true significance of the sacrifice God made by giving his son up because of his love for his children; you and I. I hope you take a few minutes, or maybe even an hour or so to think about this absolutely marvelous event that took place 2000 years ago. Read your Bible and pray, reflecting on this by yourself, with your family, or even with some close friends. Thank the Lord for his inexplicable amount of love for his people, and all he has sacrificed for us.
Happy Easter, everyone! Have a wonderful time celebrating the death, burial and resurrection of our Savior who died for our sins.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Audience of One

 Tonight the Lord opened my eyes through a very unique first time experience in my life. My youth group band and I had prepared a 25 minute set of worship songs to play for a weekly hour long study session we have each Saturday night from 9:01-10:01 pm. (Based off Matthew 9:1 in the Bible). As we stood in the foyer of the church before the activity began, our youth pastor asked us to all put blind folds on. We put the blindfolds over our eyes, and darkness was the only thing visible.
 As Pastor Joe led me into the auditorium, he asked me what instrument I was playing. I said the piano, and he led me to where it was on the stage. As my hands found the keys, I immediately felt for familiar keys and positions. The room was silent and panic began to creep up on me. As more people began to enter the room silently, I began to think I would be playing our set with the blindfold on. I had seen the chord progressions for the first time just two hours before to a few of these songs. Pastor Joe told us that we indeed would be playing with our blindfolds on, and the reality of this began to settle in. I tried my hardest to remember the notes position of my fingers for the first song. 'take it one song at a time' I told myself. At first I was consumed with the thought of how everything would sound, and how I would do the job right. Then realization came that no matter what I did, it wouldn't be perfect. In addition, I realized it didn't matter. I realized that this time was to worship my Savior, not worship what I was doing, how it sounded, or who I was playing for. Because I was only playing for One: my Savior. It was all in worship to Him.
As we played our set, I definitely didn't play perfectly. I missed many chords, and struggled to find my position on the familiar keys. However, I did my best, and I was proud of my band, and friends. Because even though it wasn't perfect, we had the right mindset, and we really did do a good job. We really did do it in worship of God instead of to impress others. No distractions from our surroundings, just worshiping our Savior with all that was in us; from our hearts.
After the time of worship, we gathered around a candle in the dark auditorium with our Bibles. We talked about how we felt as we played. PJ told us that there was only one person in the audience. This was to represent the fact that in ALL we do, we do it for one person, and one person only. The other three people that had come to 9:01 were sitting across the stage as they worshiped the Lord as well. It was cool to see their perspective as they listened and in their own position, worshiped God.

As a result of this incredible, eye opening experience, I am reminded that in ALL I do I need to do it not for my surroundings, not being distracted by them either, but rather for the only audience that matters: my Father, Jesus.

Psalm 86:12 " I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever."

Revelation 5:12 "saying with a loud voice. "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!".

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Hello again, blog friends!
 This past month or so has sure been a crazy one! Since my mom and sister came, I was very consumed with spending every waking moment I possibly could. After I had some intense catching up to do on homework, and cleaning my room! HA! I had such an amazing time with Morgan and my mom. I am thankful beyond words that they got to come. All the catching up to do afterwards was totally worth it. They were such an encouragement to my spirits, and it was a blast just giggling, talking, and hugging them!
Now that I had to say goodbye to them until July, I'm just counting down the days until school is out, it stops raining, and I can go running outside.
 When the year began I had absolutely no idea what I would do with my life this summer. I knew I wanted to spend as much time in Mexico as possible, but realistically it probably wouldn't be much time, because there's this thing called tuition that needs to be paid for this fall.
After much prayer and patience, God has laid out the perfect plan for me, and I stand in awe of how incredible he has laid this out for me in the perfect time in the perfect way of every detail.
After God laying some incredible opportunities in front of me, I will be spending my summer up in the tiny town of Trout Lake, Washington.
 My friend and her husband are living up there, where their relatives run a Christian Bible camp that I went to when I was younger. In the town there is just one coffee shop and one Cafe. I have been given a full time summer-long commitment job at the cafe/coffee shop. I have also been given a room to stay in, which is connected to my friend Sherri and Tomas' apartment. I will be working at the cafe full time, but I will also be helping out at camp whenever I can.
I'm very excited for this summer and all that it has in store. I am so thankful God has blessed me with a great job, place to stay, and opportunity to serve Him all at the same time!
 I am sad that I don't get to spend my whole summer in the country that pulls so hard at my heart; Mexico, but I trust in the Lord's plan. My boss has also given me two weeks off so I can go to Mexico to visit my family. I will go down in July with a missions team from my home church, Bethany, and then stay a few extra days to be with my family.
I know that was kind of a scattered update, but hopefully it gives you all a little insight to some of the crazy stuff God has been doing in my life!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's a Big Deal!

In just seven short hours I will be getting in the car to head up to the airport with my aunt Marcy to pick up my mom and sister!! Based on this news, you might simply be thinking "oh, that's cool, her mom and sister are visiting for spring break". But it's much more than just a simple visit. It's a big deal. Let me tell you why.
 I left Mexico in January to come back for my second semester at Corban. I haven't seen any one from my family since then. Over Christmas break my mom had talked about maybe coming to visit over spring break, but airfare was just too expensive when it came time to book tickets. This has been a very rough semester for me, and a difficult adjustment time in my life. I had especially been going through a hard time the past month or so, and was really missing my family and Mexico. It was really sad when I found out they couldn't come for spring break, especially as time went on and I had been feeling so homesick. However, God knew my heart and how much I missed everyone. He also knew how much my mom and Morgan wanted to come here to see me as well, so with His plan, he made the impossible happen.
On Monday night around midnight, my phone rang; it was mom. Apparently my Grandpa had found a special deal on flights and sent the link to my mom. She checked it out, and the deal was good for tickets over spring break. She called and asked me if I would rather wait and have them come around graduation time in May, or come now. I told her that graduation would be sad without them there, but that it wasn't a huge deal, and that I really just wanted them to come now! So the next morning, my mom booked hers and Morgan's tickets! She called me, and it turns out they are staying for 2.5 weeks, not just over spring break! Which means I'm also going to have my graduation party while they are here, so they get to be here for both events; spring break and graduation! =)
After I got that phone call, I went straight to my aunt Marcy's work to tell her. I couldn't bare the excitement even on the 10 minute car ride there...I was freaking out!! As soon as I got there, I went back to her lab area and told her. She gave me a huge hug and I couldn't help but cry..I was SO excited!! God is so good, and he knew how much it would mean to me, my mom, Morgan and the rest of the family if they were to come. 
So now, six days later, I'm counting down the hours for them to get here! 
Yesterday was a really rough ending to a rough week, so I am having trouble containing my excitement for when they get here, and I can just enjoy two awesome weeks with them! 
Thank you, Lord for providing the way for them to come! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The King's Speech

 I just got home from seeing the movie "The King's Speech". What an inspiring film! I went thinking I wouldn't enjoy the movie at all; believing it was some sort of historical documentary about a King of England who I know nothing about. I was proved quite wrong.
The film is rated R for language, but it all happens in one scene, not spread out throughout the whole movie. When you watch it, you will understand what I mean when I say that the language wasn't inserted in the movie just for the heck of it, but it had purpose. That does not make be think it is acceptable in any way, but That was the only complaint I have with the film.
 The movie was very inspiring, and told such an amazing true story. It is quite sad, but it tells the life of King George IV honestly. It brings you to an understanding of what extreme challenges and hurt he had in his life, and brings you to respect him very much.
 The Royal family has always intrigued me, but I have never taken the initiative to really research and learn about them and their lives.
 This movie has been in the theaters for a while now; if you cannot make it to the theater before it is no longer showing, you must rent it when it comes out!
Highly recommended, and incredibly inspirational.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Last Day

 Tomorrow is March 1st, the last day of the Crosswalk Relationship covenant my youth group and I have been doing the past month.
It will be weird logging on to facebook again tomorrow night. I won't however, go back to wasting lots of time on Facebook each week. I will make limits, and manage my time well. The other aspects of the relationship covenant will also carry on in my life, and I pray they will continue to become more evident and habitual in my life. In some ways practicing these things in my daily life have become easier as the month has gone on, and in some ways it has become more difficult. I'm sure it will continue in the same way, some things being difficult, and others more easy. I'm excited for both things as God continues to mold me into the person he created me to be.

Matthew 11:28-30
 "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke us easy and my burden is light."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Three Down, One to Go

 Week three has come to a close, and our final week of the Crosswalk Relationship Covenant is about to begin.
This past week was definitely the most difficult for me so far. Tonight I was able to begin texting again, which I am very happy about. I realized how much I used to text just for the heck of it, and how stupid that is. I do pretty good about not having deep conversations via texting because that's just stupid, and people misinterpret things. However, not having texting to communicate at all, was very difficult at times this past week. I'm glad to have it available to me again, but I do not plan to text people about things that deserve a phone call, or face to face conversation. It was a good thing for me to ponder this week, and evaluate if I needed to change things in that area.

The passage that has really spoke to me the past few days is Psalm 32. I was getting ready for bed a few nights ago, after having a really rough week. I picked up my Bible, seeking comfort from my Savior, and He led me to Psalm 32. It was EXACTLY what I needed to hear, and spoke perfectly to me. I love it when God does that! Verse 10b was especially encouraging to me. It says "The Lord's unfailing love surrounds those who trust in Him." Simple, some may even say cliche, but it's perfect. Very encouraging and just what I needed to hear. I have it written on my hand, and look at it often to remind me of my Saviors love to me during the difficult times if I chose to trust in Him.

Week four, here I come! God, I pray you have some awesome things in store for me this week as I "finish" this covenant strong, and make it a part of my daily walk with You, and part of who I am.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

This Crazy Life

 This week has been a long week. Everything has been building up for a while, and it's arrived at the overwhelming point. Through this difficult time amidst this hard transition year, I am thankful beyond words for my family, friends, and most importantly, my Savior that helps me through it all. I keep reminding myself that through the difficult times, if we serve HIM and do the right thing, with the right heart and attitude, the Lord will be glorified most. Because of this, I choose to use these trials to glorify God to the best of my ability, and grow closer to Him.
I love you, Jesus. Thank you for guiding each step I take.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Jesus Blesses His Servants- Bruggeman Example- Missionary Life.

 I would like to take a break from my posts about the relationship covenant I've been doing with my youth group, and share with you something incredible God has been doing in my family's lives in Mexico.
 A few days ago my mom sent me an email telling me the landlord of the house they have been renting in Mexico for the past year had given them some news. It was time for them to renew their contract, and she was going to raise the rent of the house each month to a ridiculous price. On Saturday my dad met with the landlord to discuss things more in detail. The landlord wasn't interesting in keeping the rent at what it had been for the past year. My dad wouldn't fall for the "you're American so you must have tons of money you can give me" scheme. This is a common, yet very frustrating situation for Americans in Mexico. My dad informed the landlord they would be leaving as soon as they find another house.
This was disappointing news for my family, because they really liked the house we had found in Autlan. Although my family was disappointed with this news, God was already laying out the path for them. Two weeks ago, more or less, my parents became acquainted with an eye doctor who had been building a house for he and his wife, but had stopped when just the cabinets and closets remained unfinished, due to the man getting diagnosed with cancer. After meeting my dad, they came to like my family very much. My dad had asked him out of pure curiosity if he would ever be interested in renting his house. He said he and his wife were still planning on moving in to their new house, but they might be interested in renting out the house they were living in now.
When my dad found out they would have to move in the next few months, he called up the eye doctor to follow up on possibly renting the house. Tonight my parents met with this couple, and God's timing couldn't have been more perfect. The couple decided it would be too much work to move again, and because they like my parents so much, have decided they want my family to rent the brand new house. It is in a very nice, safe neighborhood in Autlan, and is very close to where they live now, so they won't have to move far. Both of these people's houses are beautiful, and my parents would have been content with either one, but both God, and these kind people, desired to bless my family with the opportunity to rent this new, beautiful home. The rent is affordable, location is perfect, timing is perfect, they will have a brand new, beautiful house to live in, with very kind landlords. I have three words. GOD IS GOOD! He provides for those who trust in Him, and throw in extra blessings just because He can! I believe God has blessed my family with this because of their dedicated service, and faith in Him.
It will be strange having my family living in a house which I haven't lived in with them....but I am very happy for them nonetheless. I'm already asking my mom to send me pictures! :)
They will be moving in on April 1st. Please keep them in your prayers as they will have to prepare to move and adjust to a new house, as well as continue with all of their daily ministries. Also thank God for providing for them, and showing us how good HE is.
Happy Valentines day, Bruggeman's! Jesus loves you, and this is just one way He is showing you. :)

No Texting, Say What?

I apologize if you have been anxiously awaiting a blog post the past couple days, but my life has been quite crazy. I've been very stressed with my High school work, college work, and Scholarships that have deadlines coming up very soon. Even though I have been preoccupied with all these things, I have still been continuing with my relationship covenant, and striving to make it part of who I am every day; even when life is stressful. 
Our assignment for this week is a tough one. No Texting, or IM. Skype and IM are something that could be handy, but I haven't used them in a while, so that shouldn't be too difficult. Texting is a whole different subject. I text a lot, and it will be hard to go seven days with out doing it. Especially since texting has been something I've leaned on since I haven't been able to be on Facebook.
The whole point of this 28 day covenant is to make face-to-face the new norm. Cutting off the mode of communication via texting will make E-mail, Phone, and face to face the only options of communication. I'm nervous, but very excited! This is something that will be difficult for me to do, but I want to prove that I can do it. I want to communicate with the people I care about to show them that I care about them.
Week three- LET'S DO THIS! 
Dear Lord, help me to grow closer to you through this covenant, and that face to face would become then new norm. God, mold me into being a good servant and disciple for you. I also pray that people would know how much I care about them, by the way I treat them, and the effort I go to show them that I care. God, help me to make time for the important things in life and not to worry about the things that don't really matter. Lord, I know you will help me accomplish the things I need to get done. Help me to trust in you, not worry, and let you take care of the rest. 
 I also pray you would help my other friends who are doing this challenge. God I pray you would mold them into better followers of you as well, and that as a result we would form a strong, unified youth group that would be pleasing to your eyes; as might out lives.
 In your name I pray, Amen

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week One- Status: Completed

 On Tuesday, week one of the Crosswalk Relationship Covenant came to an end. It couldn't have come to a better ending, (or beginning of week 2!) than the outstanding lesson Pastor Joe shared with us.
We looked over a variety of passages, that all had different messages, which combined, provided us with a picture and view on life that is what I desire to strive for.
 When I receive the full list of the passages, I will share them with you. Until then, I will share with you just a few notes I jotted down.

  • Simply greeting one another is demonstrating love.
  • Accept people fore who they are from the moment they walk in the door. 
  • Agree to disagree. You can still live in harmony with each other, when you don't completely agree on things that are not sin issues.
  • Use your freedom in Christ to serve one another! Not just to get praise. 
  • Bear with one another. It's what God calls us to do, and the rewards are incredible! You don't know who's watching.
  • Kindness is love in action. 
  • Submit to others and allow their needs to be more important than yours.
  • Spur one another on!
  • Don't judge! (Don't think you're better than them!)
  • Confess your sins to one another so you can pray for each other! Carry each other's burdens.
These are such basic things that we should do without effort, because we are good people who love the Lord. However, we live in a fallen, sinful world, and I am first to say that I do not perform these as I should. 
Although basic, these things really hit home for me. I was greatly impacted by this message, and I am now daily striving to perform these things, and not have to constantly remind myself to do them. I want to become this kind of person.

Also, at the end of Crosswalk, PJ gave each of us a homework assignment for the week. Each person was given a challenge that would particularly stretch them, and apply to what they are working on. I was very pleased with my challenge. I think it will be a really good start for one of my goals I'm working towards. I'll update you after I complete it, and let you know how it goes. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Post Delayed

 My post for today is going to be amazing! I learned and was impacted very much today. However, I'm waiting for a list in order to complete my post. So it will be postponed until tomorrow.
Until then, listen to the song "Take this Life" by Shawn McDonald. Click on the link below to listen to it on YouTube.

Shawn McDonald- Take this Life

Monday, February 7, 2011

Two Roads. One life.

 Monday. The day that seems the longest, and everyone is most tired. For some reason Monday's are also really hard days for me to be productive. I did my best today, but I still wish I could have accomplished more.
Today, the devotional on hit home for me. I couldn't have expressed what was on my heart, nor how I should be working on these things in a better way. Check out the devotional for February 7th! I'm sure it'll impact you as well.
Two roads. One life. Which will you choose?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 5

Day five is just about over now...
 Not gonna lie, I do miss Facebook a little. Okay, a lot. I guess it's just because it's just become a habit to check it every day. At the same time though, I'm very glad I'm breaking that habit as a result of this covenant. It's also really nice, cause when I find myself wanting to procrastinate from studying or doing the productive tasks I should be doing, I would normally just waste time on Facebook...but that's not an option now!

 Right now I'm at a place where I feel somewhat overwhelmed with life. I'm trying to not only figure out what I'm going to be doing with my life over spring break, and summer vacation, but week by week, day by day as well. Attempting to figure out my schedule, how it fits in with my social life... find time to rest, read for leisure (ha!), clean my room, and apply for scholarships fit in. I miss my family, and am trying to become the person God wants me to be, as well as survive and feel rested as I live my crazy life.
I believe one thing God really wants me to work on right now is worry and stress. I need to just relax, chill, and enjoy life. I need to take things one at a time, and not worry about the rest. I'll get it done. And if not, it either wasn't that important, or God has other plans, and will help me when it's time.

Speaking of rest....I'm exhausted. The anticipation of the close game between the Steelers and the Packers, while watching the Packers win an outstanding victory was quite exhausting emotionally. Maybe that's why I'm so tired? Probably a combination of that, along with that crazy life of mine I was talking about. Either way, I'm going to sleep. :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011


This challenge isn't about just changing my habits with people in youth group, and around Church. It's not just about learning to live without Facebook for a month.
This challenge for me, is about creating a new lifestyle. I've realized how much sin I have allowed to be in my life and become part of me, that I wasn't even aware of anymore. This covenant is about changing my lifestyle in all areas, with all the people in my life. It's about becoming the person God wants me to be.
I'm excited to become more like the person God wants me to be, and begin to work hard at getting rid of the things that my Savior isn't pleased with me.

Lord, thank you for this relationship covenant, and that through it I've become aware of some things in my life that I need to change. Thank you God for this challenge to help me get started with the destiny you have for me.
Father, I also pray that you would be with each of my friends in youth group that are also partaking in this challenge. Help them to have the discipline and desire to become more like you, that they may be stretched in their faith.
In your name I pray, Amen

Friday, February 4, 2011

Days 2 & 3

 Due to some necessary college cramming for an exam I had this afternoon, I wasn't able to post last night. I apologize. But all of you reading this that have experienced or are experiencing college now, will understand where I'm coming from. If you're not yet at that stage in life, trust me, one day soon, you too, will understand.
 First, let's talk about day 2.
 Yesterday was Thursday, which was the climax of my extremely busy week. Even though I could have been stressed out with my messy room, test to study for, etc. etc. I decided to enjoy the beautiful sunny day, take advantage of class being cancelled, and spend the majority of the day with my beautiful friend Coco. It was her last day in Salem before heading up to her current home in Washington, so I took advantage of an opportunity of having some quality girl time with her. As I spent time with her I realized that life doesn't have to be complicated. It's okay to just enjoy it for what it is; putting off the stresses and worries for a while, and just having fun. I quite often forget that, and I think God really wanted to remind me about that.

Day 3- Well, today was my exam, so I spent the majority of my morning studying hard core for it. (it went alright by the way, in case you were wondering. :-)
This evening I went and saw the play "Facing the Giants" performed by a local Christian youth theater program. My cousin Justin has the main role as the Coach. My cousin Jordan also has a role in the play, as well as many other friends. I couldn't be more proud of all of them! The performance was absolutely incredible! It made me both laugh and cry, and they couldn't have done a better job! Having the opportunity to go and both support all of them, and be moved by the story they told, was in itself, a gift from God.

This week, one of the things I am focusing on, is time management. I haven't been finding enough time in my day to spend one-on-one with God. I'm beginning by writing out my day, and seeing how I spent my time. Also noting the things I did that weren't as productive, and I could/should replace with time of mine that God definitely deserves.

Today, I received a challenge email from Pastor Joe. It challenged us to write a hand written letter to someone in our youth group, and mail it out Monday.
I was very excited to receive this challenge, because over the past two weeks or so, I have actually been thinking about beginning a routine to write two or three encouragement cards to different Crosswalk students each week, and give them to my friends at mid-week Crosswalk. I think this may be God telling me that would be something that would glorify Him, what do you think?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

28 Day Challenge- Crosswalk Relationship Covenant. Day 1

During the month of February, my youth group and I are participating in a challenge called the "Crosswalk Relationship Covenant".
 Over the past three weeks in youth group we've been learning about "Active Love". And what it means to live it out.
In the following 28 days, each evening I will be posting a blog about my experience, what the Covenant is all about, and I will go more in detail about what Active Love is.
I will post about the things I'm learning, and the things that are stretching my faith. I will also talk about what I am working on, and how I see God using me through out each day.
To begin, I will tell you the seven basic things of which our Crosswalk Relationship Covenant consists:

1. Love my friends with action not words alone.
 -1 John 4:18

2.  Love my friends with words no more destructive posts, updates, or tweets.
 - James 1:26; 1 John 4:18; Ephesians 4:29

3. Confront sin in love, one on one, not through social networking, texts, gossip or slander.
 - Matthew 18

4. End gossip by refusing to listen to it, repeat it or pass it along.
 -Proverbs 16:28; 26:20

5. Promote unity by logging off Facebook for the month of February and making "face-to-face" the new norm.
 - Phillippians 4:2-3

6. Offering forgiveness even before someone asks.
 - Colossians 3:13

7. Giving God's grace by using my gifts to serve others during this month.
 - 1 Peter 4:9-11

Please go to to watch a video from my youth Pastor describing this Relationship Covenant, and what it's really all about. Who knows, maybe after you hear it, you'd like to hop on board and do the covenant along with me!

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

After my stressful week of finals, I boarded a plane in Portland and headed down to Thousand Oaks, California for four amazing days with my friends from Bethany Church. I enjoyed four amazing days hanging out with my wonderful friends there. Of course, it would be raining the entire time I go to visit, but that didn't stop us having fun! It was fun to hang out with the youth group, and get to know people that I didn't know very well; that hadn't been to Mexico before. We had fun watching movies, going to Christmas parties, puddle splashing, going to basketball games, eating delicious bread sticks, music videos, Crossfire, getting soaking wet, Church, watching Modern Family, going to Sky High, and much much more. It was so great to spend time creating more unforgettable memories with my dear friends in California.
 After my time in California, I began my journey down to Autlan, Mexico. The emotion and anticipation as I spent the day on the plane and in the airport, was almost unbearable! I hadn't seen my family since October. I received six of the best hugs as I finally arrived in Guadalajara. Christian said to my mom before I got there that it was "the best day of his whole life". So cute!
 I was able to spend three absolutely incredible weeks with my family in Autlan. It was great to be able to spend quality time with my family again. I had missed them so much! We got to spend lots of time just joking around, watching movies, etc. It was great! I don't know what I would do without them!
The night after I arrived to Autlan, Morgan had a gymnastics performance in the center of town. It was so fun to watch her do her routine!
We had lots of Christmas parties the first week I was there, where I got to eat lots of authentic Mexican food. I had missed that a lot as well!
The first week in January, we took a family vacation to the beach, which was a blast! We hung out at the pool all weekend, went and saw Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader, played games, and enjoyed soaking up the warm, Mexico sun.
 I was also blessed with being able to be reunited with my friends down in Autlan, and get to spend some time catching up with them as well. I spent a lot of time with the Silva family, who has become a special family to my family's hearts in Autlan. Rosa, Chavo, and Vicente Silva are three of my best friends in Autlan. Seeing how Chavo and Rosa have been growing closer in their walk with Christ since I left in August, was so encouraging!
I got to spend an afternoon at the Migrant Worker camp, playing with the kids, whom I had missed immensely! I got to see Justiano, a little boy who lives at the camp, and stole my heart this summer. He is so adorable, and I had missed him so much! I got the best hug and smile ever from him! If I could, I would adopt that him in a heartbeat. But for now, praying for him each day and enjoy the times I do get to go and visit him will do. :)
Also seeing Barbara, Josselyn, the Clark family, Isai, and so many more, was just amazing. I am so thankful and so blessed that God provided the way for me to spend my Christmas break in a country that is so special to me, with people that are very special to me as well.
I'm so thankful for all my family did for me to be there as well. I love you guys!!!
 College Christmas break number one- SUCCESS!!
But now second semester has begun. Which means homework loads, professors in bow ties, pop quizzes, and the crazy life of a college student is in full swing!!