Roots: Growing Deeper

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Time is Here!

It's mid-December, and it's cold outside. Hot Cocoa is a must when you're sitting by the tree, watching a movie with a warm, cozy blanket, next to your little brothers and sisters. I find myself singing Christmas songs often, and when I think about Christmas and the certain feeling this time of year brings to me, I am filled with happiness. It truly is the "most wonderful time of the year". Even with the stress of buying presents for everyone, attending all the Christmas parties preparing the big Christmas dinner, everyone still finds time to relax and enjoy the holiday season. I am so thankful for that!
Sadly, even though many take time to rest and spend time with their family, they aren't celebrating what Christmas is really about. We've talked about that every year, but this year I got a different take on it. I thought about it in a new way, and it impacted me a lot. Instead of just knowing that a lot of people in this world, and even people that I know, love, and are maybe even celebrating Christmas with, don't understand or appreciate what the holiday really signifies, and just accepting it, I should TELL THEM WHAT THEY'RE MISSING OUT ON! I should tell them what they don't understand, and how the world has twisted Christmas to be something different than what it should be. Not just knowing that they don't get it, and know that I do, so I'm all right. I should be telling them that they're missing out on the joy of celebrating and truly understanding what Jesus' birth means! I've been thinking about that a lot this holiday season, and I want to do something about it! As I try to not just know that I am one of the few that understands the true meaning of Christmas, I encourage you to think about this as you celebrate Christmas this year as well.
Another reason I love Christmas time is spending time with the people I love and care about most. Talking to my little brother Christian about the Christmas story, and seeing that he understands what the story means. The joy and excitement he gets when he learns something new about the story that he didn't know before, is so cool. Hearing him tell the story is adorable, too.
It has been so fun to get together with friends and spend time with each other, too. The youth group had a big Game night, where we all got together and played board games, ate cookies, and watched the Survivor finale. It was so much fun!
Four of my closest girl friends and I also got together and exchanged Christmas gifts. The five of us hadn't been able to all hang out toegether in a long time, so that was really great.
We get to do so many fun things at Christmas time.... exchange gifts, decorate the christmas tree, listen to fun music, make yummy Christmas cookies, spend time with family....but most importantly, reflect on the incredible, life changing story found in Luke chapter 2.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Weekend at the Cabin with Friends

Last weekend six of my close friends, my brother, my mom and I, along with all of our duffle bags, loaded in our Suburban and headed up to my grandparents Cabin in the mountains. (see previous post)
We spent an incredibly fun weekend together up in the snow, riding snowmobiles, sledding and snowboarding, playing games, and watching movies in the warm cozy cabin. It was a great relaxing time for all of us to get away from the stresses of school and our busy lives, to enjoy a calm, peaceful weekend together. During the day it was only about 15 degrees...let's just say that we had several layers, and I mean several, before we stepped outside. Except for one time about one in the morning when I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt... I decided to step outside to watch the snow falling on the deck for a minute...Jarren thought it would be funny to lock me outside. That was fun.

I want to thank my Grandparents for letting eight crazy teenagers stay at their cabin for four days. I LOVE YOU! And Thank you Mom and Grandma for making us all of that delicious food. You guys are the best!
To all my friends that went up there with me, Jarren, Justin, Jack, Brent, Hannah, CoCo, and Melody. I love you guys more than you could ever imagine! Spending time with you guys is always fun. We have created memories that I will cherish forever.

Monday, November 30, 2009

One of my Favorite Places in the World

I wake as the bright winter sun rises just above the snow covered pine trees. I put my slippers on and peek out the frosted window to discover a new fresh layer of sparkly snow has fallen during the night. I walk downstairs and find my warm, cozy blanket waiting for me on the couch, right where I left it the evening before. As I watch a bit of TV and sip my warm hot cocoa, I gaze out the window at the Stellar Jays as they sing their morning song and perch on the deck to eat their breakfast.
Soon, one by one, the others awake and make their way downstairs and join me on the couch, and we enjoy the peaceful winter morning together.
Every moment is relaxing, and the atmosphere is amazing. Nothing is planned out, you just go with the flow. Perhaps that's what being at the cabin at the top of the Blue Mountains in Oregon does to people. If that's what it is, I like it. People should come up here more often.
After breakfast, the snow can't wait for us any longer, and the fresh powder that fell the night before is calling our name. We put on all of our snow gear and head out into the gorgeous, white, winter wonder land. Sledding, snow ball fights, building snowmen, and snowmobile rides are just a few highlights of our fun daily activities that we experience outside at the cabin.
As we go on a snowmobile ride across the mountain, it feels like we are on top of the world. The view of the white and green luscious mountains surrounding you, seem never ending. The trees still contain a layer of whiteness and as the sun gently hits it, some of it falls from the tree tops. The brisk winter air flowing through your hair and as you ride through the beautiful forest, is incredible. Often on the side of the trails in the untouched snow you will see tracks...I love it when shortly after that you spot the animal that carries those tracks.
The view is breath taking, and as we stop to enjoy it for a moment, I am captivated by God's creation. I am also reminded of his unfailing love. He created this for me, because he loved me, and wanted me to be in awe of His creation, and because he wanted me to enjoy the beautiful world that He himself made. As I stand at what has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth, I am reminded of that, and so ever thankful for my Creator.
As we make our way back to the cabin, my toes, finger tips and nose are beginning to get a bit cold. I am excited to get back and eat some M&M's and enjoy another cup of hot chocolate, read my book, and maybe play a game of Monopoly.
The Cabin: One of my favorite places in the world.

Monday, November 23, 2009

As I Fall Asleep Listening to the Rain

Its late, well past midnight and the house is silent. I lay down in my bed and try to sleep, but my eyes
don't close. I listen to the rain drizzle outside as I ponder the countless thoughts running through my mind.
The house is quiet, makes it easier for me to think, and the rain soothes me. So much is happening in my life, and when I finally allow my mind to consider everything, and try to sort everything out, I am overwhelmed. Some happy thoughts, others sad, tedious, exhausting, will I ever figure it all out?
Sometimes I feel like my life is going great; things with my friends are going good, my family, my relationship with God, and my future is looking pretty bright. Whereas other times, I feel the complete opposite. I don't know what to do with myself and my life; where I should go, what I should do...I feel so confused, lost and far away from God.
As my eyes slowly start to close, and I begin to drift away in to the relaxing sounds of the rain hitting my window just a foot or so above my head, I am reminded that God will always be there for me, and that no matter what His plan will be worked through it all.
I will forever be blessed by Him, and His omnipotent love for me. No matter where life takes me, He will always be there to hold my hand and guide me through it all. Even when I wander away from Him, his loving arms will forever be there, waiting to embrace me once again.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Senior Pictures

Hello friends!
I got some of my senior pictures done last week. If you would like to check them out you can go to:


I will let you know when I get the rest done! Let me (and my photgraphers) know what you think! ~Jess

Saturday, October 31, 2009

SKILLET Concert!!!!

Tonight I went to the most incredible concert I have ever been to in my life. No Joke! It was amazing. Words can't even describe how awesome it was.
Two bands called "The Letter Black" and "Decyfer Down" played first, and I didn't really care for them much. lol. Then Hawk Nelson came out and they were AWESOME! I have listened to them for tears, and every Christian teenage girl loves them. During Hawk Nelson we were down in the mosh pit getting warmed up, and it was a blast rocking out to their music, having fun. But that was only the beginning. We were saving the best for the band we had been waiting for all night. Skillet.
I had heard that they were one of the most incredible bands to see in concert, so I was excited to see them but I had no idea how amazing they actually were in concert until they started playing. HOLY SNAP! If you have never been to a Skillet concert before, you have to go to one!!! They are all so talented and passionate about what they do. They definitely get five stars. :)
After five hours of screaming at the top of my lungs, dancing, singing, jumping and listening to AMAZING music, I think it's time for bed. I don't think I am going to have a voice for about a week, but it was totally worth it. :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

UnFOURgettable Night #3 - 2009

Every October our youth group does something called the "Four unFOURgettable nights". Instead of normal youth group the four weeks in October we do special activities and have special Bible lessons. It is a special outreach event where we invite our unsaved friends to come and have fun, and also hear the Gospel. At the end of the lesson each week, my youth Pastor, Pastor Joe, gives an invitation for the kids to receive Christ as their Savior.
I look forward to the unFourgettable nights each year not only because we get to do special, fun activities during youth group, but also because I know that teens are going to bring their unsaved friends from school, work, etc. and some of them are going to come to know Christ as their personal savior for the first time. They are going to begin an everlasting relationship with God during these four special weeks in October. Isn't that just awesome?! I wish that every unsaved teenager that each kid in our youth group knows would come to the unfourgettables and hear of God's amazing love.
Tonight was night numero three. Different groups learned how to do magic tricks and then each group had someone perform the trick in front of the youth group. We had a good time, and it was really fun.
However, the lesson that PJ (Pastor Joe) gave tonight really meant a lot to me. It was basic and a story that I've been hearing since I was really little, but it impacted me in a new way tonight. I saw it from a different view and it really got me thinking.
PJ talked about how many people in this world have tried to make Christ's resurrection from the grave look like a trick, like something that anyone could do if they were sneaky enough. That after Jesus' brutal, insanely painful, worst crucifiction of all, he just went in the tomb, took a little nap, and three days later he woke up, healed and strong, and pushed away the stone; and that any other man could do that as well.
We know that is NOT how the story goes. That Jesus' death on the cross, and his resurrection from the dead three days later was not something that any sheep from the heard could do. No, only the greatest of all could do this.
Satan thought that Jesus had finally died, that it was finished, that he had won the battle, but no! Christ's death was the real deal. HE rose from the dead by the power of His father to show the world that he was the son of God, and to save the world from sin. Now THAT isn't something that any old guy on the street could do. AND He did it without twisting the rules, with no illusions, no tricks. He did it by the power of his Father, and for the people of this world.
What an amazing gift God has given us!! I am continually astounded by God's omnipotent power and neverending love. I can't belive the people of this world could really think that it was fake, that God cheated some way.
I can't wait for the day when the whole world sees and understands who God really is, and that He does everything by his power, and his power alone. No illusions, no tricks. Just Him.

Thank you Jesus for your amazing, one of a kind, genuine, no illusions or tricks attached, gift; freedom from sin. Thank you for showing the world who you are by conquering death, death on the cross. Thank you for the unbearable pain that you suffered for the world, for me. I love you and I could never thank you for all you have given me. Help me to live a life worthy of your praise, and that I would share your love with the people of this world. That I would share it fearlessly as I should. I pray that more teenagers would come to our youth group and learn of your love, that they would accept you as their personal Savior. Amen

Saturday, October 10, 2009

First Week Back

It has already been eleven days since we left Autlan, I can't believe it! We spent four LONG days in the car and finally arrived to our house in Jefferson, Oregon on Sat. October 2nd. It was SO weird walking into the house that I grew up in and knowing that it was going to be my home again for the next three months. I had forgot how small it was!! I am still trying to get used to it. Sharing a room again, not having to walk outside to use the bathroom in the night, drinking tap water, having a many little things. :)
The day after we arrived in Oregon our home Church, Bethany Baptist celebrated their 40 year anniversary. It was great being there to celebrate that and go back and remember all of the memories we've had as a Church. I also got to attend youth group on Tuesday night, which was AMAZING. Oh man, I love Crosswalk soooo much. My youth Pastor is amazing and so are all of the youth that attend. It feels good to be home.
We had a fun first week hanging out with friends that we haven't seen in a few years, eating at restaurants that we missed and walking in to familiar stores that carried silly things like Twizzlers and Cheez-its that we've missed.
Just today we drove up to Tri-Cities, Washington and we are going to spend a week or two here with my grandparents and visiting some supporting Churches.
Oh how I love seeing and spending time with all of my family and friends!!
Even though I miss my friends and some things in Mexico already, it feels good to be home. Even if I am always wearing a sweatshirt and shivering. :P

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Furlough Time

In just 11 short days my family will be gettin' into the car, heading for Oregon for our first furlough since we moved to Mexico. It's been two years!! I can hardly believe it. I have gone through and experienced sooo much since I left Salem two years ago, and God has taught me A LOT. I am so grateful for everything that He has given me in life and showed me by becoming a missionary.
We are going to leave Autlan on September 30th and plan to arrive in Salem, Oregon around the third of October. We are driving, and it should be quite the journey up there. Seven people in one Suburban, four days straight. All night, All day.
We are going to be in the United States for three months. It will be nice to see and spend time with friends and family that we haven't got to see much if at all, in the past two years. I have been back for a few visits, and my mom and two of my brothers visited once, but my dad and two littlest siblings haven't been back at all since we moved! We have lots planned, and I know it will be a fun, event-filled three months. Spending time with family up in Washington, going to youth group, visiting churches, hanging out with friends, christian concerts, Christmas, New Moon premiere, riding snowmobills, TLC, Thanksgiving, visiting friends in California.....we're gonna have fun. :)
We are going to be staying in our house out in Jefferson while we are in's going to be so weird going back and LIVING there again! My dad is going to love being able to tinker around with all of his stuff out in the
I must admit though, I have mixed feelings about leaving Autlan. I have made some really good friends here over the summer, and three months is a LONG time to be away from them. I am going to miss them a lot....but I am doing my best to trust in God.
I can't believe it's only a week away. And we're going to be there for three months.
See you soon, Jessica

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hanging Out at the Park

Two blocks away from our home here in Autlan is a little park. It's not much, just a basketball court, a dirt volleyball court and some toys for the kids. In the afternoons there's usually just a few little kids playing there if anyone, but around 7 o'clock every night it's the place to be. The volleyball court is full, with people waiting for one team to lose so the next can go in. There's always either a group of people playing futbol or shooting hoops at the basketball court, and of course, there's always kids playing.
When we first moved here to Autlan I never went down to "la cancha" (the park) to play and hang out with the other kids. I was much to intimidated by the teenagers down there, and I didn't know anyone that hung out there either. There was no way I was going to go hang out there and invite myself to play with a bunch of kids I didn't know. Months past and I never went. People from the Church would ask me to play but I never would. Then, my brother Brent started to go down there once in a while. Before I knew it, every night Brent was down at the park playing volleyball. He tried to convince me to come every night, but I wouldn't give in. I would not humiliate myself in front of all of them. Brent was really persistent about it though, and after a while he was pretty much forcing me to go with him. Finally one night I agreed to go, just to get him off my back. I played just one or two short games of volleyball, felt really self conscious and still didn't know any of them. The next day Brent wanted me to go with him again, and so I did. Even though I was horrible at the game, it felt really nice to be around other people. Even if I didn't know or talk to any of them. I started going down there more often, and before I knew it, I started to make friends! One by one I would learn their names by hearing the other kids talk to them, and I even began to talk to a few of them just a little.
As a result of going down there and not knowing anyone at first, I now go down there every night and play basketball and volleyball. I am acquaintances with almost everyone, and some of them have become really good friends of mine. Just today two of them came over and we watched a movie and played futbol.
God has also given me opportunities to share the love of Christ with some of them and I hope that just by me going down there and being nice to the kids down there that they will see Christ in me and I can make a difference in their lives.
I still suck at the games, but I usually just laugh at myself and let the crowd laugh with me when I mess up. Who cares if I'm good at it or not, its the relationships and the time spent together that counts. Its being a light.
I am so thankful that God has blessed me with some really great friends as a result of going down to the park. I wish I would have stepped out of my comfort zone and went down to the park a LONG time before I did, I could have made friends months earlier. :)

Please pray for the youth of Colinas Del Sur (the area where I live in Autlan). So many of them are without hope and don't have a purpose driven life. My heart goes out to my friends here that don't know Christ as their Savior. I am asking God to use me to guide them to His feet and show them His unfailing love. I am trusting in Him and trying to find peace in knowing that His plan will come out of it all, and He can change their hearts. I will be here ready to do all that I can to help them. I can't change them or make them want to come to know Christ as their Savior, but God can. I'm praying hard that He will unravel a beautiful story in many of their lives, and they will come to know Him, and that He will use me in the process.

Enjoying my time in Autlan with the awesome friends God has blessed me with, Jessica

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Lets just say last week I pretty much did one of the coolest things I've ever done in my life. Here's the story of how it all happened...
About a month and a half ago I was talking to the mom of one of my best friends, Jack. Jarren, Coco and Jack had just got back from their visit here to Aultan a few weeks before. We were all still really sad that we weren't together, and Mrs. Cornish could tell. Her and I were chatting online one night and that subject was brought up. All of a sudden Mrs. C got really excited and was like "what if you came to Salem and surprised them?! We could keep it a big secret and then you could just show up one day!" At first I was like "haha, yeah, sure" thinking, 'yeah, that would be fun but there's no way it would actually happen'. Well, God put everything into place and was like "jess, I'm putting it all here for you, if you want it, take it." I took it in a heart beat. Two days later my plane tickets were bought, and I now knew a huge secret. My trip was four weeks away.....

Mr. and Mrs. Cornish were the only people in the whole country that knew what was going on. We worked really hard at keeping it a secret.
Before I knew it the day was finally here. I got on a plane headed to see my friends that had no clue that they would see me in just a few hours. I felt invisible.
The plane ride seemed to take way longer than usual, even though we arrived at our gate 3 minutes early. Mrs. Cornish was at the airport waiting for me as I walked out of the terminal. I was so excited! I had no idea what to feel or think; It was the craziest thing ever.
The drive from the Portland airport to Salem seemed to take forever, but I was distracted for the most part by planning how we were going to surprise everyone.
When we got into Salem Mrs. Cornish called Jack and found out he was out picking black berries with Jarren, Hannah, and Coco. She told him that she needed the car he had to pick up something and asked him if he could drive home to trade her cars quickly. He said he would be there in about fifteen minutes.
We went back to their house and waited for him to come. I went back into her bedroom and hid in the bathroom. A few minutes later he pulled into the driveway and Mrs. Cornish came running into her room letting Emily (Jack's sister) and I know that he was here. When he got in the house she told him that there was something wrong with the TV in her bedroom and asked if he could try to fix it before he left. He walked back into the bedroom and I could see him through the open crack of the bathroom. When he was leaning over the back of the TV I walked out of the bathroom and said "hey you!" He jumped two feet into the air and spun around quicker than I could see. He just looked at me for a second, pure shock all over his face. After a second he started yelling "what?! SERIOUSLY? but.....WHAT? HOW? are you serious?!" It took him a while for him to take it all in, but when he finally realized that I was really there, and that I came all this way to surprise him, he was super excited. For the next hour Jack couldn't calm down! He was so excited and hyper! It was awesome. After we left Jack's house we went to Corban where Jarren, CoCo and Hannah were waiting for Jack. They were waiting on a bench and I just rode up casually in the passenger seat of Jack's suburban. They all attacked me. Jarren was really mad that he wasn't 'in' on the secret, but I thought that it was super awesome that I actually got to keep something totally awesome from him and then surprise him with it! For the rest of the night I went to my close friends houses one by one and surprised them. It was so much fun!
The next ten days were then followed by more surprises, going to Silver falls, eating sausages, swimming, hanging out at the park, white water rafting, etc. etc. It was such a fun trip!
None of this would have been possible with out Mr. and Mrs. Cornish- THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!! Thank you for opening up your home to me and for everything you have done for me! You guys are amazing.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jessica's Song

Last time I was in Salem two of my friends, Joel and Richard, wrote me this amazing song and played it for me in front of the youth group right before I left. It meant sooooo much to me, and I thought I would share it with you guys.

Jessica's Song:
This is the part that no one likes,
The time to say goodbye,
But God has moved you,
To reveal what He has in life,
We remember the memories,
That we all shared.
So don't worry about us,
For they will always be there.
Remember this is your family,
We will miss you so.
We will always love you,
If you're here of if you go.
And our God has blessed you so,
And more is to come this I know.
He cares for you,
We care for you,
And through God's grace,
We are joined as one too.
So get your shield,
And grab your sword.
And get ready for life to come,
That brings so much more.
And everyday He thinks of you,
And everyday we will too.
For God has made you special,
He will never let you go.
He will hold you n his arms so gently,
Just like we would, forevermore.

Thank you to all my friends in Salem for constantly reminding me how much I am loved. I am so blessed to have you all in my life. And special thanks to Joel and Richard for writing me this incredible song. :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Autlan- California Style Part 2

Wow, talk about an incredible week!! It was SO awesome having this group from Thousand Oaks California here! Everyone on the trip was amazing. I got to know everyone on the trip throughout the week, they are all such cool people. I especially became pretty tight with almost all of the teens. By the end of the week it felt like we had all been close friends forever. I am amazed at how much people can get to know each other, and how much fun they can have together after only knowing each other for a week. I love all you guys!!

Some of the highlights of our week were: SERVING GOD! cleaning up the park, playing cards, VBS, hanging out at La Roca, painting, Ga-Ga, volleyball, playing "the loner game", car rides, going to the indian migrant camp, youth group, going shopping downtown, and of course, laughing for hours and hours and having a good time with each other. :)
This group inspired me in so many ways. They all work together using the gifts that God has given them, and they serve Him with their whole hearts! Even if they weren't able to communicate with the people, or help as much as they wanted to, they still made a HUGE difference here. You guys were so awesome!!
You guys also made a huge difference in my life this week, and I would like to thank you for that. Seeing your guys' love for God, and passion to serve Him with your lives inspired me so much. Your attitudes were awesome, and Christ is evidently living in you all. Plus, you were SOOOO much fun to hang out with, and I appreciate that you guys really made me (and my family) a part of your team. Like I said, by the end of the week, it seemed like I had known you all forever, and like you were all close friends. Thank you so much for that!!

As the vans pulled out of the driveway after we said our sad goodbyes, everyone in the car rolled down their window as they passed by and yelled "WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!". And I want you to know, WE LOVE YOU GUYS TOO!!!! Thank you all for coming on this trip! You guys were incredible. See you all next summer! I can't wait!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Autlan- California Style

Today was day three for the group from southern California that is here in Autlan this week. This church, Bethany Church on the Hill, has been sending groups down here each summer for many, many years. This summer, however, was the first time we have met them since we just moved to Autlan this past August. There is twenty-one people in their group, so the center is full of people, full of fun, and full of hearts that want to serve God! It's so awesome! I have only known these people for three short days, but I already love them all, and am friends with each one of them. :) They all have an incredible passion to serve their Savior, great hearts, amazing personalities, and are such a blessing to have here.
This week we are doing a VBS at La Roca in the mornings. Today was our second day, and we had about double the amount of kids than we did yesterday! It is so cute to see all of the little kids do their craft, sing the songs, listen to the Bible story, play games and eat their snack. It's also really cool and inspiring for me to see all of the teens that are helping that don't speak much Spanish, but they are still excited to be there, willing to serve, and having fun with the kids. That right there is making a difference in their lives.
In the afternoons the group has been doing work projects, and every night they are doing a different activity. Last night everyone went down to the park and played volleyball...Mckensey and I had so much fun! Lol, I think everyone else did was awesome! Tonight we went to La Roca and enjoyed hanging out, playing card games, drinkin' some delicious coffee (and smoothies), and making crazy videos. :)
I am very excited to spend the rest of the week with these outstanding people, and getting to know them more.

Mckensey: we're awesome because we laugh about stuff that nobody else finds funny, we notice things nobody else does, and we are awesome at arts and crafts....."Can we pretend I made that for a minute?" You're so much fun! :)

Glenn: You crack me up. It makes me really happy that you and I both get excited about little things that have no actual purpose in our lives. :) We're awesome.

Harrison: Even though we are ga-ga enemies, I still think you're cool.

Kristen: You're the most amazing cook ever, and you make everything fun. You Rock!

To all you ladies who have already planned out college for me: Thanks!!! Lol, I might actually consider it!! We'll see what God has planned...


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jack, Jare, and CoCo

On June 18th three of my favorite people in the ENTIRE world came to visit me for two weeks! We got stuck in traffic on the way to the airport, and their flight had got in a few min. early... I walked through the airport doors, and I immediately set eyes on them. Jack and Jarren standing up, and coco rested up against a pole. I made my way through the people that were between them and I as fast as I could, with a big smile on my face. As soon as there was nobody else standing within the distance between them and me, I ran up to them. I was sooo happy that they were FINALLY here! We had some tacos at our favorite taco stand in Guadalajara, and then headed back to Autlan.
We had such an awesome two weeks together! We hung out here at the center quite a bit, but it was really fun. We had a blast just spending time together. We loved to go to La Roca, hang out with the Ohio group that was here, play rook, watch movies, make cakes, stay up super late, etc. etc. We also went to the beach two different days, which was really fun. Swimming in the ocean, diving through the waves, playing water polo, hanging out in the pool, delicious drinks, chicken fights....we had a blast.
Before I knew it though, the two weeks were over, and it was time for them to leave. Saying goodbye is SO hard! I know I will see them again soon though, and I am so thankful that they got to come this summer. I love you guys!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Psalm 116

I read this Psalm today, and I really liked it. It made me think about so many different things. It challenged, comforted, and inspired me. It put me in awe of God, and how amazing he is. How much He saved and continues to save me from, how much he comforts me, how much he has given to me, and how much he really cares about me. He WILL be there if I call out and trust in him.

"I love the Lord for her heard my voice;
he heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned his ear to me,
I will call on him as long as I live.
The cords of death entangled me,
the anguish of the grave came upon me;
I was overcome by trouble and sorrow.
Then I called on the name of the Lord:
"O Lord, save me!"
The lord is gracious and righteous;
Our God is full of compassion.
The Lord protects the
when I was in great need,
he saved me.
Be at rest once more, O my soul,
for the Lord has been good to you.
For you, O Lord, have delivered my soul from death,
my eyes from tears,
my feet from stumbling,
that I may walk before the Lord in the land of the living.
I believed; therefore I said " I am greatly afflicted."
And in my dismay I said, " all men are liars."
How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me?
I will lift up the cup of salvation
and call on the name of the Lord.
I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people.
Precious in the sight of the Lord
is the death of his saints.
O Lord, truly I am your servant; I am your servant, the son
of your maidservant; you have freed me from my chains.
I will sacrifice a thank offering to you
and call on the name of the Lord.
I will fulfill my vows to the Lord
in the presence of all his people, in the courts of the house of the Lord-
in your midst, O Jerusalem.
Praise the Lord. "

Monday, May 25, 2009

Summer Schedule

Hey guys! I have a very event-filled summer, and I am sure you do too. And believe it or not, its RIGHT around the corner. I can feel that its coming, and that it's coming SOON! :)
Here's a taste of what I will be up to this summer:

on call at La Roca (all month)
18: Cousin and two best friends coming! WOO-HOO!!
20-29: Group from Ohio
29: Texas group?

2: friends and cousin leave
8: Auntie Dawn and cousins, Landon and Junior come! Yippee!!
18-25: Group from California

1-10: Group from Salem
20: Auntie and cousins leave

September: School Begins

October: Furlough begins!

We are also hoping to start a new youth group here at the center this summer. I think that this ministry could be a very effective thing in the lives of the youth here in Autlan. They need the love of Christ in their lives so bad.

Now you have a bit of an idea as to what I will be up to this summer. I am very excited for all that is coming up, and I can't wait to see what God has planned!
God Bless, Jessica

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I Want to Set the World on Fire

One of my favorite songs right now is "Set the World on Fire" by Britt Nicole. You can listen to it on her website: She has a beautiful voice, and I love the feeling I get when I listen to this song. It portrays so well how I want to live, and what I who I want to be. When I listen to this song I think "this is who I want to be. This is what I want to do. I want to make a difference in the world by living for Christ. I want to make the world shine bright with God's love." But I need to be passionate about it, and be willing to do whatever it is God wants me to do to make that happen.

This song talks about how we can give hope to the poor, and tell the sick that there is healing, through our Savior, Jesus Christ. It talks about "setting the world on fire" and "making it burn bright" for Christ. Isn't that what being a missionary is all about? You don't have to move to a foreign country to make a difference in the world. Every Christian is constantly surrounded by people that God can use you to influence, encourage, and share the love of Christ with.

Thank you God, for giving me the opportunity to set the world on fire for you. I pray that one day, the world will shine bright with your love. Thank you for giving us as Christians, that passion to live our lives for you, and share your love with the other people in this world. And ultimately, thank you for showing us what love truly is, by sending your Son to die for our sins. I love you. Amen.
Wanting to set the world on fire, Jess

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I was thinking today, as I spent the day with my mom, about how we have one day out of the year that we set aside to celebrate our mother's, and all that they do for us. Why does it only have to be one day?
I am the oldest of five children, and still living at home, and my mom is ALWAYS doing something. She is always cleaning up someone's mess that isn't her own, doing school with my brothers and sisters, cooking, doing laundry etc. etc. Never taking the time to do anything for herself. And yet we take all that our mom's do for us for granted in so many different ways. Why can't every day be "mother's day" in the way that we are thankful for what our mom's do for us, and tell them that! Just a hug or a simple "I love you" or "thanks mom" could mean a lot. Instead of just being thankful for our mom's, lets let them know that we are thankful for them.
I have an awesome mom, and I am so thankful that God has blessed me with her. I love you mommy! Happy Mother's day!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day At The Park! - Last Day In Salem

This was my last day in Salem, but it was one of my very favorites! It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and a whole bunch of us got together and hung out at Riverfront Park for the afternoon. We played ultimate frisbee, sat in the grass and talked, took pictures, went on the best walk ever, and just enjoyed the beautiful day and friends that God gave us. It was amazing. I love you guys!!

After the park, we went to Jack's house and hung out for the evening. It was so much fun! Later, however, I had to say goodbye to all of my friends. =(
I had a great trip, thank you all for making it so special. Every day contains memories, pictures and fun times that I will remember forever.

I cannot take credit for these amazing pictures, they go to my friend Dean...thanks for being our photographer! You rock!! =)

More Pictures From Salem =)

Pastor Joe and I...the best youth pastor ever!

Me and my buddy Dean

I love these girls!!

This was such an awesome afternoon! We explored Minto Brown
Park and we came across an old, sinking fishing dock. We all
decided to get on was so much fun!!

ooohhh yeah, we're cool. =)

Ice Skating!!

Hehe, this day was awesome too!


We went to the beach and did fun stuff all day. Then at night we made
a camp fire, roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, and went
star tripping...oh yeah, then got lost in day ever.

Amigas forever!

Pictures From Salem- Prom!!

A group of friends and I went to Sprague Highschool's Prom! It was so much fun!! We went to the Capital and took pictures, after that we went to Alessandro's for a nice dinner, went to the dance, and then went bowling! It was such a fun night!!! I love you guys! I will remember this night forever. :)

The Guys...well 5 out of the 7....

The Girls

Kelsea and I

Cokes and I

The Whole Group :)


Pictures From Salem

Just some fun pics from my trip. :)

Friends <3

The Cinco Amgias!

Tucker!! I love you guys. :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Back In Mexico

It's been just over a week since I got back to Mexico. The adjustment has been difficult, but I know this is where God wants me. I am looking to Him for comfort and peace.
Being back with my family has been great. Even though being in a big family can be difficult at times, I still love them to death, and am happy to be home with them again.
Throughout the month in Oregon, I eventually adapted to the cold weather for the most part. I think I just got used to being cold. I almost always had a sweatshirt on, and when I was at the Baker's, I always wanted to be wrapped up in a blanket. I also got a warm Dutch Bros. mocha almost every day. :) Mexico right now however, is completely the opposite. It reaches about 100 degrees almost every day. Goodbye Spring, hello Summer!
I will post some pics from my trip soon. Jess

Friday, April 17, 2009

Last Days in Salem

As my trip comes to an end, I have mixed feelings. I am sad to leave Salem. I have so many friends and good memories here. I love spending time with my friends and family here and I am going to miss everyone terribly when I return to Mexico. At the same time though, I am excited to go back to Mexico. I am excited to see my family, sleep with my own pillow, play with my dog, and continue to serve the Lord in Autlan.

I have done SOO much in the past month, it's insane. I've had so many good memories and fun times with my friends. I have loved going to Bethany on Sunday mornings, and Crosswalk on Tuesday nights. I have realized a lot about my life on this trip. Things that I need to change and do better on, and I have also been reminded at how blessed I am. God is so good. He gives me so many incredible things.

I am going to return to Mexico with sooo many good memories from this past month. I could go on for hours naming them one after another. :) Many good pictures, and fun times. This trip has been a blast. I will remember and cherish all the memories forever.

Thank you all for being such blessings in my life. Jess

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Dog Park

I love hanging out with my cousins. We always have fun together, no matter where we are. Nothing is ever boring if we are together. It has been awesome getting to spend some good, quality time with them since I got here; it had been a long time.
This afternoon we took the Baker's dog, Dixon, to the "dog park". It was a perfect warm, sunny afternoon. The sun was shining, the slight breeze was just perfect, and we were all together. Can you get any better than that? When we first got there, we decided to jump from rock to rock and see if we could make it across all the rocks without falling. I felt like a little kid again! But heck, it was fun! After that we played frisbee with the dog, and chased many other dogs, trying to get our frisbee back when they stole it from Dixon. Dean (one of the exchange students that is living wiht the Bakers) took some awesome pictures as well. We left just as the sun was setting and had a fun car ride back talking about fun memories we had in the Baker's "old house" growing up.
I love my cousins, I don't know what I would do without them. You guys are the best!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Adventures of Week Two

This was my second week and Salem, and another great week, just like the first one. :) My mom and brothers left on Friday morning to return to Mexico, and my mom called me last night and told me that they had all arrived safely. I know they really enjoyed seeing everyone while they were here.
Some of my highlights from this past week were seeing my grandparents from Washington, gong to crosswalk, exploring Minto Brown Park, paintballing (there was eleven boys and me that was sooo much fun!!), movie night at Jack's house, Olive Garden with Catherine and Jarren (lol, we have way to much fun when the three of us are together....especially when the phone rings), spending the night at Hannah's, having the "Hannah/Jess day", watching The Office (yes, I'm addicted now), shooting glow sticks 100 yards into the air and catching them at midnight with Cameron and Jarren, and church. :) It was an awesome week with many new memories, inside jokes and pictures that I will remember forever.
I have all these memories, and have had all these awesome times with my friends and family already, and my trip is only half over! I love it.
Enjoying Salem, Jess

Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break!

This week has been a crazy week, but it has been completely amazing. I have got to see and hang out with many of my friends that I hadn't seen in a long time, which is great. Hanging out with them and catching up on life is so much fun.
It has been pretty cold and rainy the past week, but we haven't let that get in our way too much. I will admit though, I am a bit of a pansy when it comes to the cold weather. I have adapted to the Mexico climate quite a bit in the last year and a half. :)
Going to Bethany (our home church here in Salem) on Sunday was so awesome. The feeling of being back there was indescribable. I love that church. We had such a warm welcome home too, it was nice. The worship time, and the message, the atmosphere, Sunday school....everything was just incredible.
It seems like almost every night a group of people are going to someones house for a movie night. Usually we hang out and play games, eat food, etc. and then watch a movie. lol. Then following the movie is usually the same thing, with all of the guys tackling each other added in there. :)
We've done random, fun stuff all week. I love it. It doesn't really matter to me what it is that we do, it matters more that I am getting to spend time hanging out with my friends.
Another update and some pics will be coming soon. Jess

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Heading Out

The group from Texas just left. I am sad that they all had to leave. It was an AWESOME week. It was a blast to hang out and get to know the teenagers, especially. I had sooo much fun with them... and now I keep wanting to say "ya'll". :) We slept on the roof one night, and the other nights we stayed up into the early hours of the morning looking at the stars, talking and just hanging out. We also had a great time handing out gospels of John, praying for people, hanging out at La Roca, hiking up the mountain, playing with the kids at the Indian camp....I could go on and on. :) I could see God using them in many ways every day they were here. Their attitudes and passion to serve were so inspiring. I am looking forward to keeping in touch with them, and I am already excited for when they come next year. :)

In thirteen hours I will be leaving home and heading to Guadalajara! Woo-hoo! I am very sad to be leaving Morgan, Christian, my Dad, and Mackenzie for a whole month...But on the other hand, I am so unbelievably excited to see my friends in Salem. It still hasn't hit me that tomorrow night I will be in Salem with my friends and family. Crazy. I've barely started packing though, so I should probably get a move on that.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

First Group of the Year

This evening the first group of the year arrived at the RTC (regional training center). They are from Texas and will be working with one of our sister Churches here in Autlan. There is five adults and four teenagers on the trip. We are excited to get to know them throughout the week. They have been coming to Autlan for several years now, but this is our first time meeting them since we have only been running the RTC since August. Please pray for this group as they reach into the hearts of the people here in Autlan this week. They are all incredibly nice people, and I know God can use them in many ways during their time here.

This summer is going to be one of many joys and new experiences for me. I will be meeting people from all over the United States as they come here to stay at the RTC and work in Autlan this summer. I am excited to see all the things that God does both in the peoples lives that come on the trip, and in the lives of the people that the groups reach out to in their time here. I am excited to meet and develop friendships with the people that come here and have a passion for sharing the love of Christ with the people in Mexico like I do.

Please pray for our upcoming busy, eventful, God-serving filled summer ahead of us. I know that God will do great things through the people that come here with their hearts open and ready to serve their Savior. I can't wait to see what He has in store for us this year, and the years to come as we continue to tell the world about His love.

God Bless, Jessica

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Salem Trip!!

In nine days, on March 20th, my mom, Brent, Dane and I are taking a trip to Salem!! We are all super excited. My mom and brothers will be in Salem for two weeks (until April 3rd), and I will stay in Salem a little while longer, and return home on April 20th. We are all going to be sad to leave my Dad, Morgan, Christian, and Mackenzie, but we are looking forward to seeing our friends and family in Oregon. I will post updates and pictures from our trip throughout the month. See you soon!!

La Roca

This last Saturday my mom and I had our first shift solo at La Roca. Lulis, Ady, and Elizabeth do a Bible study at La Roca on Saturday afternoons, so they need someone to cover the kitchen so they aren't interrupted throughout their study time. Andy was doing this shift since August, but our Sunday night shift was conflicting with youth group, so we traded with him.
On Saturday afternoons it usually isn't that busy, just a few tables come in during the two hours we have our shift. It was fun making the drinks and stuff, and it's good practice for me too, because normally I help with odd jobs and wait on tables. I've had some experience making drinks, but Ady is always there to help me with any questions I have. I had to look at the recipe book a few times, but it was fun. :)

Saturday was also Lulis's last day working at La Roca. She is four months pregnant, and decided to be done working for now. We had become good friends, and she is so sweet. I am sad that she isn't working at La Roca anymore. I will still see her every Saturday when she comes for the Bible study, so that will be nice. She says that she will come and visit us at La Roca often. Her sister, Ady still works there, and her sister-in-law took her place working at La Roca, so we will still get to see her a lot. Lulis is not a Christian, but has been around Christians every day the past year or so that she has worked at La Roca. She is coming to a Bible study, like I mentioned above, but she has not yet made the choice to surrender her life to Christ. Please pray for her, that should would accept Christ as her Savior.

In Photo: Lulis (left) Me (center) and Ady (right)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Parade Time

Every February Autlan has a ten day event called Carnaval. All the streets downtown are closed during these ten days and are filled with puestos (stands) selling everything from tacos to sombreros. There are all kinds of events and traditions that go on during these ten days. To begin Carnaval each year they have a big parade all through downtown. This year, my dance team followed a float doing one of our dance routines in the parade. We danced for over two hours! It was so much fun! I couldn't believe how many people were was crazy. Here are a few videos my dad took. I am the one in the very front in the center. :)

Our Float:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Opportunities to Serve

Last weekend my family and I took a trip to Guadalajara to get our passports renewed, as well as do a few other things.
We were in Walmart one afternoon, and Morgan and Dane had to use the Restroom. I walked to the front of the store with them and waited right outside the entry way to the bathroom. As I was waiting there, two older men, probably about eighty years old, walked out of the bathroom, meeting who I am assuming was one of their wives, a few feet away from where I was standing. The lady was about the same age as the two men, and she was in a wheelchair. She as well, needed to use the restroom, so one of the men pushed her chair over by the entry way of the women's bathroom. There was a long hallway to the bathroom, and the old man went as far as he could, trying to push her chair for her with out entering, to get her to where she could walk the rest of the way to the stall. His feet got to the end of the line, and they weren't even half way down the hall. They were talking among themselves and the man said that she could walk a little bit, but it was still too far. I knew from the beginning as I watched the poor old man with his feet at the very edge of the line crossing into the women's bathroom, just trying to help his wife, that I should offer my help. But for some reason I held back. I'm not sure why, but I did. Once they realized that she couldn't make it down the hall, they decided to leave. As soon as they passed by me, a huge wave of guilt came crashing down over me.
I am constantly asking God to give me ways to serve, to be a light in the world and make a difference for Him. Then when he gave me the opportunity, and I could feel the Holy Spirit telling me that it was my time to make a difference, I hesitated. No, helping a 80 year old lady into the bathroom probably won't make her become a Christian, but even little things make a difference in peoples lives, sometimes even more than the big things.
The rest of the day that old lady was on my mind. It really made me think about how I should respond to the opportunities God gives me to serve other people, and most of all, to serve Him. I know that I made a mistake by not offering to help her, but I know God forgives me. I hope that I get to see that woman in Heaven some day. God has really taught me a lot from that situation. I am already eagerly waiting for the next opportunity He gives me to serve others, to share His love with the people in this world. I know what I am going to do next time, I'm not going to make the same mistake I did before.
Colossians 4:2-5
Serving my King, Jess

Blog Time

I guess that whole "updating my blog weekly" thing didn't work out so great. haha...oops.
Life here in Autlan has really picked up the past few months. I am now teaching four of my own English classes each week at Jazz Gym, the dance studio I attend. I am teaching some of the girls in my dance class, as well as my dance teacher and two of her daughters. I am praying that I can teach them more than just English, but also about the love of Christ. I'm still teaching level one at La Roca with my dad, as well.
I have dance class three times a week, and even though I'm still not that good at it yet, I am really enjoying it. I have become good friends with a lot of the girls in my class, and we have lots of fun together.
I help out at La Roca on Wednesdays and Saturdays in the kitchen, waiting on tables, helping make the coffee's etc. I really enjoy hanging out there. It's a great place to hang out and have fun, as well as get to know the community. I'm always meeting new people when I go in there, and constantly seeing familiar faces as well.
Please continue to pray for our ministry here in Autlan. For our unsaved friends that we are trying to share the love of Christ with, and the youth group at our church.
Seriously, life goes by so fast here. My life is pretty busy, between school, dance, La Roca, and everything else, I keep myself occupied. lol. I can't believe we moved here six months ago. I love Mexico. :)
Dios les bendiga, Jess